18th , 2007 |
all i'm trying to say in regards to learning is "there is more than one way to skin a cat".
people think way too linear.
and think there is only one road to rome.
and people also assume that because they want to go to rome, everyone else must want to also!
the universe is much more mysterious and magical than that.
when i show lili a book it's not just so she can learn how to read it from the beginning to the end, the right way up.
it's so she can experience the taste and texture of the book.
the crinkle of the paper.
the way it's put together.
the shape of it
the sound of it
the scent!
the book in all it's forms and beingness.
the way she wants to experience it.
there is more than one way to experience
a book.
and you can apply that to everything.