30, 2007 |
i'm not a person to ever follow a recipe...but i want to learn new things.
so...i'd like to learn some things by reading some cookbooks and see how other
people cook.
so tell me your favourite cookbooks of all time.
i'm especially looking for morroccan, greek, and french
also jewish and scandanavian.
but i'm really interested in just about everything.
so hit me with your best cookbooks so i can go check them out :)
p.s. i like cookbooks where you make EVERYTHING from scratch and where real
ingredients are used not things like margarine or boullion cubes, etc.
i'm not interested in adding a can of this and that together and then voila.
i'm not afraid of things that are labour intensive.
i get immense pleasure from making
love to my man, making him homemade soup and dumplings, doing his laundry
and making him babies!
haha :)
(ok, well maybe not doing his laundry.but i don't mind it)
he returns the favour, i assure you :)
life is good!
for the first time in my life i am not just a sex symbol, a mere shadow of what sex is about, but i am having sex...and having sex at the deep level that creates new life.
my body is not in it's best shape, but for the first time it is creates the source of nourishment for my child and gives pleasure to my man.
i am deeply fulfilled.
i feel purposeful and real.
neccessary and primal.
i am at my core.
my heart.
my life is full of love.
everything i give is returned to me a millionfold.
i walk around in my pajamas and make
chicken soup.
he buys me daisies and kisses my eyes.
total comfort and trust.
this is what life is about for me.
today lili is 4 months old :)
she is doing new things she wasn't
doing even a few days ago...
focusing in on things more and for the first time she is making an effort
to try and grab toys that interest her.
for a long time she has been holding
things (like soft blankets and rattles) but she is trying to reach out and
explore objects now.
but because she cannot sit up totally it's hard for her.
so i help her sit up and put things in front of her and she tries to reach
out and touch things and understand them.
yesterday this came in the mail:
by latitude enfant
it's about 10" in diameter and
has lots of textures, colours and even sounds.
a friend got it for her :)
the second i put it in front of her yesterday she showed great interest in
i had not seen her really try to reach out for anything until she got this.
she has been more of the mind to be a passive observer (even tho she has a
TON of energy and is very actively involved in communication)
she also holds her pacifier in more.
she actually even got it back IN to her mouth last night (sideways)
she likes to explore it and chew on it from all angles now.
i don't know how much she weighs today because my scale broke.
i'll find the measuring tape and measure her later and add it here.
this is all i have time to write
and i caught a terrible cold yesterday so i'm a hurting unit.
oh i forgot to say that on thanksgiving
she got the 1st snowflake on her head :)
and also i had to change her diaper in public for the 2st a truckstop
in their back room on a table.
i got her this for xmas (and i gave
it to her early)
and she LOVES it :
got it in the product red line at says ADO(RED) in the corner
a portion of the proceeds got to help aids in africa.
best ever softest thing for winter!
she sleeps in warm!
*I* want one of these things to sleep in!
ok, i measured her and she's 22"
and i'm going to take a wild guess and say she's 12 pounds about. maybe a
few ounces more.
i am addicted to watching cooking shows.
i find martha stewart to be particularily soothing and comforting.
god, what is happening to me?
i've gone off the deep end.
pretty soon i will be wearing aprons
and watching soaps and doing the ironing. (i have the vintage aprons...many)
let me show you my gender stereotype. LET ME SHOW YOU IT.
well it's true that my last album
was GOING to be called "the perfect housewife" or "hausfrau"
(but the record co. thought this was too boring and not sexy....whateva.)
i think it's because i have been
in a band for most of my life, in mostly male dominated fields (rock and porn)...i
am finding this new domestic life very fascinating and pleasing. it makes
me feel all snuggly inside.
Baby Registry: