the documentation of my shroom trip

this documentation starts at 4:23pm CST April 25th, 1997
current temp.65 degrees F
microwaved bean burrito from Super America, partly sunny skies.
the Major Label Recording Artist (from this time forward shall be
referred to as the "MLRA"), is wearing current fashions. black leggings,
black clogs, a shonen knife t-shirt (current), and a sweater (retro) that
is cut off to make shorter(deconstructivist sign of the times.
"Gen.X"<see paragragh 12 b section 64>)
hair: fried white
soundtrack: Ana Voog's Telepathica
dog: chewing on something plastic
cat: hidden
---4:33pm CST
---2:33pm PST
---1:33pm EST
>>>11:33am somewhere in hawaii
the MLRA takes one aspirin,one excedrin,and one more cap of a fungi known as "shroom" <see par. 56a section L"
sips orange juice. remembers part of last night's dream, but can't remember........
---4:44 pm CST
soundtrack: the Best of the Righteous Brothers
realizes it's A LOT like Morrissey!!!!
opens window. the MLRA realizes it's insane to stay inside!!!!
weather: good :)
clogs off, boots on(motorcycle)
<side note: it's ok for women to dress as men in this time period. it does not cause death as in other time periods. see par 1456g sec. 12 >
---4:55 (we will assume from now on that it is always CST)
actually takes the pills and fungi mentioned above instead of just writing about it.
consistency of bean buritto: a thick paste, not unlike playdough (accessing memory logs) tastes very similiar as well. it's the salt factor.
remembers 100% swedish grandmother, Edith Nyquist. she made dumplings that had this same consistency as the burrito. it was the MLRA's favourite food. could explain her craving for these burittos despite their revolting nature. Edith Nyquist, we will not forgot you. I send this into cyber space in rememberance of you. i wish i could remember your middle name. i will ask the mother creature about this at a later date.
(files this info away)
to be continued............
ok, i think i'm in real trouble here. so i'm writing this while i still can. i forgot what tripping is like, it's been so long. and it's just begun. i can tell i think it might be pretty fucked up. so i'm typing this while i still can figure this out. i feel myself slipping away. like when they give you that pheno barbitol. see you on the ship, bro" see you on the ship...........
don't forget me. don't let the grass grow over my stone, man.
hail bopp! :)
the MLRA sent this to everyone at radioactive and mca she knows, even former employees she dearly misses:

ok, in that song "milk" by garbage..
shirley sings, "i am Milk............"
then i SWEAR she says "i am red tar kitchen"
now i KNOW she can't be saying that. so what the hell is she saying???
"i am milk i am red tar kitchen" i don't be thinkin' so.........
so can anyone help me out here?
this question is driving me nuts.
help me somebody please.
i am so serious.
ANA thee red tar kitchen.........."waiting and waiting for you............"

waiting and waiting for you i'm waiting i'm waiting for you i'm waiting i'm waiting for you i'm waiting i'm waiting waiting waiting i'm waiting for you

i'm waiting

i'm waiting

i'm waiting


i'm waiting waiting da-do-da-do

cool as the deep blue


i am


so i am cruel, but i'd be......................

{{{{ LOVE



if i had

i'm waiting

for you

i am


i am red tar kitchen?

ok, listen to bjork's telegram. i just fuckin' give up.
i am not even born if we had to figure out where i am compared to her.
compared to her.
stop comparing :)
i need a coke(a-cola)
temperature: 67 degrees
i gotta get outside somehow but i'm a wreck. bleeding with no tampons.
weird to be a girl. what's up with that? it's really intense to BLEEED every month for a week. i mean what the HELL is up with that? ya, give me a lightbody now.
give me a diet 7UP. beam me up scotty cause it's crisp and it's clear and it's cool and it's totally fine. always cocacola.
maaybe i should call my album that. COCACOLA. what a nifty word. would "they" sue me? is that how they spell it?
i like my shonen knife shirt. bunnies are on it. very very very cute bunnies.
i like very very very cute bunnies. yes, i do. how can you not? "they" take all my ideas , i tell you. it's frustrating. but i get to buy it later. i'll think up more stuff to buy.
guessing on the album that's in my head, that i didn't get to get out yet, this album should be appearing to me soon. it's being made now, or more likely has already been made. and i will find it and i will go THAT! THAT! was in my head. and now HERE it is. i THOUGHT of that. i really did. that's what i do. i THINK really really cool things, thse thoughts fly into the cosmic grid until they are siphoned back to the right person who can understand what i'm thinking and then physically manifest it for me. that's what i do. i swear, i do that. that's my job! it's a weird and cool job. no glory in it, though, except for i really really really love the results, if i can get over the jealousy.
it's like my egg, brought to life through a surrogate mother.
yep. it's EXCACTLY like that.
getting hard to type now.
things are getting to that "breathing stage"

i went out side. oops. the documentation, i forgot!!!
just got back in from being out. now i'm "out" and i'm "in" LOL whatever. :)
i filled a bath with water and david sylvian's fave bubblebath :) will i make it in?
so much to do!! i can't possibly tell you all i did. but basically i just went to the park with pooka and did "the trippy thing" LOL!!!!
too much to say. y'know how it is. everything's like "oh,ya! DUH!!" LOL
i'm sending this off to see if i get anything back frum ya, then it's into the tub i go, or starin' at sum dang thing in wonderous marvelment. if i put on any music i'll probably cry or something dumb. so i'm keeping it quiet. trying to resist the urge of putting on my cd so i can rip it all into tiny particles and disect myself. who am i ? why did i do this? is this me? what am i trying to say? am i conveying what i'm trying to say? am i being REAL??? blah blah blah
and then the horrible utterance comes forth from thee pleiadian ship
and i'll feel like an idiot.
so maybe it's best i go stare at something now and wish i was god and then realize i am god and what a brilliant idiot god is. or something circular like that.

all writings are © ana voog.
all rights reserved.
use in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without
the prior, written consent of ana voog.