october 10, 2007

quick update...

i had minor surgery on my foot on monday and now it's all swollen and i have to keep it up in bed on ice and such and so as soon as the swelling goes down i will update in here!
hard to get asround and move cams or do anything.


i have major "buh fever" still. i have found that some people call this clucky.

i am clucky as all get out.

m and i have decided to give it a go at making another buh asap, given that i am 41 and that i have read much about how there is something like only a 5% chance of getting pregnant after 40 and only a 1% chance after 43 and pretty much 0 chance after 45.

of course the best choice , for many reasons, is to wait for awhile. but time isn't really on my side....so we're gonna try right now :)

wooo hooo!

wish us luck :)

i get all teary eyed at the thought of not being able to have another buh. i really hope i will be able to!
i have this wild desire now to live in a victorian house and have a huge oodle of kids. i know i cannot make a huge oodle at my age, but maybe i can adopt some buhs, too, someday :)

why is adoption so expensive, tho?


lili is at grandma's because i had minor foot surgery (ingrown toenail from a year ago...augh!) and now my foot is all swollen and i have to keep it propped up and on ice. gah. i look forward to being able to wear all my cool shoes and boots again! it's been the year long saga of The Toe ( i dropped a bowling ball on it last halloween).
i wailed, screamed, cried, and hyperventilated as i was getting the shots in my toe and getting the nail cut off on the sides like some sort of freak.
yes, i gave birth at home without any medication yet i FREAK out at some shots in my toe. unreal.

so i've gotten off the bed to write this and go eat something and then back to the bed i go.



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