14, 2007 |
killing time on twitter
10:47 am
trying out some of these new fangled
web thingamajiggies.
Feb. 13th, 2008 | 05:37 pm
mood: cranky mccrankstery
i want to see this film.
the jury is still out with me on
what i think of inclusion and mainstreaming since i had such horrific experiences
with school, i had planned to homeschool lili (no matter if she had T21 or
but i'm still looking at all the benefits of not doing that, as well.
it's a long time off before she will go to school, in whatever form, but i
think it's good to think about it all now because it's a complex issue for
i do believe "being included"
is highly overrated and that people place FAR too much importance on "fitting
just the word "mainstreaming" rubs me in all the wrong ways.
i wish i had a magical way to just
ask lili what she would want.
i don't want to give her what *I* would want but what she wants.
but all i have to go on is my own experiences.
my GUT tells me that the mainstream can go f-k itself.
i also want to see a film called "praying with lior"
lili tried some mashed up carrots and seemed to like them (as in did not make an "ew" face and try to sit them out and actually made some mouth movements which suggested that the taste was pleasing to her)
today i tried prunes with her again
but it was a no-go (ew face).
also tried some more egg yolk and she seemed neutral about that.
i weighed her and she still weighs
almost 14 pounds like she did a month ago. (13 1/2)
i know she is gaining weight so i must not be weighing her very accurately
or something
(i get on a scale and weigh myself and then weigh myself again holding her
and then subtract those numbers to figure out the difference).
i don't know!
i, on the other hand, have gained
7 pounds!
notttttt happppyyyyyy about that!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am formulating a huge long rant/post
about "quality of life" (happiness) at some point in my blogging
(and the whole who has "value" as a human being...as in who has
the "right" to live based on what people "give back" to
this has always been something i have thought about because my view on quality
of life and the mainstreams view on what is quality of life are VERY different
i am thinking about it A LOT again
because 90% of fetuses (babies) with down syndrome are aborted and, to me,
this is totally fuct and unacceptable and, obviously shows just how ignorant
people are, in fear, or selfish, or just plain old shallow.
or all of the above at once.
seriously, how can you love your
baby one minute and then decide to kill it the next?
no wonder this world is so fuct up.
i know that isn't PC to say and i should be all supportive of other people's choices. but i'm not right now. i'm biased when it comes to this, understandably. and pissed off.
the only positive i can see about aborting a fetus that might have down syndrome is that thank god that baby was saved from having to grow up with such parents like that anyway then. those parents didn't deserve such a little being of light such as that coming into their life. better that soul move on to more deserving people.
harsh, i know. but it's also harsh to kill your baby because you are too lazy to love your child unconditionally.
and that is how i feel about that today in all my judgmental cranky glory.
i know i rag about this issue a lot since lili was born...and i'm not even slightly over ragging about it yet.
lili types:
j h b bu n vyt jkb lopmyb nj b7nkjjhy
k kmkl
i mean all of this to come from a positive place as in "fuck youuuuuuuuuuuu society at large! the earth is full of colours and miracles!"
i'm just sad that 90% of the world can't see that fact.
i just don't want to fight the system anymore or bash my head against it's brick wall screaming "see the colours???"
i'd rather tune in and drop out at
this point in my life.
i'm not into, day in and day out, keeping an eye on the system to make sure
my daughter is included in it's one-sided extremely flawed blahness. fighting
for her to be included in WHAT? a world where 90% think it would be better
for her not to even have been born? no thanks! there are better things to
do with this life!
guess what world? there is MORE to
life than the mainstream!
not everyone needs what you have to offer!
seriously, no one is going to be scarred for life if they can't play in your
plastic disney wasteland and eat your nasty ass microwaved school lunch.
we're doing just fine "over
here" thankuverymuch.