december 4th, 2006


i am positively exhausted, which is one of the signs.
also my breasts are wayyy sore.

i looked up in past anagrams when was the 1st time M and i had sex after my last period which started on the 23rd of october. and it was the 28th, and then a whole bunvh of the 29th, and well, you know us, a heck of a lot of times.
so, i figure now that i could be anywhere from 12 to 36 days pregnant!
so far no other signs of pregnancy. just super tired, sore breasts, and well, 2 pregnancy tests that say i'm pregnant.
i think i'll take the last one i have on the 14th before we go see his parent's for his dad's birthday and break them the news (eek).

i want to take one right now. i want to take one every freaking day just to be sure.
i keep waking up in the morning to pee and thinking, maybe i'll see i have my period?
but nope, no blood.

i'm looking around my house for things to sell to pay for my delivery , should it happen.
i don't have much of anything of worth here except my musical instruments and i just can't sell those.
maybe if i make a record in the next 9 months, as a last resort, i will.
it breaks my heart to think about it, tho.

maybe i'll start a donation page.
if people could just give a buck here and there it could be SOMETHING.
at least pay for doctors and an ultrasound.


the more i read about laws about women giving birth and insurance and just everything the more confused i get.
i am so frustrated i just want to cry and i'm so tired i am beyond tired.
i am going back to bed.
i can't go to social services today because they need proof from a doctor that i am pregnant, for one thing. and i do not have any $ to go to a doctor right now. so that is that from that end,.
it's all so much red tape you would not even believe it.


holy crap, it's SUNNY today!
the 1st sunny day in what seems like weeks.


yesterday i cleaned, felted things, tooks naps, cooked chicken.
thought and thought and thought.
lots to think about about.
called hospitals. insurance places.
so much to do....
so overwhelming.

tomorrow i'll go check with social services.

i don't think there is much they can do for me, tho.

the maintenance guy came over and fixed my microwave. yay!
how did we ever live without those?
and unclogged the drain in my tub (m's long hair)
now i can clean the tub!

i'm so frickin tired i could go right back to sleep.

it's bugging the living daylights out of me that i cannot find the photos of when i think i got pregnant. i could SWEAR i saw them.
but maybe we had the cam turned away or something.
but i could swear i had them.
i know exactly what they look like and what position i was in and i can find nothing that resembles that.

bummer. oh well.


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