march 20, 2007


the book of days


after a really rocky beginning of fire alarms going off and lili being uncharactaristically upset today (i think it was gas?), and my mom having to have a minor surgery again, and just general feeling of uneasiness all ended up being a good day after all.

i had a weird burst of energy and because M was home for 1/2 the day i was able to bake bread (challah), work on my chicken soup, and i even tried to make goat's milk cheese (and would not curdle right).

lili really loves lindsey buckingham's cd "under the skin"
it calms her down almost every time.

so far, she is not so crazy about adam ant.



i'm trying to make anagrams more often.
it's hard.

my mom is going to stop by around 11ish because she has a hospital thing to go to.
i feel really guilty that i have not seen her more often but i don't drive or have a car and i have lili to watch and M has barely had a day off and when he has had a day off we have used it to catch up on things like a million errands to do.

it's starting to get ot me now.
the end of winter.
stir crazy.
doing the same thing every day.

not really ever having moved in to this new apartment.
not knowing if we can really afford to stay here but it's $2,500 to break the lease.

everything feels overwhelming to me today.

i need to go outside and walk and take photos but it's only 27 degrees and lili is crying now...