5th, 2007 |
oh great...
funfunfun. *sarcasm*
here i sit, 19 weeks pregnant, watching
a show about life after menopause/getting older, etc.
i'm so confused.
i'll be 41 next month!
wtf dude?
where am i at, huh?
i've had a headache for a week straight.
my uterus is pushing past my belly button now.
it's like being punched in the stomache from the inside out.
M thinks my belly is sexy :)
i'm lucky to have him :)
weight i'm supposed to gain according to my height:
Pregnancy weight gain estimator
You should gain roughly 28-40 lbs. during your pregnancy.
Over the last two trimesters you
should gain about 5 lbs. every 4 weeks. If you gained the average of the range
above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded):
Uterus 2.82 lbs.
Breasts 1.17
Blood 3.64
Water 4.89
Fat 9.74
Subtotal 22.26
Fetus 7.5
Placenta 1.89
Amniotic Fluid 2.32
Subtotal 11.71
Total 33.97
eee....4 pounds of blood?
is that all gonna come out of me when i give birth?
last night i ordered groceries online.
today they came.
i LOVE shopping online. so convenient!
i got a ton of salmon, salsa, guacamole, eggs, really yummy frozen pizzas
(like asiago artichoke),
almonds and other high protein things.
it's nice to have a fridge with food in it :)
yesterday M cleaned a lot, too, and
even started painting the floor with primer in the hallway.
we will get the floors done! yes!
my back hurts. most likely because my belly is growing.
today i have been doing this:
horoscopes from: