21, 2007 |
i keep trying to find time to write
in here....
and i never have a spare second it seems.
it's nuts....
lili is finally asleep but now i have to go change the sheets on the bed because the dogs got into a can of nuts and ate it, and then barfed on my bed.
this right after i spent the whole day washing the blankets...and i'm not going to put clean blankets on a bed with dog barf on it :(
plus one of the dogs chewed up one of the breast shield things (whatever they are called) on my breast pump and if i did not have an extra this would seriously jeaporadize my ability to make milk and feed lili. but even the extra stopped having any suction the other day...and i'm not sure exactly why...but i have a hunch and i HOPE i fixed it but i don't even have time to test it right now. and i have another extra but for the life of me i cannot find it and this makes me want to rip the hair out of my head.
i have NEVER been so angry at the
dogs as i am right now.
i don't even want to look at them.
they are really acting out lately whenever i leave the house for even a minute.
i'm going to have to buy them a kennel and stick them in it when i leave.
so that is what i am up to.
thank god lili is as cute as a button
and smiled at me many times today....
so it makes my day ok, when all is said and done.
even tho at one point she screamed bloody murder and could not be consoled so much that my adrenalin is still coursing through my veins.
but it's all good now.
m will be home soon. his hours suck
ass (1pm to 10pm) and i miss him so much.
thank god tomorrow is the weekend and i will be able to see him more and my
mom is going to take lili for the day so i can get some things done.
life has been more difficult this
week because m went back to work and doing everything myself is really hard.
it wouldn't be so strenuous if i didn't need to eat, sleep, bathe and clean
the house. but i do...and so it's stressful at times.
if all i had to do was just take
care of lili, then life would be peachy keen. taking care of her is actually
totally enjoyable (except for the screaming fest she has today for about 10
minutes which was bloodcurdling and heartwrenching). i really love taking
care of her.
i wish that was ALL i had to do.
in other news, she weighs perhaps
8.2 pounds now.
i weighed myself and then held her and weighed myself holding her and that
is the weight she seems to be now.
she actually enjoys getting her diaper changed now and gives little sweet chirps and sweaks when i wipe her butt. ha :)
i threw away almost all my plastic bottles (avent and breastflow) because they were made of a plastic that emits some sort of toxic substance, especially when heated.
can you believe that shit????
they've known it does this since
at least least that is what i find on the internet...and yet they
STILL sell these bottles!
not only that but you can't even GET glass bottles (the kind that are safe)
at target or walmart!
the only kind they sell is the evil toxic plastic kind!
so i have been using my medela bottles which are made from a better plastic. and i'll have to order some glass bottles on amazon.
and certain kinds of soft plastic
that they make teething toys out of and stuff (PVC) is also very toxic.
and so now i am wondering if some toys i bought her (little teething ones
for the future) are at all ok.
i can't seem to find out what they are made of.
it's a good thing i research this stuff because they certainly don't let you know WTF when you buy stuff.
well i'm off to change the sheets
now so i can at least lay on the bed and try to relax for a little bit.
i hope lili will remain asleep so i can do this.
she is my little pumpernickel bread...
pumpkin butter
pumpkin fresh
toast and jam
Baby Registry: