anagram012600b ( run your mouse over some pix 4 more pix underneath :)
so i
decided to retrace my steps 2 remember what i had forgotten...
i discovered that my
dark side was trying 2 become friends again with
my light side, which was hard 2 believe after that last fight they had!
my brain was spinning
trying 2 cope and merge
i tried a little shapeshifting,
but all that
did is make me feel queezy...
so i had 2 set them
both down and discuss it in a rational manner
things were going pretty
well and it looked like they were almost in agreement,
well, not really an agreement..but a better understanding..but there's still
a lot 2 figure out! they tried 2 do that "vulcan mind meld" thing
that spock does
(they can at least agree that spock kicks ass :)
but that wasn't a "quick fix" too bad, 'cause it always looks easy
on tv! and i
never found the remote control, so my light side ended up throwing a bottle
kava kava at my dark side over something now that i can't remember. but then
my dark side accused my light side of being dark since throwing things at
(even if it IS yourself) is a dark 2 do! well, that pissed off my light side
hugely! so now they are not talking 2 each other again *sigh*
where IS the remote
control for the mind meld? i'm always misplacing
things, or or deiter runs off with my stuff. if i find that he has chewed
up my vulcan mind meld manual and remote control...i am going 2 be
soooooooooo sad. i LOVE that thing! so many fights i could have
avoided if i'd known about it sooner ( and had the money 2 pay for it! )