january 28th , 2009


lili is getting a 3rd tooth. a molar on the top left!
she is saying "hant" for hand.
she says it over and over as she looks at her hand and wiggles it :)
she says "dada" and sometimes "nana" for mama.
and yesterday we both could swear she said "ah-ta" for water.
and a few times she has said "eeth" for teeth.

but the only one that is really consistent is "hant" for hand.
she has really latched onto that one.

we all keep trying to show her how to wave hi but she has no interest in that so far.

my due date is feb 17th but i am fuill term now.
i need to call the birth tub rental people.
i hope it's not too late and they still have a tub we can rent!

we have 99% of the birth supplies now so if she came today
we are basically ready.

it's weird to think i could go into labour any time now.
sometimes i get those low menstrual cramp type feelings today
and it makes me nervous because i remember.

i'm so ridiculously tired and i just want to lay on my side and moo.