march 16th, 2007



took a small nap.
i'm going to cook lamb tonight for me to get more protein.
this protein thing is a constant struggle.

sebastian is being mr. barf dog all day long.
i wonder what he ate that made him so sick?
i rrrreeeaaallly hope this is not going to be the beginning of another super sick session with him where i end up having to feed him with a syringe :(
whatever he has in there i hope it comes out soon.
or maybe it already did and now he is just barfing because his stomache hurts.
poor little guy :(



groceries came. ate strawberries, kiwis and baba ghanouj.
i look at this liquid iron stuff i am supposed to take and it says take BEFORE meals. this sucks because my antibiotics i have to take WITH meals. and i try to keep eating almost always througout the day because i am not very hungry, my stomache cannot hold much but i have to keep eating.
rrgh. all this bodily function stuff is driving me bonkers.
trying to stay on a schedule about it. take things at the right time with the right food or no food.
always have to watch the clock.
it just really kills any creative or thinking process, this whole pregnancy ordeal. i am just reduced down to my primary body things. that is all consuming.
if i'm not trying to eat the right things at the right times then i am tired and want to sleep.
and i wish i could just stop THINKING about being pregant for even a few hours but it's IMPOSSIBLE as i have a bigger and bigger belly to constantly remind me that i am.
i haven't even attempted to see what clothes may fit me other than pajamas. i feel like a slouch, but what can i do?
not much.
it's all about eating and getting sleep, and that is pretty much my entire life right now.
if i do have any energy left over it is to do tasks which require little effort, like typing here, surfing the net or watching movies.
i know i need to get excercise, mostly stretching because i feel so stiff. but i don't have the energy to do so.
i hope this iron supplement will give me more energy.
i'm sorry my entries are not any more exciting than this, but what can is say?

on top of it i have my mom telling me all the vaccinations i will "need" to get the kid. and my dad is already asking me if i will teach the kid to PRAY.
like the nightly prayer they taught me "now i lay me down to sleep i pray the lord my soul to keep and if i die before i wake..."
i said DAD, i don't want to remind the kid it could die in it's sleep everytime it goes to bed!
that prayer always bothered me some.
he said, well you have to teach it about death, too! and i'm like YA, i WILL but i don't think it needs a daily reminder right before it goes to bed each night.
i said i would teach it the power of words and positive thinking.
will i get it babtized? i said yes, for the sake of the family's sanity i will. i don't see anything wrong with throwing some water on the child as long as it calms everyone down.

all this stuff...i can't even THINK about it!
i am just at a primal level of creating cells.
then i will concentrate on popping it out.
and then i will concentrate on making breast milk and feeding it.
one step at a time!!!!



i'm just sitting here waiting for my groceries to be delivered.
i can't remember my dreams and i didn't get much sleep.
m and i attempted to have sex this morning using an unlubricated condom because i am still taking antibiotics to clear up this BV thing i have and he cannot deposit his "bodily fluids" into me until i am done with the medicine (2 more days to go).
condoms suck. but unlubricated ones even more so.
or maybe i was just really tight from not having intercourse for 4 days.
dunno, whatever the reason, just blesh to condoms....which is what got us pregnant in the 1st place...duh.
after the child is born i will probably get this new IUD type thing they have now.
i really am wary of those. but i don't want to go on the pill. and condoms and diaphrams suck infinitely.
i just wish i had the $$$ to get my tubes tied.
maybe santa will give that to me.
ha :)
oh how i wish.

and also i wish that my aloecam would save the freaknig pix on cam2.
you can see how many are only half saved in the images section of today.
it's so frustrating.
M sent off my camcorder in the mail to my mom so her husband can get it fixed (or buy a new one!)
i want my camcorder back! i need it!
sucks not having a camcorder with nightvision.
and poor anacam, the free one, is just constantly on the bed.
this needs to be rectified ASAP!





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