analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 01.11.99



it's midnight. in 12 hours A&E will be here. I'm beat. u can't tell from these pictures, but I DID clean A LOT today! scrub, wash, windex, comet, vacuum, dust, shuffle, flush, stash. I am TIRED. so I'm not going 2 write anything more…must….watch…cartoons…in bed! A&E said they'd call at 11 and be here at noon. did u see our new giant turtle? I bought it 4 our anniversary as an a pillow alternative :) it's SO soft and squishy and I'll be keeping THAT out of deiter's mouth!I put a few of my trinkets up from the old apartment..trying 2 find places 4 them . I put all my honey bears in the 2nd bathroom..the one that has the tub that u don't get 2 see much yet. I didn't clean the bedroom. I say fuck it. :) I wish I wasn't tired 'cause I'd like 2 keep cleaning and organizing for my own sake. but I can't keep my eyes open much longer. jason worked a lot on redesigning his site today. there will b lots of new things on there , but I'll let him tell u about it :)