3 , 2007 |
i got my domperidone (motilium)!
here's to making more milk!
i'm psyched to make more milk!
(i make 12 ounces a day now. i hope to make 24!)
no more dark green smelly formula poo!
i don't know how long i will have
to take it before i can make enough for her...
i really hope i WILL make enough for her!
i really hope there are no weird
side effects.
but i don't think there will be...
milk milk milk!
omg look! she held her bottle! not
just once but TWICE!
she could only hold it about 30 seconds the 1st time and 10 seconds the 2nd.
but she did it! i can't believe i had time to grab the camera and capture
it :)
it's weird 'cause a few days ago i had a dream that she held her bottle...but i did not think i would see it actually happen for another year at least. and then today i did! wow!
and look at her being all pleased
with herself :)
and that's a glass bottle so it's not that light!
she has strong hands :)
in other news, the management in the building we live in informed us that
since there are now 3 people living in our 1 bedroom, we have to move into
a 2 bedroom.
it's the law that only 2 people can live in a 1 bedroom.
i wouldn't think this would be an issue until lili at least could walk!
so having to get my mind into the
mindset of moving is a real bender for me.
not to mention how much exhausting work it is. just draining.
and not to mention that a 2 bedroom is much more expensive.
but there it is.
and there's nothing i can do about it but suck it up and deal with it and
go into a sort of "robot mode" in order to just get it done and
not fall apart about it.
i don't barely have time to eat or brush my teeth. i have no idea where i am going to find the time or energy to pack all my belongings.
but we are going to be moving up
1 floor. so we will have a better view (it's a pretty amazing view, actually,
of the mississippi river). so this is good.
and we will have 200 square ft. of more room. so this is good.
but we will be paying for that..and that is not so good.
$185 more a month.
i hope we can swing it :/
we will have to live more frugally
in other areas although i don't know where we can cut corners except just
to get rid of the cable tv i got at the last month of my pregnancy so i would
have something to concentrate on while i laid in bed being very uncomfortable.
we don't go out to eat very often. and we don't really go out much or even
go out to movies.
we DID go see Zap Mama, tho, a few weeks ago and i totally forgot to mention
it! i got to meet her afterwards and everything. she is amazing!
anyway...i really despise eating crappier food. in fact, i refuse. especially
since i need to make lili milk.
food is so important. and at 41 years of age i have no desire to eat inferior
food. i lived the 1st 30 years of my life doing that. if anything lili will
grow up with quality food. i just need to learn to cook more things.
i bought 3 books recently (i hadn't bought any books in years!)
1. nourishing traditions
2. wild fermenttaion
3. the untold story of milk
i am on a sally fallon kick. of course i haven't had TIME to read any of them
if you would have told me a few years ago that i would be learning to make
saurkraut and raising a little child at any time in my life i would have laughed
at you. now i am a domestic hippy mom. how things change.
i really wanted cable tv this winter
since i will be all cooped up with lili.
i don't know how i will afford it now.
and i don't know how i will survive the winter and not go insane without it.
it's the only thing i am able to do while caring for her. i can't really read
or crochet because i am interrupted with something i need to do for her all
the starting any projects are pretty much out of the question and
would be entirely unenjoyable to even try while she is this young because
my concentration is so wrecked.
so i have my cable tv and that keeps me sane. watching fluffy shows like project
runway and kitchen nightmares (bbc version).
i am trying not to be depressed about
moving and this impending winter.
i really really am trying.
Baby Registry: