analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 01.08.99


Yesterday I was so overwhelmed by the prospect of cleaning that I paralyzed myself on the couch for a good portion of the day watching this stupid movie about these guys who try to meet marilyn monroe. The more I did nothing , the more it compounded my guilt of not doing anything, the more it made me nervous, the more my nervousness sucked me of my energy, the more I laid on the couch. I finally broke the spell as the sun was going down in the grey sky and got up and washed off the rest of the silver glass orbs, cleaned the tub ( so now I can take baths again! All the orbs had been in the tub!). and hung up my mardi gras beads on the shower curtain rod so I can start making that bathroom into the girly bubblebath room. Then I fell asleep really early, I think around 10pm. I'm up in the morning now 'cause I went 2 sleep so early. I'm up before jason is , which , I think is a first! But I want 2 go back 2 bed and watch cartoons , but I don't want 2 wake him up. I love 2 start and end the day in bed watching cartoons. Heck, I just like 2 stay in there all day and all night flipping through the channels. What can I say? I'm ridiculously happy when I get 2 do that.

I bought a newsweek 'cause it has an article about migraines, but it wasn't of much help, 'cause I've already tried imitrex and it didn't work for me. And they basically said , in the article, that they don't know why people get them. And when women get them dduring their periods ( which I do) , they don't know why. Augh. At least I know I'm not alone getting migraines during my period! I thought I was 'cause no one else I knew got them. And whenever I'd mention it 2 a dr. they'd just look at me quizzically.

Yesterday I went 2 a place that has treadmills and all that stuff. So I walked on it for 45 mn. Borrrrrrrrring. But I must do it, I'm so out of shape. I get out of breath walking up 2 flights of stairs. I can't touch my toes. It's too cold now 2 walk outside. It's below zero.

Today the agenda is more cleaning. I have more clothing 2 hang up and 2 boxes worth of paper to sort through. Letters, receipts, clippings, etc. anything made of paper. I shouldn't probably write down what I'll do today, since it seems that when I tell u what I'm going to do, I end up not doing it!