july 8th, 2007

we found the perfect midwife for us :)
she has the nicest smile and gave us hugs upon meeting us.
she has such a good vibe about her. warm and comforting.
she is 44 and has a 1 year old (she has 5 children her last 2 she has unassisted) so she just had her last child around my age.
and she will deliver breech! and even twins! no big deal!
(just in case this happens to us)
and she only lives about 2 blocks away! how about that for convenient??

i feel SO relieved!
and also so mcuh relief just knowing that in case i am carrying twins (who knows?) or if my baby decides to come out breech i don't have to go to a hospital for a c-section!
relief relief!

i had to laugh (or cry) when i read this article in time magazine the other day
about women who pay extra for "VIP" treatment for their prenatal care and birth:

they pay $15,000 on top of their insurance to have prenatal visits that last more than 5 minutes
and to have a doctor to talk to on call at all times and have house visits and to be
guaranteed that THAT doctor will be the one to deliver their baby.

i pay only $3,000 for all that and more!

way to go time magazine for completely leaving out the fact of homebirth as an option.