analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 01.07.99
I was gonna clean today like a madwoman. It was sunny . it gave me energy. I made good earth tea. I started to wash all the silver glass globes I have, they're so dusty. But I had gone 2 sleep the "night" b 4 at I was tired. Soon, I had fallen asleep again, and when I woke up it was dark and I never regained the cleaning spirit. Just so nervous about the a&e thing. Sorry I haven't drawn anything in the last few anagrams, but I'm so preoccupied with all this. Flitting here and there and worrying. They are coming here on Sunday, and filming Monday. I put a post in anarchy about if you'd like 2 b interviewed by them . they r looking 4 fans 2 interview. It's 6:30am . I got up early, but don't want 2 b awake this early, but can't sleep. I think I feel asleep early ( 4 me) maybe 1am? I don't know. After this a&e thing is done, I'll be a lot more calm. So TOMORROW ( today) I REALLY have 2 get my ass in gear and clean! There's not much more 2 say except that I'm just nervous. I'm going to TRY to go back to bed in a sec…can't start cleaning now or I'll wake jason up. But he always gets up about 8am. I wish I was a morning person. But then, I really love the night 2, so desolate, silent, a good way. So the anagrams might b a bit scarce for the next few days, as I clean and try 2 figure out what 2 do with my hair, and what 2 wear, etc. I don't think we'll get the new anacam design up in time. Can't rush stuff like that. Maybe I'll try 2 draw one silly picture 2 make myself more tired. Or maybe I'll go through my big "sent" folder of all the email I've ever sent in the past 3 years! It's almost 3,000 pages long. I'm deleting all the headers and unnecessary emails I've sent. As I was reading them and deleting some last night ( for 4-5 hours!)..i realized I used 2 b a much more open person( if u can believe that!). my emails I would send to total strangers on all these mailing lists were so full of an almost naïve love. I wonder what happened 2 make me not so much that way. But I actually think it is a good thing…I think…I was a bit too "out there" I think I'm more grounded now. Maybe it was the excitement of being on the internet the 1st time that made me write emails like a joyful puppy 2 ANYONE. I'll will have 2 think about this more later, but not now.