analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 01.10.99
today was jason's and my 1st anniversary! and we didn't even realize it until a few hours into the day! I love him soooo much :)
other thing is, I bleached my hair again. at first I thought it was going 2 b a disaster, but it turned out well in the end. I'm including more pix than usual of this..'cause I just found the faces I was making and the whole process of it kinda funny. it's cool 2 see ALL the a funny little mini movie about hair hell.
other things that happened were two of my fan bbs' became like a jerry springer show. nightmare. will's bbs and dankitti's bbs.
I found out that A&E aren't coming here until tuesday.
that's the short of it. I can't type much today about all the details because jason wants to go 2 bed now and I have 2 hand this 2 him before he goes. I will elaborate later :)