analog 012002

udderly smooth [19 Jan 2002|05:54pm]
i'm cooking fresh salmon :) i kinda wrecked the atkins today when i drank two sugar sodas. mmm. but i'm back on it now. went food shopping and also craft shopping, i needed more things to make my books and wallhangings. i took my mobilecam with me everywhere but little made it through because i couldn't get connected inside the shops. very disappointing. oh well!
in the fabric store, strangely enough and only in minnesota, i came across some lotion that is made for cow udders. i thought it was a joke and it was just some bizarre marketing thing...but then it said " do not use on parts affected by cow pox" i'm like "whaaa?"
i asked the woman at the counter who was ringing up my assorted googly eyes and pom poms and sparkly pipe cleaners what was the deal with this lotion, and she said "nurses use it" that sealed my decision to get some.
nurses use it? what the? for sale in a in a fabric store? huh? anyway..i used some on my hands and it IS really nice. it's called "udderly smooth"

i think my salmon might be done now...

[19 Jan 2002|09:56pm]
i've been watching a documentray about mark twain

3 vogs from thee voog [20 Jan 2002|02:05am]
sebastian and i love to sing together :)

i love my little crazy nuts :)

demon possession?

(mac users may not be able to see these unless you down load the Indeo Video 5-extension )

in other news i had to uninstall icq again because it was giving me error messages and wigging out on me :(