november 9, 2007

m's dad sent me this photo he took, and i liked m and lili in the pic so i cropped it (i looked dumb in it..but there's my hand)
but i love this pic of lili and my i'm putting it up here :)
my family is snuggly and delicious!

i put one of those mommy's touch one size aio diapers on lili tonight and she looks so funny in it!
so huge! PUFFY BUTT!
i still have some disposables left so i'll use those up until those fit her better. i'm afraid the cloth ones might leak on the sides because they are still a bit too big, i think.
but i'm trying one out tonight just for the heck of it.
i want to see how it absorbs and how it cleans in the wash.
(truth be told...disposables rock! i will miss them!)

oh! i live an exciting life! ha :)

other life things today: laundry, dishes, baking a chicken.
watching: the world of competitive eating, dexter, and some italian film

yep! that's it!

lili is looking at me a lot today.
it feels so good when she does that :)
being interactive and smiley
she is learning more how to hold onto her pacifier.
and i know she has made the connection that if i put it in her hand she can try and get her hand to her mouth to put it in her mouth.
she doesn't quite have the coordination to get it in her mouth but she gets it up to her mouth.
i think she recognized her bottle now, too.

she has zero interest in my boob :(
when i put her mouth up to my nipple she will fuss and cry :(
oh well.

i'm making lots of milk!
yesterday i made 21 ounces.

and when lili went to my mom's the other day i pumped and pumped and now i have a freezer stash (52 ounces!) so when she goes to my mom's again she will be drinking breast milk and not formula.


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