22, 2007 |
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crib safety
my mom got me a little wooden portable white crib on rollers from a garage
it's nice and simple.
but when my midwife came over and saw it she thought the spaces between the
bars might be too open.
so i looked up crib safety guidelines and there is only supposed to be 2 3/8th
inches of space inbetween the slats.
mine has 3 1/2 inches of space in between.
now, we are planning on cosleeping with the baby anyway, so i was not planning
on using this crib for the baby to sleep in while i was sleeping,
i was planning on using it for setting the baby down in when i need to set
her down in something because i need my hands free (yes i have a sling, too,
but i can't have her in a sling at all times)
so...do you think this crib would be safe to use for things like that? as long as she is still small enough that she cannot move around?
as soon as she is able to move around on her own i would get rid of it.
or should i just get rid of it now? :(
i'm just going to get rid of it.
it's not worth the risk.
3:32 pm
i'm here today, reading the information found in these links:
children's health:
Successful Breastfeeding...And Successful Alternatives:
A Breastfeeding Saga:
Breastfeeding Discussion:
Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers:
Dietary Recommendations for Children:
FAQs on Homemade Baby Formula:
Fat and Cholesterol in Human Milk:
Feeding Babies:
Ideas for Feeding Toddlers:
Is Mother's Milk Sterile?
Is Raw Milk Safe For Babies?
Modern Baby Books: Full of Bad Advice:
MSG in Infant Formula:
Recipes for Whole Foods Baby Formula:
Taking the "Icky" Out of Picky Eaters
Tricks of the Infant Food Industry:
Vitamin D for Infants:
so far i have read "successful breastfeeding and successful alternatives"
and "faqs on homemade baby formula"
the jury is still out on what i think about it, but it has given me a lot
to think about! and i'm glad to hear some alternative views.
it's nice to get even more views than just the two views i have mostly seen
on breastfeeding which are 1: "breast is best", all women can breastfeed,
anyone who doesn't breastfed is a loser---LLL is god
and 2) i can't/won't breastfeed so i'm going to go buy some commercial formula
and do it that way because that is the only other way i know, and that is
good enough for me.
these links provide a deeper insight into nutrition and aren't based on those
i'm not a nutrionalist and so i can't say for certain one way or the other
with anything from a professional standpoint...i'm just a researcher taking
into account all points of view and using my logic and intution to the best
of my ability.
so i'm just sharing some links i've found as i way to spread even more points
of view so we can all make our own informed choices about things.
because it just seems to me that there is more to feeding your child than
just the either/or stance i have found to be the most prevalent.
Current Mood: busy
3:26 am
i'm blarging irritated that my mom bought a can of similac for my child.
even if i was going to formula feed...why assume i would choose that?
i will just chock it up to ignorance as she knows nothing about breastfeeding
and i know she means well.
but i'm still irritated.
i'm trying not to be...but i'm finding myself getting more and more irritated
by this on so many levels.
i started reading about formula tonight
because of it.
i am grossed out by the ingredients.
and it smells bad they say?
why would you feed your child something that smells bad?
doesn't that just seem wrong? if food smells bad that is a huge red flag for
also whenever i read about formula
it seems that all parents discuss about besides 1) how bad it smells going
in and coming out is:
2) their child constantly spitting up from it
3) having gas from it
4) having some other stomache problem from it
5: what a pain in the ass it is to mix and get all the clumps and air bubbles
i hope i NEVER have to use formula.
and i hope my mother gets a clue
about breastfeeding and how it works so she stops bugging me about formula.
still, i understand, who knows, maybe i'll have to use formula at some point
because i have no idea what the future brings. but to buy formula NOW...it
seems so unsupportive. and not to even ask me what brand i would use or anything...like
i wouldn't care?
i would have rathered she use that money to buy me some mother's milk tea
or fenugreek capsules or heck, even a boppy.
i suspect this is more about her wish to feed the child than to help me out.
Current Mood: exhausted
baby registry!
I thought you might like to know that I have created a Baby Registry at Amazon.com. You can find it anytime by searching for my name at http://www.amazon.com/babyregistry.
Best Wishes,
ana voog and matthew bruce
You can see ana voog and matthew bruce's entire Baby Registry at:
ok, here it is!
if you can think of anything else that would be good for me to add, let me
know :)
if you find a better price for things or want to buy it somewhere else or simply send something else or give us a gift of money (yes!!! $ will go to buy fuzzi bunz cloth diapers and medical costs)
please send to:
ana voog
p.o. box 76152
saint paul, MN
make cheques and money orders
out to:
rachael olson (my legal name) or matthew bruce
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