[02 Jan 2002|11:14pm]
been working on my anacam trading cards all day. got them laminated. costed
85 bucks and 20 for the cab there and back. cut them all out which took 6
hours. now i'm going to punch little holes in the corners so i can tie them
together into various wallhangings that i will have for sale. they can also
be used as shower curtains, lamp shades, little books, various accessories
like hats and bags, and even clothing. they are waterproof and almost indestructable!
each card costs $2 and is double sided, autographed if you want that. when
i'm through with this 1st batch you'll see what i mean :)
if you already know what i mean...you can put together your own assemble of
cards by emailing me the pix ( the anacam webcam pix ) you want me to print
out and laminate and do all the stuff to: anapix@voog.com
ana2 members have access to 20,000 pix to choose from. the combinations are
or soon i'll be showing examples of things so you'll know what more i mean.
i won't be able to put 20,000 pix on anacam for obvious reasons so i will
have categories that you can choose from like nude, goofy, sleeping, eating,
pupsters, pinks baths, blue themes, pussy tv, android fetish, mannequin, objects,
abstract, non-nude, etc etc... :) and then you pick how many cards you want
and what for you want it in ( book..wall hanging...lamp shade...)
obviously if you pick 6 pictures that you want which would mean it would be
3 cards...you can only choose that it be a 3 paged book or a little wallhanging...or
i guess it could also be a necklace like people wear ID tags :) you get the
picture :)
Jan 2002|03:36am]
ok, really stupid question:
how much does it cost to send a letter these days, and also how much to send a postcard?
how much for a letter and a postcard overseas?
[03 Jan 2002|05:22am]
worked on ana2 holiday surprises until now. so super sleepy now! i'll finish
them tomorrow :)
why do i have the mickey mouse club theme song in my head? torture.
[03 Jan 2002|06:59pm]
cleaned a lot. trying to get rid of stuff. watching survivor now. sent off
the ana2 holiday surprises. :) i put my old scanner out in the hall for someone
to have , now that i have a new one :)
[03 Jan 2002|09:34pm]
god, i wish i had a lawn that i could throw all my stuff out the window onto.
low seratonin moment. [03 Jan 2002|11:14pm]
it's so hard for me to find the balance between relying on myself and relying
on others and when to do which in what amounts.
i'm finding it harder and harder to trust in others for anything. i wish i
were completely self sufficient.
i don't want to feel obligated to anyone and i don't want anyone feeling obligated
to me.
i wish my brain created more seratonin. i hate when i get like this...all negative. and then i feel like i'm stuck in a catch 22. sucks.
i don't want anyone to have any expectaions of me. i don't want anyone to be disapointed in me. i don't want to live for anyone else. i don't want to live life the way they think i should.
i love people and i hate people. i love the world and i hate the world. i love things and i hate things. i love myself and i hate when i get this way.
i don't want anything and i want everything. i feel i don't deserve to take up space or even breathe but i feel like i'm a god and you should get out of my way.
i'm completely overwhelmed by everything. i don't even know how i've made it this far. it's absolutely amazing to me when i think about it sometimes. it's like i'm riding on nothing and everything all at once. it's a fucking mess.
give me any advice right now. it will only irritate me. i'm in total irritation
mode. it's like i've had pms for an entire month. i wonder if menopause is
like this.
i know what i have to do and i don't want to do any of it. i'm a baby. a total
whining baby right now. don't even listen to me. it's ridiculous. i'll probably
be fine in an hour. i'll probably think life is just grand in a few short
i hate it. i think i should just start writing in a paper journal only so
i can be COMPLETE with my journaling. everything is so half assed right now.
half assed journal entries. vague journal entries. no context. what's the
point? what's the point of writing anything down if i can only complain about
how i can't write all of it down? i hate half assed things. my half assed
computers. my half painted floor. my half assed windows. this half assed neighbourhood.
everything is half done. half on shelves. almost there..not quite...just half.
everything sitting there being half assed.
at least my hair will be cool and not half assed on january 9th when sonia comes over and redose my hair. my hair will be the shit. and sometimes, that's all that matters.
if anyone
even TRIES to give me ANY advice about ANYTHING to this post i will rip your
head off. you have been warned.
things i want to get rid of for free: [03 Jan 2002|11:58pm]
posters of music...not music:
The Pandoras It's About Time
Robyn Hitchcock flyers
The Three O'clock...autographed
Ultravox Quartet
xtc oranges and lemons
some big the blue up? flyers..(not all that cool looking..but historical)
babes in toyland
tori amos to venus and back
computer stuff:
parts...who knows what in the heck it all is.
cd rom things, video cards, ram, motherboards, floppy drive..etc...
all the stuff that is in computers. no drivers to any of it.
various mice and keyboards. just stuff.
camcorders. broken. maybe you can fix them. (CAMCORDERS ARE SPOKEN FOR AND NOW HAVE A HOME)
a telephone, a fan, a pair of mannequin legs. a mannequin head
a hand scanner, a fishbowl, a portable printing thing
some dishes, a hammer, some books, some soap, one of those hand held things
that clean carpet using water.
some shoes...size 6
that couch that used to be the big green couch.
some videocassettes of movies i'll never watch again for a long time and demo videos that i got from music video directors when i was on columbia
various headphones.
a small tv
a years
worth of oprah magazines (FOUND A HOME)
[04 Jan 2002|02:54am]
oh yesssssssss :)
*counting the minutes until i have my dreds back*
/me purrs at sonia5
[04 Jan 2002|01:37pm]
[ music | kraftwerk-computer world ]
i put some stuff in the hallway last night for people to have and the good
news is today it's all gone. but it's all SO much gone that i have a feeling
that the cleaning people of this place took it and threw it in the trash.
i'm afraid to find out. this isn't the kind of place where you can just leave
stuff in the hallways for people to have , unfortunately. altho, it DOES work
sometimes. whereever these things went....there they are. i hope to god it's
not the trash. i hate that i worry about this stuff. i just hate seeing things
go to waste that are totally fine and useful.
i must trust in the universe that all the things will find their proper home.
it's out of my control now.
i bounced two cheques and got fined 60 bucks. the good news is that i was
able to cover that.
i will try to write something positive whenever i write anything negative.
that is my new plan.
my house is noce and warm today. i had a good sleep. i dreamt that the lead
singer of rush was a young prodigy child space alien.
today i will clean more and get rid of more stuff ( by piling it by my door on the inside of my house) and also i need to take pictures of my anacam trading card wall hangings that i've finished so i can sell them. those are easy to ship. they fit in an envelope and they are very cool :)
my new fave cosmetic company ( besides clinique ) is:
http://benefitcosmetics.com thanks to jacqui who sent me their "benetint"
and other things by them which ROCK. i need to get more benetint because mine
broke awhile ago and spilled everywhere. it is THEE best blush EVER.
i am on the prowl for a lotion that is made of all natural ingredients. because it finally just dawned on me that whatever i rub into my skin goes straight into my bloodstream.
i have a 301 cd changer that is like brand new. yet it has decided awhile ago to not move it's carousel. i can open and close it...but that is all. the carousel will not move. any suggestions on how much this would cost to fix or what is wrong with it?
i also have a 5 cd changer...it will just move from cd to cd as if there are no cds in it. like it can't read them. i just blew one of those dusters in there for electronic equipment ( i did that to the other one, too ) to see if that would make it work. it made it so that it played the 1st 3 seconds of onje cd...then it reverted back to it's behaviour of not reading the cd...just moving from station to station in the carousel as if there are no cds in it.
i really can't afford much to get these things fixed and i'm losing my mind that i have no cd player for months now. that i can put my cds into. is it worth it to get these things fixed? should i give these away too? i just don't know what to do. :(
on the positive side i can still play vinyl albums and i have jason's cd changer down here so i can listen to his music. but he finally got a stereo so he will be taking that back soon.
mouse on this new frankenstein computer that jason made me keeps freezing
up. then i have to reboot to make it work again. an ordinary mouse does not
work at all. so jason put on his special usb mouse...which works until it
freezes up about 3 times a day. i don't know why this happens
upsidedown deiter dog and pussy tv books i made! [04 Jan 2002|05:22pm]
mini flip book :)
36 pix and autographed by me!
limited edition. hand bound.
only $3 for the black and white version!
$12 for the colour version that includes a special cover and extra surprise!
(shipping and handling included)
you need it! find the deiter dog in you!
and each one comes with one of my hair extensions as a bookmarker :)
i accept
paypal (my paypal id is ana@voog.com)
and cheques or money orders made out to:
who is rachael olson?
ana voog
p.o. box 76152
saint paul, mn
any questions: ana101@hotmail.com
PUSSY TV book!
mini flip book!
it is 186 pix!!
it's like a car crash! you can't turn away!
by me :) limited edition. hand bound.
only $10 for the black and white version!
$39 for the colour version that includes a special cover and extra surprise!
and each one comes with one of my hair extensions as a bookmarker :)
(very sexy but also not for the faint of heart or those without a sense of
pink bath double sided wall hanging [05 Jan 2002|04:34pm]
the above are actual size photos of what these are comprised of and you can
see the detail there. below are campix of the actual thing...but it doesn't
do it justice. i'll have to take some pix of it with my digital cam or scan
bath wallhanging made from 15 double sided laminated "tiles"
tied together with fine wire.
made from anacam pix, photo quality printing!
one of a kind and the first of it's kind! there will never be another one
exactly like this!
13" length , 10" width
flip it over for an entirely different wallhanging! it's two wall hangings
in one :)
the pictures on the back are an assortment of printed polaroids i have taken,
other campix, and doodles. the flipside will remain a surprise. :)
this will be on sale at some point, but for now i'm keeping it as i'm making a whole series of wall hangings made in this manner that will eventually be shown at a gallery.
you can put it on hold for yourself by emailing me and whoever bids the most
will get it.
base price= $50
or you
can email me and i will make you one exactly like it as far as the front side
goes...the backside pictures will remain a surprise and will be different
from the backside pictures on this one shown here. each one will be it's own
unique creature. price=$50
more wallhangings [05 Jan 2002|05:43pm]
[05 Jan 2002|09:22pm]
i made two more huge ones...but the lighting in here is impossible to take
pix of them properly. maybe in the daytime i will be more successful in capturing
my brain is starting to turn into mush.
i'm listening to stereolab
[06 Jan 2002|04:00pm]
my cam is stopped for a few minutes because i am defragmenting my harddrives.
i think i will take a tiny break from all this bookmaking and pay attention
to the love dogs for awhile.
[06 Jan 2002|05:26pm]
vacuumed, dusted, did a load of laundry, went over to see jason for an hour.
now he goes to practice with his band Ousia for their upcoming show at Snowbient
( read fetik3's lj for more info.
then at 9pm it's new Home Movies! yay!
i got a case of cherry coke that jaosn bought me so i'm set :)
i am
going to work on the little books some more now. i can tell that the days
are getting longer now! there is still just the smallest hint of dusk in the
sky right now :)
yay! days longer!