sept 25, 2007



today it took em from 8am until now just to sort of clean the bedroom because i could only do it little bits at a time because of lili.
what should have taken 1/2 an hour took 14 hours.

if i can just somehow get the bedroom into shape so it looks pleasant to be in so i don't go insane this winter.

ok, well i did read a bit of anthony bourdain's blog at bravo tvs top chef show page, too.

i tried out carrying lili in the maya wrap facing forward. and she really loved it. she was really fascinated with moving around and looking at everything, flailing her chubby little limbs all over the place.
i thought this was going to be the answer to everything and i'd be able to finally be free to get up and actually DO something with my day besides hold her pacifier in her mouth and watch tv....but no...she got sick of it.

so it was back to the bed and holding her pacifier in her mouth.

but from the short time she did like being carried around that way, i did get a bit of cleaning done.
and i got 1/2 the desk cleaned off, which was a miracle.

maybe i can get her used to be carried around like that more so i can get even more done tomorrow...if i can keep up the stamina.

the babybjorn carrier hurts my back (but m uses it all the time) and lili doesn't much care for the sling, she likes to be sitting up so she can look around. she doesn't like to be laying all curled up in a sling not being able to see.
she is my curious monkey.

i hope m will be home soon, i miss him like the dickens.

her neck is getting so much stronger.
she seems to be figuring out that maybe she can suck her fingers...almost but not quite.
she likes to grab my shirt and hold on when i feed her.
she has a very tight grip.

she keeps wanting to always face her head to the left and look to the left.
i'm trying to figure out how to make her look to the right more often.
i'm not sure if this is anything i should even be concerned about.
maybe she'll grow out of it.

my face is shifting downward. i'm getting jowls or something.
my arms are flabby, and well, my entire body is flabby.
i'm looking totally like a middle aged mother....oh wait. i am a middle aged mother...eeeeeek.
i'm trying ot just go with the flow on the looks's a bitch.

m looks at me when i say this with resignation and he says " i love my lover..."

i am indeed lucky.



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