2 , 2007 |
about halloween:
she was going to be a slice of pizza
(and we pizza delivery people), but the costume was too big.
so we decided to all be cats :)
[Oct. 30th, 2007|10:46 pm]
another buh!
i'm glad unquietmind showed me this!
and videos of their buh!
i can't wait until lili can sit up,
and where do these people get clothes for their buh (named georgia)?
the sweaters are SO CUTE!!!!
oh and a plethora of links for me
to read even more just from that one site!
i'm psyched!
i'm glad to read this journal. i
can relate to a lot of what this woman is saying.
and it's interesting to me to read about all this physical/occupational/speech
therapy stuff that everyone seems to do with their children with DS these
days (which i am still wondering about quite a bit and on the fence about
it in some ways)
i am even more irritated now that
i have made this journal friends only because i want to show it to these other
women with blogs who had children like lili.
i want to connect!
ohhh i'm getting all teary and happy looking at this one (her 1st trip to the ocean):
i want to show lili the ocean!
oh, huzzah! this woman just wrote
to me and extended the arm of friendship :)
i subbed to her youtube vids so she was wondering who i was and so checked
me out and then wrote me.
this is a happy thing :)
[Oct. 30th, 2007|07:31 pm]
i ended up not going out. lili was too fussy.
i gave lili a bath then fed her and now she is in the swing.
i'm trying to get a few things done around the house and eat something.
in the images e is a pic of her from today, happy in the sunlight, frolicking with her fave white fuzzy scarf :)
it makes me so sad when i think about
all the women who get abortions because their fetus has down syndrome.
i read in the pregnancy lj community about a woman who got an amnio at 5 months
and was waiting for the results and if it did have DS she was going to abort.
at 5 months! gah :/ it churns my stomache. man, it can totally feel pain at
that old in a big way.
"Even as early as the fourth month baby frowns, squints, and grimaces
in response to experimentally produced outside stimuli. At five months the
fetus can startle in response to a light blinking at mother's abdomen."
---from the dr. sears site.
how could you do that to your child?
i wish i could wash away people's ignorance and fear about it.
the world is that much lesser of a place without all the other little buhs
with down syndrome that should have been living in this world also frolicking
in the sun. how can people put conditions on loving their child? how would
they let fear rein over love? i'm totally pro-choice...but i have a really
hard time with that one. especially now that i have had lili.
it also must be a vanity thing, too, i think, because people want their children
to be "smart". but "stupid is as stupid does". certainly
it can't be because they think their child will suffer if it lives, because
people with down syndrome do not suffer with it. it is the parents who fear
their own suffering for whatever reason, i think. something like 90% of women
who find out their child has DS get an abortion. we all lose because of this.
i miss M so much. i hate being alone
all day without him. meow.
[Oct. 30th, 2007|05:50 pm]
i'm trying to get the guts up to
go out by myself to see milo fine's free jazz ensemble with ms. lili voog
in tow.
if she fusses i'll end up stuck there sitting outside of the concert until
it's over.
i don't know how she will be.
hard to decide what to do.
i'm so sick of being stuck in the house!
would lili like some free jazz, man?
Baby Registry: