analog 011800
( excerpt from anagram on containing
with it 26 pictures that go along with this text )
i want to start a personals section on anacam, because there are so many people
who watch me who are so cool, yet single and are looking for a mate, but are
too shy or something to find someone through the regular avenues...whatever
the "regular" avenues are, i don't know! or there are people looking
for friends or penpals. i think anacam will make a great place to hook some
people up with other people! and it would make me very happy to do this :)
one of my favourite things i like about anacam is that i get to share the
cool things i've come across in my life. cool ideas, urls, places, things,
etc. so if u are looking for a person to share things with...friends...lovers...penpals..whatever,
please send me what you would like your personals "ad" to say, and
also send me a picture of yourself if u like and an email address or snail
mail address u would like people to contact u at.
i would especially like to help out people who are "mentally or physically
challenged" in any way. people who are paralyzed, blind, deaf, agoraphobic,
bi-polar, etc...people who's basic communication has been through the web
because of their "disability" and just don't know where to go to
meet people.
or people that are "freaky"( in a good way! ), that are into body
modification, alternative lifestyles, alternative ways of thinking ,queer,
gay, transexual ,etc.
people who feel they are "misfits" in some way and are searching
for friends or lovers. i guess i have always felt like a misfit, so i want
to make anacam a place of community for "all of us misfits" :)
of course, people who are "normal" may also apply ! :) hehe :)
all are welcome, who i feel are making a sincere effort to meet others in
order to benefit their lives and the lives of those they wish to meet. i will
not put up any ads that i feel are harmful in any way or are people just joking
so if u would
like to participate in the anacam's personals section, send me your info to:
another thing:
i have a new
"contest". to whoever can send me a porn videotape that actually
ends up turning me on and i think is good, i will give a one free year of
ana2! i am going to go on a quest to find good porn. also, if anyone can suggest
any, that'd be cool. i think i'd like something surreal and psychological
the best. or new wave, or something really sensual like the scene in the movie
"the hunger" between susan sarandon and catherine deneuve. or something
that has a dark twisted sense of humour. and as far as fetishes go...i'd vote
for leather, rubber, bondage and boots :)
i received my
books, "pornography and silence" by susan griffin and "post
porn modernist" by annie sprinkle.
i LOVE annie
sprinkle! she is not into the porn that i dislike, which i will refer to as
"junk food porn" which i think is most porn. at least from what
i've witnessed. i am pro sexuality and pro erotic, just anti junk food porn.
because i believe that junk food porn is sex negative, not sex positive.
more on that later.
i still can't go too much into that right now 'cause i'm still digesting and
it's snowing
like crazy out again. and it's very pretty, but that because of it i'm not
able to get together with my friend, teresa, that i haven't seen in years...and
today is her birthday :( but maybe that's for the best because i am feeling
very far away and distant lately, as u can probably tell from my lack of posts
in the forum and lack of interaction with the cam.
things go in
cycles, as you know.
so, jerry springer
is going to be the speaker at this shout2000 conference i'm going to in febuary.
i can't decide if i had the chance to talk to him, if i would want to or not.
i guess i would want to , just because i'd like to see what kind of vibe he
gives off when not on tv. he does seem likeable, yet what he does sometimes
is deplorable. i mean, at lot of those people on his show asked for the humiliation
they came there willingly to get...but it's the people who didn't know what
the show topic was about that i feel sorry for. but then, they knew they were
going on jerry springer...and jerry springer is all about humiliation. so
what did they think? it's very confusing. i still don't understand why anyone
would go on that show. yet, if i got asked to go on that show , would i? part
of me would think it would be funny and also huge exposure for my cam. yet...i
don't think the kind of people that watch it..i'd want visiting my cam. but
then i watch that show..and i like me! there i have it! it's a weird thing.
i wonder if his show ever HELPS anyone by showing people how stupid they are,
that they then stop doing stupid things. do u think that it might ever help
anyone?or is it only harmful?
one thing that
is a bummer is that show "forgive or forget" came on. a super harsh
show. but i see they have now gotten rid of the host "mother love"
and replaced her with a "good-looking" skinny chick. Mother Love
always tried to stop everyone from swearing, and also made everyone be plite.
she also showed love and compassion. now this new host is bitchy and is more
"jerry springerish". so now this show lost the one thing about it
that was different. bummer.
bummer that the show thought that even a small amount of love and compassion
didn't sell and they had to get rid of it and replace it with bitchiness.
i know i know
i know. who cares? still i watch it 'cause i just can't BELIEVE that people
would do that on tv! do i think i'm going to gain some insight into this by
continuing to watch? probably not. i just can't believe it, so i keep watching.
i wish i was not so fascinated because it's not exactly uplifting. it is junk
food, definitely. junk food junk food everywhere!
here is a post
i made that i made about a weird dream i had:
by ANA on January 18, 2000 at 13:22:03:
oh wow, your
post just made me remember the dream i just had ( i just woke up..gadz )i
as a prostitute for the mafia ( like in the sopranos ) when the guy from the
sopranos..the one that is young that has to work at a boring desk and has
the very big nose ) fell asleep while standing up. i had been asleep on the
floor, i don't know why..with this other mafia guy who was also asleep on
the like an airport or some huge public place. i woke up JUST in
time to see the guy standing up fall asleep and fall backwards and crack his
head. and i totally freaked and woke the other guy up and we had to rush to
the hospital which took like 2 hours to get there. at first i was saying stuff
like , " oh god i don't think he's going to make it!" as i held him in my
arms. and then i realized that maybe he could hear me even though he was not
responding and i starting saying , " it's going to be're going to
be in a hospital with all those cute nurses in those sexy outfits looking
after you !" and he smiled! so i knew he could hear me! so i kept talking
about all the ice cream her would get to eat in the hospital and all the sexy
nurses that would be fawning over him and he started to be able to squeeze
my hand. and i knew he would luve, but i didn't know if he would regain his
sight 'cause his eyes were all funny and blank. god, what a weird dream. there
is so much more to it too! like one of the head mafia guys had to pee really
bad, so i helped him get in and out of the women's bathroom to pee 'cause
the men's was all full. and just so much more. i was just such a helper/guardian
angel to these poor mafia guys and their mishaps! that i became more of a
friend to them than "just a prostitute" and i really started enjoying sex
with them more because they respected me and treated me like a friend now.