Analog 011902

[17 Jan 2002|12:09am]
started the atkins again today. gonna do it for two weeks to lose the extra last pounds that are the hardest to get rid of. target weight= 100

ooo, star trek is on :)

i bought some glittered glow in the dark stars that stick to walls. i'm going to put them by my bed tonight :)

can anyone recommend to me a programme to make mp3s out of cds...that is compatible with standards needs?

koolkam [17 Jan 2002|12:55pm]
i finally am playing around with the koolkam and i love the features.
but one thing i am mystified with is...can i ftp to two different ips at once using the same camera and the same capture card as i do with chillcam? 'cause that is imperative for me to be able to send an image to mty free cam every 10 minutes and send another to ana2 every 30 seconds...
i can't see any mention of this on the koolkam site and i can't figure it out by myself either...
does anyone know?
anything you could tell me i would greatly appreciate! :)

here's a very interesting article jaosn sent me:,1284,49016,00.html

[17 Jan 2002|02:14pm]
talking 2 the guy who made the koolkam and he says that i can ftp to two places at once...but i haven't figured that out yet still.....and i have to get to the abnk and stuff so i'm going to have to shut it down until i have time to fiddle with it when i get back

[17 Jan 2002|03:33pm]
ok, you cannot ftp to two different places using koolkam, which is SUCH a bummer.
so...i will be using it only in ana2. i have to get it set up on a different computer with a different cam.
it does some really cool things..the guy that made it showed me :) very cool streaming effects :)

oprah time!

thing i hate ...part 2 [17 Jan 2002|07:09pm]
1. when people call me "hon"
2. craig kilborn
3. the new lemon coke
4. the newest version of icq
5. talk show "psychologists" ( they should all be shot) )
6. when sebastian eats poop.
7. too many versions of too many things
8. glade
9. when things i like get discontinued
10. advice that was unsolicited.

i accidentally posted this post back in 1998 ( i have a time machine )
i would delete it...but many people have already replied to it...i don't know how 'cause i can't even see it in my LJ at all. if u look in calendar vierw..this post is now in 1998 and now also here.

[17 Jan 2002|07:35pm]
i am in one hell of a crabby mood. i think i need some food, for one thing.
everything just seems LABOROUS (sp? ) so much effort to get from point a to point b.
little gliches and things like bees stinging me trying to just make my mouse work. rebooting...gliches...conflicts...people making things more difficult than they need to be.
nothing soothing. no one knowing how to soothe. tripping on wires. bees in my bonnet.
shit falling down just to answer the phone. nothing to the point. nothing succinct. and I HATE BEING TEASED. ok, THAT should be my #1 most hated thing. i am just NOT the person to tease. i do not find it funny at all. i find it only aggravating. what is the POINT of teasing??? isn't it just some sort of passive aggressive attempt at humour? something people do because they're scared to really CONNECT? could people just CONNECT and say what they mean and get to the point and also don't ASSUME stuff?

example. i was talking to a friend today who knows i hate being teased. calls me on the phone then laughs loudly, "i just wanted to make you run and trip over all your wires in trying to get to the phone". funny. so i'm like "hi, what did you call for? what do you have to say?" and thsi person says, " what are you doing" and i say " i'm just doing stuff, what did you want?" and thsi person is like " i'm just calling to say hi", so i say "hi! how was your day?" etc etc. and then this person says, " well, i guess i'll see you or talk to your tomorrow" ( we usually see each other on a regular basis )and i'm like "why are you saying that?" and this person is like "well, you're busy doing stuff"
i said, " did i say it was going to take me all night? did i even tell you what i'm doing? why are you assuming?" arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.
that conversation was extremely simplified there. it wasn't EXACTLY like that. but what i'm trying to say is that this person just assumed that i would not want to see or talk to this person for an entire day just because i said in an aggravated tone of voice that i was "doing stuff" . we have had this conversation over and over and over and this person should KNOW by now what it means when i say "doing stuff" i have made it beyond crystal clear to the point that i've practically carved it across my forehead. and i have told this person what to do when i am feeling aggravated and blah blah blah and how VERY SIMPLE it is to stop that sort of behaviour in me by doing a simple soothing thing that i also should have tattooed across my eyes by now. but no. no soothing for me. just " well, i guess i'll talk to you tomorrow"
and it's NOT that this person thinks that *I* want to just talk's that this person is the one who doesn't want to talk until tomorrow because i'm crabby. well FINE. then just SAY WHAT YOU MEAN! ya, i know i'm not fun to hang out with when i'm crabby. but saying "fine , i'll talk to you tomorrow" just aggravates me FURTHER!!! and thsi person KNOWS THIS! i ahve told this person that in NO uncertain terms!

am i just not worth the effort to understand??????????
because THAT is how i feel. i feel like i am just NOT WORTH THE EFFORT. it makes me feel like SHIT. it makes me feel like i am NOTHING to this person.
i know that i am NOT nothing...but could i just hear" you are worth understanding and soothing" in a language that i have deemed not only understandable by me but actually NECESSARY to my SOUL???? to not feel like a tiny piece of SHIT in this person's life?????

can we CONNECT sometime?????????????? HUH???? CAN WE?????

oh ya, i know you think we did. well, OBVIOUSLY we DIDN'T if you are still treating me thsi way! sure these are all small things but they ADD UP. remember how i told you that TOO???

you can remember EVERY fucking thing about who was the 123rd person in baseball to ever use THAT kind of a pitch. you can recall things that are so abstract and so detailed about EVERYTHING. but you cannot remember practically ONE single thing about what do do about me or with me when i'm feeling happy or when i'm feeling sad.

sure, it gets better and better all the time. but you could drink in an entire dictionary and spit it out the next day if your life depended on it. but anything to do with me...well, i guess that can wait. i guess that knowledge can wait because there are just so many other things you NEED to learn about and i am just NOT up there in any sort of priority it SEEMS TO ME.

once we went somewhere and this person didn't want to go inside while i got something for this person, then all of a sudden got out of the car too in an angry way and i said "why are you coming in?" and this person says, " you are going to take forever in there and you'll look at everything and i don't want to be in this car in the cold"
i assured this person i would be right out,but no.... that was not good enough.
i swear the REAL reason this person wanted to come in was because they wanted to look at stuff AND they didn't want to be in a cold car. but no...blame it on me and assume the worst of me.
well, i DID just zip in and zip out and then this person would not even apologize for insulting me...i had to ask this person to apologize and when they did they just muttered it.
and if you cared about me and saw that i was not having a good day, the thing to do would be to HUG me A LOT, as i have told this person that that is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS the solution.
this is all a long story and goes way deeper than this.
i am just sick of people assuming the worst of and i'm sick of being teased.
i don't even know if i should hit the post button on this because there is no context here for any of you to take this. all you can do is assume even more.
but i'm just gonna post because *I* know what it's about and it's my journal.

[17 Jan 2002|08:50pm]
ok, i'm better now. i had a good talk with my friend.

Actor's Plaque Mistakenly Honors King's Assassin [17 Jan 2002|09:17pm]
LAUDERHILL, Fla. (Reuters) -taken from yahoo news:

A plaque intended to honor black actor James Earl Jones at a Florida celebration of the life of Martin Luther King instead paid tribute to James Earl Ray, the man who killed the black civil rights leader, officials said on Wednesday.

The embarrassing mix-up was caused by an error by the plaque's designer, the owner of the company that ordered the plaque said. It was being corrected in time for Jones' visit to the Fort Lauderdale suburb on Saturday.

Over a background featuring stamps of famous black Americans, including King, the erroneous plaque read, ``Thank you James Earl Ray for keeping the dream alive.''

He was the man who shot and killed King in a Memphis hotel in 1968. King is honored across the nation on Jan. 21, Martin Luther King Day.

``We were very upset,'' said Gerald Wilcox, owner of Lauderhill-based Adpro, which ordered the plaque for the city. ''We wanted to find out how a mistake of this magnitude could occur and to try to determine if it was deliberate or not.''

Wilcox said his company made it clear to the plaque's manufacturer, Texas-based Merit Industries, that the message was for James Earl Jones, the Tony Award-winning actor who voiced the roles of Darth Vader in ``Star Wars'' and Mufasa in ''The Lion King.''

Merit Industries said the mix-up was caused by a typographical error.

``We in no way meant any disrespect. It was an honest error,'' said Herbert Miller, the owner of Merit Industries.

(i got this from fetik3's journal)

[18 Jan 2002|01:10am]
i'm so discouraged trying to get software i need onto my laptop with a cdpd modem...then things are too big to stick on a floppy...then the things that can stick i on a doesn't work..i don't know tried to reformat my floppy when i try to get stuff off it. i can't get winzip on there just to open this koolkam thing that is zipped that took my HOURS to download..and it doesn't even look right so it's probably corrupted. i have a zip drive thing somewhere but i don't know where all the parts are for it and the drivers and the right cords to plug it in to whatever you plug it in to. augh.
fuck. all i've been doing for days is just trying to get shit to work and rebooting several computers over and over and over again because of various mysteriousnes. i don't know. fuck. i'm exhausted from this all. i wish i had a techperson i could hire who would come over here and make my life better.
i'm so drained.
don't give me any techadvice tho , because thsi is something that i just need someone in person to show me not type out. so all u wonderful geeks out there with all your knowledge i wish i had in my brain...unless you are here in my just cannot help. trust me.

[18 Jan 2002|02:22am]
i am so glad i have my pupster mashers :)

[18 Jan 2002|03:33am]
ok, i'm just trying too hard. i need to settle down. yep. settling i am.

[18 Jan 2002|12:21pm]
woke up with a headache buty took excedrin now i'm ok. it's 8 degrees outside. i feel better. i was biting off more than i could chew yesterday. i'm not going to do that today. my dad wants me to go to a concert with him tonight, but i'm not really in a mood for a concert, tho, i wish i was. but i really wanna see him. i can't call him 'cause i still don't have long distance, but i'll email him and tell him i want to see him and i hope he will read his email today. HE even emailed me to tell me that adam ant was in a mental parents know i'm pretty into adam :) my mom can even sing the "rancheros" song :)

[18 Jan 2002|12:56pm]
gosh, i've only been up an hour but already i've had to reboot my main computer three times because the mouse stops working. and icq won't work either. bah. i think the universe is trying to tell me to stay AWAY from the computer.
post comment

woa! take the test at! it's freaky! it's so accurate! [18 Jan 2002|01:34pm]
here's what it said about me right now:

"You have a vivid imagination and this is good. Great inventors, explorers all had inventive, imaginative minds. Your friends and acquaintances may consider you over-imaginative and given to fantasy or day-dreaming. So what ?... this is a part of your character and charm.

Being a likeable person .. you get in well with neighbours and friends. You don't need anything to "Rock your boat". You want to "love" and to be loved".

All the problems that you have been experiencing of late seem to have become a part of your life and there is little that can be done to change the situation. Your emotions run high. But even though you feel as if at times you are about to burst... this situation will pass. Try to release your pent-up emotions by participating in some extra physical activities ... like running.. swimming, whatever.There must be some favourite past time, not necessarily strenuous, that can help you to relax.

It is said that we are all influenced by our environment and indeed you are no exception. It would seem at this time that even though you may be surrounded by people, you are experiencing an inner- loneliness. Fortunately you are sufficiently strong minded to realise that life has a great deal to offer you and that you may miss your share of experiences if you fail to make the best use of every opportunity. You therefore pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity and are prepared to commit yourself deeply and readily..You believe that whatever you would like to do or think "you can do" - you do!.. It is because of this attitude that you may be considered by others as arrogant and even conceited... but is fair to say that whatever it is that you really want out of life ... you will put your heart and soul into it and will not take "NO" for an answer.

Being afraid that you may be prevented from achieving your hopes and dreams is making you anxious and nervous.. As a dreamer your ideas can at times move into the realm of fantasy and you could be following that so called illusive dream..."

thanks to debgirl001 for showing me this!

icq [18 Jan 2002|01:45pm]

[18 Jan 2002|02:04pm]
for the first time in my life i WANT to listen to the ramones REALLY loud. and i am. this is unheard of for me. i hate the ramones ( i hate that whole " i'm a boy and i'm stupid" thing. "teenage lobotomy" for one example boys in general make me cringe....i'm talking about squirrelly young boys who stick firecrackers up a cat's butt or...that whole beavis and butthead thing...ok...THAT could be up there in my top ten most hated. this has a lot to do with the fact that i grew up with a brother who just terrorized me ). but...i guess i must not anymore. jason will faint when he reads this.
ok, i am not liking this "rock and roll radio" song....
i do like this type of music when others copy the muffs

[18 Jan 2002|02:29pm]
ok, my ramones phase has ended.

[18 Jan 2002|02:35pm]
the ingredients in cool whip is very creepy.
i'm listening to nick cave now

[18 Jan 2002|02:48pm]
i have a hard time throwing away cardboard. i just love it.
especially when it's really thick and perfect or comes in a weird shape.
i like to sit in cardboard boxes. i love the smell of cardboard.
i think this proves i'm a cat.

[18 Jan 2002|06:31pm]
theres' going to be a thing on 48 hours tonight about the atkins diet in case anyone is interested. NBC.
i'm cleaning my house and that is making me feel MUCH more satisfied and happy with my surroundings than grappling with my computer ( which i have rebooted 11 times today so far )
and i also have some food in my belly so i feel more stable.
i hate when i need food so badly but i just can't get out of the house to get any..and that only makes everything worse. is there anyone out there i could pay to buy me fresh fruits and veggies every week? i never make it to a store that has these things and i don't drive and it's winter and i need these things for my very being. i could pay someone to shop for me once a week? i know that's weird. but i gotta do what i gotta do.

[18 Jan 2002|07:19pm]
besides getting loads of plants ( like an apple orchard ) or opening my windows to the bitter there some sort of oxygen machine people can buy to release oxygen into the air...that an ordinary person could buy? i'm sure a machine like that would be tres expensive, and i could not afford it..but hey. why not ask?
i am having serious oxygen, sunlight, and fresh food deprival and it's turning me into a cranky monster. the sunlight today REALLY helped :) i got sunlight and ding! i cleaned my house :)
i wish a giant spinach salad would appear in front of me now. and a big bowl of assorted fruit. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. and i wish it were summer and the light was still shining and i had my winodws open and..i wish i wish i wish....
but i have to say one good thing about winter is that it truly forces me to be creative and really look inward ( like i need to do more of that )...because i'm just not much of a skier. or an ice fisherman.
i did ice fish before , tho. with my now departed grandpa olson. way out on lake millacs. it's just about thee most depressing thing a person could do and that was the last time i fished. tho, the idea of sticking a string down into a mysterious watery hole and seeing what might happen does seem appealing.
i used to want to move to california SO badly. i don't know what happened. i just got happy here even tho it appears i'm not. i'm actually happy. deep down. there is just all this superficial annoyance around me but at the root of it all i'm doing just fine.
ooo, and once you've had are SO excited about thinsg like 50 degree weather...or grass...dandelions seem like god, just being able to walk quickly without fear of slipping and breaking your neck is a wondrous feeling of being reborn. each year, everyone who lives here gets to be reborn into nature...and that's pretty cool :)
it's like when you're sick and then when you get well, you're so happy that you just feel NORMAL that it's nirvana.
i definitely am being a big whiny sulkfest. but i need some oranges dammit. and a spinach salad. now.