analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 01.02.99



Today jason and I worked on new designs 4 anacam and ana2. We'll probably be working on it for weeks. Then all of a sudden one day, both sites will be looking very cool indeed! I'm so excited, I want 2 show u right now! For only getting 3 hours of sleep, I was in a pretty good mood today. It was snowing a lot and now it looks like winter is supposed 2. Some pictures today r from my mom's wedding scrapbook. Those are pictures of her when she was 20, the age she married my dad. Then she had me when she was 21. So young! And the guy in the picture is my dad. I think he is very handsome. They both lok so perfect and clean cut, it's unreal. And I'm glad the cam caught a pic of deiter yawning..i love the way his little tongue curls :). That's it 4 today, I've been working all day on computer stuff so now I'm going 2 go sit on the couch and veg out. I hope I go 2 sleep earlier than 8 am tonight! It's 11pm now and I can't believe I've stayed awake this far. Oh, and today's "painting" is of morgaine. I hardly did her justice, she's so delicately beautiful and the way I use PSP is so clumsy…I couldn't capture her coolness. But I guess it's a funny painting in a 70's girly sort of way :)