september 28th, 2006


today was a bad spinning day for me. i thought i'd be into it but i just wasn't.
i'm catching a cold for one and i feel rundown.
i was also working with this crap fiber i got way back when i 1st was learning to spin and it was not satisfying to me at all to work with it.
life is too short to spin crappy fiber.
also the colours were nasty. i could have taken more time to mix it better and make it more interesting but i was too impatient and lazy.
impatience and laziness does not make a good yarn.
you can't always throw things together willy nilly and expect it to turn out aewsome everytime.
yesterday that plan worked, today it did not. and i have some massively ugly yarn now.
i think i will try and dye it or something later on to see if it is salvagable.
felt it. i dunno. use it as a base for something else to crochet over.
as for the rest of my crappy fiber i bought when i did not know enough about fiber to tell the difference, i think i may just try felting it into little balls that i can add into other things. it's just miserable to spin it.
dusty and crumbly with specks of hay in it and god knows what else.
i'm going to go play with it in some soapy water and see what happens if i do that.
if it doesn't felt into balls, i'll just throw it away or something.
there has to be SOMETHING i can do with it.
blesh to cheap fiber.
it's interesting to see how my tastes in fiber and yarn have changed since the beginning of me working with it up until now.
and i really need to get a drum carder.


watch this:




i'm still trying to recover from the whole video card fiasco.
that just drained the living crap out of me.
it seems that new video cards, or at least the one i had is not compatible with old webcam software.
i just feel like webcams, the way that i work with them, is a form that no one is doing anymore and so no one is updating anything to help things stay compatible with each other.
this is scary to me, and i hope i can find someone, someday, to make me my own software that is compatible with the new hardware.
jason could do this. he is a software architect, but he just is so busy with his other job, he never has had time to ever help me make anything like that, which is really too bad.
he is one of the best in the business and even google wanted to hire him and let him live in switzterland the other day.
i'll never really understand why he never wanted to join me on the anacam project, fully, and make it into the incredible thing it should be, all the things i see in my head.
it would have been so much fun. we could have created worlds and new ways of people to communicate and make art.
i guess it would have been more of a labour love than a labour to create cash. and the stability of a regular job with benfits such as 401k's and health insurance meant more to him than adding something unique to the planet.
i don't know...he does have his condo now, and if a great depression or WW3 does not come upon us, he is set for life.
while i remain finanicial as unstable as ever.
but i really do believe that if we had just worked together on the beautiful things i see in my head, money would have come naturally. we might not be rolling in cash, but we would have certainly been comfortable and happy, which is all i want or need.
and the things we would have made would have been beautiful, unique and made people think in new ways.
it could have been a sort of "burning man" on the web.
but it seems to me to either be i am so ahead of my time no one can understand what i am talking about, or i just pick the wrong people to tell my ideas to, or else i am a highly ineffectual communicator/motivator.
or a combination of all of these, or something else i just have not thought of.
maybe it is just not "in the cards" for any of my visions to be fully realized. and so i do a little of this and do a little of that and try to just keep going and make small versions of things that i am capable of doing. and i just hope some day the universe will let me meet the person who can help me technically and financially to realize the visions i have for things.
i'm having a hard time not feel a bit bitter and sulky about it all today.
but i just have to pick myself up and keep going.
and i either try to soothe myself or con myself i into the idea that there must be some reason i am blocked from doing so many things that i just cannot see.
like perhaps i have chosen a life of restrictions so that i can become stronger through these trials.or maybe i am not motivated enough. or maybe i make terrible decisions.
i certainly have made some terrible decisions, indeed.
i've also made some good ones.
maybe i am being too hard on myself. and maybe i am not being hard enough. i just can't tell sometimes.
i look back on this year and think, just what the fuck did i get done?
last night i couldn't think of anything and then i remembered i did do the sex worker's art show, i did go to canada and learn to do hair extensions and much more than that, i did make some nice photographs, i broke up with a boyfriend i should have years ago, i got a new boyfriend.
i worked through a lot of inner battles.
i came to a truce with my mother.
i did make it to portal, north dakota for my birthday.
i survived to 40 years of age.

i didn't finish my movie, but i went to portal.
i didn't make my record, but i did buy new equipment to make it.
i didn't finish my taxes but i made some effort in that.

there are still 3 more months left to this year.
and these are the things i hope to achieve:


1. finish my fucking taxes
2. get the rest of this beige carpet out of here and paint my floors silver.
3. crochet a king sized bedspread all out of handspun yarn.

i've been wanting to make a king sized bedspread for years now and i may as well just get that out of my system, and that doesn't take a lot of brain power to do, it just takes a lot of continuous effort.

i started on it last night and worked on it until my hands gave out.

so , no amazing lofty ideals right now.
just things which take repetition until finished.

to give my brain a rest from "art"
and sulking about all my "visions of grandeur" which seem to have come to a screeching halt due to low finances, etc.

maybe if i just do these things, things will fall into place.
maybe i will attain a state of grace again and calm my weary soul from so much fear and anxiety.

i will cook, and i will clean.
i will keep on keeping on.
i will make the soup and the string.
i will keep taking pictures.
and will keep writing.
and i will make it through this rough patch.
i will just keep on doing what i can and not dwell on what i can't.

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