analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 01.03.99
It's 2:30 am..i shoulda
gone 2 bed hours ago..i'm hanging on by a limb. I've been fiddling around with
paint shop pro all day designing new pages for anacam and ana2 ever since I
woke up. Bleary-eyed I am. Didn't save any pix from today except for the two
with dogs…'cause I was ugly and they were cute. I just ate two cream puffs,
I shouldn't eat so much sugar if I'm trying 2 get 2 bed. I finally started 2
learn a bit more about PSP. I'm a very slow learner in this department. Jason,
on the other hand, is reading this huge manual about photoshop and his kicking
major ass over me in that department. He is such a fast learner and so dedicated
and obsessed with it that he is growing leaps and bounds as an artist. It's
incredible! So together we are collaborating with the designing of anacam. It
makes me so happy that we can do that together. Sitting side by side staring
at our monitors :). We are trying 2 get done one page a day. I've also been
looking into the art of tattooing yourself with henna. I know it's super trendy
right now…which is how it came 2 my attention. But holy cow, what a great thing!
I think I'm going 2 get totally into that when I get the time. U have 2 leave
the henna paste on your skin for 8 hours or more 2 get a really good stain.
I've been reading about it on the net. It's cheap 2 do. But I bought a kit…for
the first time…just 2 make sure I do it correctly. I've never been into feet
much..but I'm getting more into them now. Wanting to henna my feet and get rings
for my toes and get ankle bracelets! Ooooooo very cool! :) ok, so here are two
paintings I did today. One is a simple design that some things on anacam and
ana2 will be based on…you wouldn't BELIEVE the round about way I went about
drawing that. It took my 8 hours..i kid u NOT. Then the mosaic one I got done
in about an hour? Maybe less? I dunno , I lost track of time. I'm getting into
squares now just because of the digitalness of creating art on a's
all in theses little we fight it? Square square square millions
of little squares. 3am.
Night night.