candy coated flake tongue beast

candy coated flake tongue beast shakes at me with all his might and i scream and hair and i scream like in the movies so help me somebody please i have all this popcorn in my feel like a fool being so frightened at a moving picture of holographic nightmare shake it out shake it out of my bones like a voodoo procession i fell in the streets unremembering my origin unforgetting all the little pointy jabs of flame endorsed pitchy flack caught in my lungs like a bad black dragon dear mom when can i go when can i get the hell out of here like right now i wanna sail the path of golden light like how i heard in that other story do people ever even get there wishing pony tail girls with lipstick kissy face fuck me in the heart and leave me wasted on the a frozen sidewalk in the middle of the continent i tried to hail a cab but i was the crazy one waving in the snow the kind you see and feel sorry for my worst nightmare i'm exposed yet censored covered in thick sticky tape that might be your fantasy that might be the way you'd like it but not me mom when do i get to leave i can't even tell you where i am because you could never decipher the map astronaut out of air sinking into mars sinking into a constellation about some sort of horse ya i barely remember i had a dream of riding horses they say that means death i won't argue 'cause it sure feels that way to me riding a brown stallion in the stomped grass don't know why somebody put me there and i went along with it i'm good at things like that and i know i can't ever tell you anything like that because it would scare you and all your perceptions would be unjailed and i'd be walking freeform without even a lie to hold on to i know i'd scare you if you knew what doubts i had and how sometimes i want to die but i'm not supposed to do that i have to ride death like a big brown horse i was put there and i just go along with it...for now soon i'll be an angel with a golden flame soon i'll be a horse with a golden tale soon i'll be a freefalling haiku poem about madness and sainthood i remember when the priest fucked me like a posessed demon atoning for sins inside me inside him he loved it he loved it when i played the horse he never felt so alive but i got out of there of course of course and here's the part that scares me most is that was real that was real and i'm outta here forgiveness fuck you i'm scared

all writings are © ana voog.
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