analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 01.20.99
it was incredibly hard 2 pick only 12 pictures 2 go in here after last night's 1am-5am picture taking extravaganza that only a few people were awake 2 watch as I was happening live. I'll put these pictures, and all the rest of them in arcana soon, I'm very proud of them :) I never know when I'm going 2 get a creative spurt, but when it happens…one thing leads 2 another and like a domino effect I just keep going. I wish I could have gone on longer but I got 2 tired. now I'm very tired again. 1:30am. I speny almost all my day sorting through the hundreds of pictures. and talking to my friend's from high school that I haven't talked 2 in YEARS..and there was a lot 2 catch up on! it made me so happy that they were so happy 2 hear from me!so, I had a very nice relaxing day, staying on the bed in the bedroom , eating popcorn, talking on the phone, cranking up the space heater. I can barely keep my eyes open 2 type this..i wish I wasn't tired 'cause I FEEL like creating more or typing more or cleaning or doing something. I feel a surge of motivation. but my tiredness is going 2 win out. I've had the anamaniacs theme song in my head all day. maddening. I'm eating lots of blue corn chips with sesame seeds in them. YUMMY! I started 2 write in my diary finally again today. I want to start doing that every day, even though I already write so much on the bbs, and here and mailings lists. and I have 2 start teaching myself 2 type with that cd rom. and damn I didn't exercise today and I really wanted to! yesterday I excercised for a whole hour and I felt so proud of myself :) especially the stretching parts make me feel so good. I am so NOT limber, I can't even touch my toes. argh. I don't want 2 b tired! I feel motivated 2 do things! argh. but I better go 2 sleep if that's what my body wants 'cause I don't want 2 get sick like jason is right now. he has a cold or something. poor jason :(
ok, wait, I think I'll add even more pix..'cause there are just some normalish ones that won't make it into arcana that I want 2 show u. I was going 2 bed, but now I'm back at the computer. I'll add a second page 2 this there won't be 24 pix on one page.
also, I want 2 say that I'm going 2 keep drawing for the anagrams, but they will be sometimes doodles like the cat one yesterday. that was my original plan. to keep them simple..but then I started getting to elaborate and they starting taking up too much time 2 do them every day. I still don't know if I'll get a dnodle in today, as I'm beat. and that's not 2 say that I won't be drawing elaborate things, just not all the time. I think my pickiness over wanting to draw something super cool each times was stopping me from drawing there for awhile. so as long as I don't take it too seriously, I'll be ok.
ok, now I'm going 2 go pick 12 more pictures for the 2nd page of this anagram…