november 6, 2007



wow, this domperidone stuff really works!
in the last 24 hours i made 20 ounces of breast milk, whereas before i was making only 12.
if it keeps working this way, it looks as tho i will make enough milk to feed lili and will not have to supplement with anything else.
rock on!

i hope that small amounts of dom that do make it into the breastmilk will not be a bad thing.
from the years this has been around and all the women who have used it, it does not appear to be harmful in any way.
i am going under the assumption that giving breast milk with all it has to offer with it's antibodies and such is better to give her with a tiny bit of this stuff in it than to give her formula, which is not a living food at all. (although i do not believe formula is *evil*, i just think it is the last choice for me)

i hope my assumption is correct and i am not doing harm to myself or to her by taking domperidone.

for now i will be really thankful that i am making almost twice the amount of milk i was making, and only on day 2 of taking it!

and hopefully i will be able to wean myself off of it at some point and stilll be able to keep my supply up.

so far i have not noticed any side effects except that maybe i feel a little bit more sleepy.
but i'm not sure if that is the dom or i am just sleepy because winter is coming on and all that.


lili is at grandma's tonight, so i am pumping and putting it in the fridge for her.
and tomorrow i am going to start packing to move.
and then lili is coming back to us on thursday afternoon.

i miss my little bean immensely.
all day i kept thinking she was still here and had to keep remembering that she wasn't.
she is ingrained into me.
nothing really feels totally right or normal when she is gone.
everything just feels a little off.

i am ridiculously attached to her.
she makes my heart whirl.


on a completely vain side note...
if i am making more milk now...will this also help me to lose some more pregnancy weight?
making more milk means burning more calories, yes?

god, i just want to lose these last few extra pounds.
it's not a huge deal if i don't..
but it would certainly be nice if it happened!


the soup ended up being quite good that i made.
not the best soup i've ever made, but definitely good.
thank god because i made enough to feed an army!


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