february 5, 2007





midwife came over and did a pap smear on me. i hate those.
it made my cervix bleed which she says was normal because women who are pregnant, our cervixes bleed more easily.
then she even let me see my cervix with a mirror and a light! i have never seen my cervix before so that was very interesting :) M saw it, too :)
she also listened to the babies heartbeat which was way easier to find last than last time. she really had to search 2 weeks ago but this time she put it right on my bellly and boom, there it was loud and strong and fast right away!
i was glad m got to hear :) he said "holy buckets!"
i had psyched myself all up for her to take my blood and then she forget something crucial to doing it. this decive that separates the blood from the serum (plasma?) so she could not do it so tomorrow she is coming at 11:30am to do it and she is going to be taking more blood than i had previously thought. 5 big vials! eeeeee! i have never had that much blood taken from me before amd it makes me sick just to think about it.
i really have a fear of needles and fainting.
and she is also going to take a sample of my urine tomorrow.

then i was going to do all of these errands i needed to do but i feel right to sleep. argh.
and i ahd the WEIRDEST dreams ever. very baron manchausen (sp?) meets alice in wonderland.
too long to go into but when i woke up i felt like i had been in another dimension for several hundred years. it took me awhile to com around 'back" to this one.
i still feel quite odd.

oh and tomorrow i am going to try and figure out a way i can record the babies heartbeat and make an mp3 from it.
i really want you all to heat it.

i must have a wya to connect a microphoen to my computer somehow. i just have never tried it on this one before and i have to find one that fits and find that device that you can record with. my last computer could do it, but i don't remember how.

it's been freezing cold here. like 16 below zero and stuff.
m is washing the dishes.
i ate some pineapple,. blueberries and blackberries.
i want more fruit.
i wish we had yogurt.

we are going to watch a movie later. maybe "little miss sunshine". i have no idea what that is about but it's been recommended to me.

yesterday i did dread maintenance on jason's dreads. i only got about 1/2 done.
i made him come over here instead of me going over there and so it was the 1st time that m and jason were in the same room with each other for more than 1 minute and it worked out ok.
jason brought over some dvds of cool animation he showed us.

today i am officially 15 weeks pregnant. hard to believe.
i keep having to pee all the time which is really irruiting.

now m is done with the dishes so i am going to go hang out with him and snuggle :)


lots to say. i'll write about it later.
midwife came over today.
lots of errands to do today.
so have to get ready for that.
found some pix from back in july i never put up here.


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