march 23rd, 2007



thanks to john from australia for putting it there because some killjoy with his panties in a twist removed it from youtube

if you can't play an flv file you can convert it with this:


well the video i was in was removed after an hour i posted it was there.
nice to know that as soon as i share things with the world someone has to go and ruin everyone's fun.
oh well!



this is what i have resorted to watching.


dance off: ana voog vs. the robot

jason just found this on youtube (his robot...vid i made from when we lived together from a compilation of anacam pix)
this is probably going to get pulled soon off of there (nudity).

so watch it while you can!

i wonder who did the music? (oh! i think that IS my voice! made from silly wav files i made but totally chopped up)

i wrote to the guy and told him to send me a copy.
i hope he does.

this is the one comment it to it:

"Superbly distant. But it remains familiar and close, like a child. IS the robot a child pseudonym? Where does one fit into the world of the parent, and the parent into the world of the child? How does this effect our relation to the rest of the world? You've helped me understand some friends of mine tonite.
-J "

how weird is that? :)


today i am feeling more sick than yesterday.
it rrrrreeeaaally sucks.
i slept terribly then tried to sleep more this afternoon.
i think i'll downlaod an episode of
lisa williams" life among the dead"
off itunes to kill the time as there is nothing on tv but the miss america pageant and i need somethnig to focus on that is not how crappy i feel.




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