30th, 2006 |
ARIES (March 21-April 19): In all
my years of evaluating your astrological
omens, I have rarely seen a time so favorably disposed to the value and
pleasure of variety. I'm tempted to conclude that the cosmos is
conspiring for you to try all 32 flavors, 46 positions, and 64 loopholes.
For a limited time only, you really should be determined to sample a little
of a lot rather than a lot of a little. Grazing and browsing are not only
they're preferable. You have a poetic license to be mercurial,
spontaneous, and inscrutable.
heck yes :)
got back from my walk about 45 minutes
ago. it was super nice outside.
i took my camera but i didn't see anything worth taking a picture of today.
of course when i DON'T have my camera with me i see tons to take pix of.
murphy's law.
i'll write my mom a nice and mellow email back later on tonight and tell her
i had her pork roast with peach salsa. that will make her happy.
winding down....
might read in bed.
it was nice to have a somewhat normal day free of drama, basically.
i got a NICE and MELLOW email from
my mom, which is a relief.
in an hour i am going to go for a walk with jason.
and tomorrow at 5pm matt and i are going to go see the body exhibit at the
science museum.
the one with the real human bodies all plasticized. i'm excited :)
i ate some smoked albacore tuna that
my mom gave me. it was interesting.
now i'm eating strawberries.
i'm also cooking this pork roast that my mom gave me.
probably not a good day to bake since it's so hot, but i need to do something.
she also gave me a jar of her homemade peach salsa to go with it.
i ordered some pre de provence eau de toilette in the verbena fragrance that
my friend sent me long ago, and now i am running out. it's such a glorious
and i also got one in lavendar.
scents are really important to me, and i love ones with natural oils especially
my favourite is rose. i wish they had a rose one.
and i'm almost out of my rose oil.
i need to go to this place uptown and get more.
i'm really picky about it, it has to be pure rose, nothing synthetic.
i'm convinced that there is something "holy" about roses and their
i had a dream once where i was told that if roses were planted everywhere
on earth, it would help to promote peace for the planet.
and i really believe that is true.
if i were a billionaire i would somehow get a plane to fly across the places
in which there are war and spray rose oil on everyone. i would air drop rose
seeds and rose petals on the cities.
everyone needs flowers.
heck, if i were sitting in a ditch with both my legs shot off and i was about
to die, i would hope i could smell roses before i died.
i don't know if it would solve any problems, but it might make things just
a tiny bit happier, and that can't be bad
i'm such a hippy.
the next time my mom comes over i'm
going to spritz her down.
maybe that'll help. i'll try it out on her.
maybe i should just walk around with a bottle of rose oil and a spritzer and
anyone who harrasses me i should spritz rose oil in their direction.
i think i will try out that approach and see if it works.
it would be expensive, but worth it if proved effective.
today i was woken up by my computer
rebooting itself and that annoying women's voice on the computer saying "system
failed memorty test, now booting from blah blah system" and then i have
to click f1 because i have no floppy drive that works. it's weird that it
would reboot by itself. shutting itsefl off, yes. that has happened but rebooting?
then i was annoyed by a persistant knock on my door which makes all the dogs
go crazy.
it was , suran, the indian down the hall who i told many weeks ago, in a lapse
of good judgement, that i would teach him how to correctly pronounce english
words so that people could understand him when he talked here (he wanted that).
but when i realized it wasn't so much that he wanted to exchange cultural
ideas but it was more of a sexual thing for him i was like eesh.
he is only a few doors down from me and he is always cooking the greatest
smelling food.
i have a whole bunch of people from india on my floor. they are here to learn
computer stuff for a year and then go back to their country. the whole outsourcing
they are super shy except for suran who now thinks i am some sort of exotic
blonde american woman he must have. gross.
i told him i could not open the door because i had just gotten out of the
bath. and he said "i don't mind"
and i said "suran, no!" and walked away.
then he still sat there knocking on my door for another 3 minutes.
what an immature ass.
i hope he goes back to his country really soon.
i really wish i could talk to men, especially from other countries, without
them thinking i am coming on to them.
i really just want to talk about our cultures and how they are similiar and
how they differ.
since i have no money for travelling i thought it would be a good opportunity
to at least learn something about their country firsthand, as well as they
can learn something about mine. because they said in their country they do
not get to talk to women much.
so i thought that was odd and i thought it would be good for them to talk
to a woman as an equal, but obviously that is not going to happen.
i'm too idealistic and open and curious.
and i must stick to my rule of never becoming friends with anyone in my building,
because it always ends badly when i try that. especially with men.. they always
get the wrong idea.
it's really irritating.
this is who opened for imogen heap:
she was absolutely amazing :)
messaging with jason today he mentioned that he was having dinner with his
mother tonight.
and so i said i should write her a goodbye letter. and he said WHY?
and so i guess i do not have to give up his family afterall.
that had never even crossed his mind. he said i'm still invited to all their
this made me very happy :)
he said "we're still your family!"
yay :)
i wrote my mom an impassioned plea for her to just keep things simple right
now and talk about light subjects so that we can at least hang out without
any hysterics happening. and i think i finally got through to her about that
and she agreed. i'll see if she can actually stick with it.
it's all so scary.
i don't know what i will do with today.
again, i'd like to rip up more carpet my my middle finger on my right hand
is a bit swollen from it getting knocked around on the day i pulled up most
of the carpet. so much so that i cannot get my ring off that finger. so i
think i should wait until that finger mends.
it's 80 degrees out, maybe i will
go for a walk around dusk.
i hope i do not run into suran.
at least he is as small as i am so he doesn't pose much of a physical threat.
horoscopes from:
Your Horoscope for May 30 , 2006
The old saying: money doesn't grow on trees, has never been truer for you. There?s definitely a cash flow problem souring your mood, but it's within your reach to reverse this, not by appealing to a family member, but by a little bit of hard work and forward thinking!
Showing off
Usually this influence makes you feel very social. You enjoy being with your
friends and neighbors, talking and exchanging news with them. You may feel
a little like showing off, which cannot do any harm in moderation. But whatever
you try to show others about your strength, independence and ability to lead,
it is clear that today you need others, and you are quite aware of it. Do
not try to delude other people about that. They will respect you for being
honest, and of course, people like to feel needed. The old line that "No
man is an island" has real meaning for you today. If nothing else, you
need others to "show off" to, and you need not fear that showing
off will alienate people. Unless you are an insufferable braggart to begin
with, it will not have that effect at all.
You might not be able to say what
you're feeling now for fear of rejection. Also, you are more sensitive to
what others are thinking and you really don't want to put anyone you like
in the awkward position of saying no. Even unspoken, your emotions can color
your day, so find a way to share your vulnerability without putting responsibility
on the other person.