may 2nd , 2006

i was just talking to mark from negativland who is in town for a negativland art show.
and we talked about a billion things like how much the lakewood cemetary rules.
and he was playing me the banjo made from a cookie tin when all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off here , which sounds like a nuclear holocaust when it does.
so i am hearing cookie tin banjo in one ear and nuclear holocaust in another.
not knowing if everything i have ever owned is about to go up in flames or it is another false alarm.
trying to get the dog leashes together just in case, without the dogs freaking out any more than they already were.
and that is just a small fraction of what went through my head and body in 7 minutes.
so...after the nuclear holocaust sound going on for a VERY long time, (shop as usual and avoid panic buying) i had to get off the phone and deal with the fact that my dwelling may be on fire and i may lose everything i have ever owned..
but then the fire dept came and the alarm was shut off and my very sleepy boyfriend went back to bed and the dogs settled down.

Om mani padme hum

OM mani padme hum - "Look at/look for/hail the jewel in the lotus" only the Pali reads from right to left and thus the prayer wheel reads backwards, which is a trifle silly but not a negation sort of thing like it would be for backward-moving written blessings in some other traditions.

"'Om Mani Padme Hum' (translation: 'Hail the jewel in the lotus') is a six syllable invocation (mantra) of Avlokitesvara, one who is invoked as the Protector from danger. It is claimed that one who recites this mantra will be saved from all dangers and will be protected. This mantra is widely used in Mahayana Buddhism. One can find this mantra inscribed on rocks, prayer wheels, stupa walls, loose stones heaped as Mani (jewels) on roads, paths, mountain passes, the approaches and exits of villages. One can find this Mantra inscribed outwardly in the prayer wheels with millions of this mantra inscribed on paper inside the prayer wheels. The devotee turning one round of the prayer wheel means he recites this mantra millions of times. As this mantra is thought to save one from all dangers, it is widely used in pendants, rings, etc."


photos of women and the telephone

i've decided to start collecting cool/beautiful/unusual photos of women and telephones.
there seems to be a thing about women and telephones. i don't know why.
i know i certainly have a weird desire to take photos of myself with telephones.
anyway, if you have any or find any cool photos of women and telephones post them here
or email them to me at anavoog at gmail dot com



memory lane

this is probably a long shot.
but i am going through my super old cassettes and i found one by a band called "this picture"
and the album was called "a violent impression" and they were kind of a simple minds sort of band, a bit.
anyway, there is only one good song on it and it was called "naked rain"
and my tape is totally screwed and warbly and i can't find it on the net.
so...i was wondering, if by some freak chance, anyone has an mp3 of it.
i know my chances are slim, but hey, i thought i'd try...

i'm taking a walk down memory lane listening to old cassettes of blue up? demos and stuff.
i found a tape of the EP NOW (from my band The Blue Up?) while sally sweet was still playing on it on her farfisa before we got karla to play over it.
and it was 11 songs and instead of just 5 songs.
i have to get these in ana2 so you can hear them :)
songs i'd forgotten i'd ever even written.
i was such a horrible singer then.
just so shy.
i'm cracking myself up hearing me play guitar solo with the big muff and wah wah pedal.
this is so freaky hearing these songs i'd forgotten about.
whoever was the original engineer for this record should be shot.
grant hart was the producer. we covered "going all the way" and i'd forgotten that you can hear grant hart singing background in that :)
i forgot we also covered "wicked annabella" by the kinks :)
i sound like i'm 12 years old.

ya, i have to get some of this stuff off the cassette before these cassettes completely deteriorate.
there is some good stuff and some funny stuff and some weird stuff.
weird outtakes, weird mixes, live stuff, demos.
some of it is heinously horrible and some is kind of charming in a weird sort of way.
oh funny, us doing "super freak"
god, it is so hilarious.
i miss my band.
i think our practices were way better than our lives shows.
i wish i had made more tapes of our practices.
90% of of practices were just us talking.
and then 10% we would actually play music.
but we did practice faithfully 3 times a week or more.
we would go off on these weird tangents that were inside jokes only to ourselves.
i just found a practice of us doing "army dreamers" by kate bush but singing as if we are all totally deaf.
i know we racked up some bad karma points on that and we are probably still workiing that off.
but damn, it fucking hilarious as hell.

and then i found a demo tape i made in about an hour containing about 10 songs for a fictitious band i wanted to call "thee cavechix"
(before anyone had done that)
and i tried to use every 60's garage rock cliche in the book to make the songs but it's great (at least in my mind it is)
songs like "men are food" and "do the stegasaurous", "(going to the) cave in", "gotta rock (and it's bigger than you), and "psychedelic neon love cave".
well, you just have to hear it (or maybe not).

so i'm having a good time :)


i realized that the writing on the tombstones when i had the dream about the "oddfellows"
was sanskrit
i knew it was like arabic but it was much more ornate.
sankrit comes the closest to what i saw.
so now i am looking into it more :)

and this was the exact bronze statue in the reptilian/giants tomb in the 2nd dream. i found it when i did a google image for sanskrit.


stupid email of the day:

"Gotch Ana,

I saw Colbert Saturday night, and sent him the following on Monday.

I watched the whole thing(even the Idiot in Chief). I have to admit, during your part I cringed. I thought you were bombing, might not even make it out alive. Bush is a vindictive SOB.
Now I realize you were speaking Truth to Power. They needed to hear it, but I doubt they understand.
You did it--afflicted the comfortable, now to comfort the afflicted.
We now call you El Cujones Giganticos!!

Watch your back.

Happy Mission Accomplished Day to you, sir.

I hope you will write to him, too. May I see your breasts some more?"


procrastinated my day.
oh well.
going to go with a walk with jason now.

added a new bio to my LJ:

i am an artist. sun and moon in aries, rising leo. chinese fire horse.
life lesson 44.
i'm not here to debate with you. i'm not here for your critique.
i am here to share with you the hidden treasure that i find.
appreciation is always welcome. silence is golden.
i am not everyone's cup of tea. i am a child of the 60's.
i am most likely overly idealistic and overly romantic, but i don't care.
i like it this way so don't rain on my parade.
treat me with care or i'll rip your head off.
my bark is worse than my bite, although i'm a cat.
if you like things to be wrapped up in a nice neat little bow, my journal will probably drive you nuts. i hate chit chat and small talk. but if you are a good storyteller you could probably have me wrapped around your little finger, at least for a minute.
things that will make me not like you: passive aggressive behaviour, trying to get a reaction from me through guilt or shame, playing the devil's advocate, trying to prove to me that you are not "kissing my ass", trying to "knock me off my pedestal", putting me on a pedestal, any form of jealousy or competition or playing the "one upping" game, putting people down, gossipy behaviour, snarkiness, trying to be cool, sulking

things that will make me like you: kindness, gentleness, seeing all sides of an issue, not assuming, being appreciative, being empathetic, having a sense of wonder, not saying anything at all if you have nothing nice to say, being yourself, not being a bitch, leaving room for possibilities, having courage to show your insecurities, not projecting yourself onto me, having a sense of humour that does not rely on degrading anyone

remember i am not you. therefore i will not think, act, or feel like you.
also my journal is not me. it is a fraction of thoughts in text form and always in the past tense.
pictures of me are also not me, they are a fraction of a reflection of me in the light at one point time from one angle. to read my words and see my photos is not the same as knowing me.
but it's a start...



i added new interests in my LJ, because that is what i do when i procastinate my ass off:

40, 44, 8, abnormalities, absurdity, alchemy, aleph bet, all is one, ana voog, anacam, anagrams, anaverse, antarctica, anti-duality, anti-narcissism, anti-new world order, anti-patriotism, anti-pimp, anti-politics, anti-pope, anti-pornography addiction, anti-really bad porn, anti-religion, anti-virginity, anti-war, anti-worshipping deities, antlers, artist as visionary, as above so below, balance, being, being alone, bjork, body as temple, bones, bono, breaking stereotypes, chaos, chaos through order, chi, cocoons, connecting the dots, creating environments, cultivating discipline, curry, decay, dia-monde, dissolving barriers, doing things backwards, doppelgangers, earth, easter eggs, echoes, ecofeminism, empathy, energy grids, eno, equal but different, experimental cooking, feng shui, forensics, fred astaire, freeform crochet, frost giants, fu, fucking with gender, getting to the core, gnosis theory, hamsa, hope, hopi, iceland, illusion of duality, ingwaz, integration, interconnectivity, jane roberts, japanese chins, jim woodring, joy in repetition, ka-ba-la, kala hamsa, kali, kindness, king/klown, knowledge through nonsense, liberty, lightwork, listening to things backwards, loops, lucite, mark ryden, mass communication, matthew barney, mecca, mediatrix, medusa, metaphor, mirmir, mirrors, mother goose rhymes, multidimensionality, no time like now, obsidian, oddfellows, one on one, oprah/harpo, owls, oz, palindromes, paradox, paying attention, plants as equals, portals, pro-gun, puzzles within puzzles, reading between the lines, resurrection, rocks as intelligent life, roses, rube goldberg, sacred geometry, sameness, saving the ocean, scrumbling, seeing things holistically, setting boundaries, shakti, sigils, soup, spinning, string, telephones, the bluebird of happiness, the common thread, the dakotas, the feathered serpent, the morning star, the spine, the tree of life, tiphereth, twins, void, wabi-sabi, walking the line, whirling dervishes, whore as healer, wonka, yoko ono, zebras.


today i WILL make it to the bank!
got my coffee. playing elastica.
it's 66 degrees and sunny.
i have no excuse not to get out there and get those errands done.

i had dreams i was building a house.
it started out as a shack and by the end it was 1st story stone and second story wood.
with ivy growing up it.
it overlooked a river that would flood once in awhile.
so that is why i moved the wood part be be the second story and the stone was on the 1st level.
but it was like 6 feet solid foundation before the hosue even started because i didn't want the flood waters gettting in my house.
i was a good builder in my dream.
and i got most of what i needed to keep building and renovating for free in junkyards and stuff.
i lived in this person's back yard.
they let me buy a small plot back there.
my house was small but it was really cute, comfortable, warm, and beautiful.

i dream about floods so much.
the sea was rising.


horoscopes from:

Your Horoscope for May 2 , 2006

Thanks to some positive influences you should continue to feel emotionally secure; friends, family and romance shouldn?t pose any problems. However, focusing on the more material things in life will make you feel even better: a new hairstyle, a make- over or a luxurious pampering session will make you feel great!


You feel good today and affectionate toward just about everyone around you. You should spend time with friends and even try to make new ones, if the opportunity arises. Think about your relationships and appreciate exactly how much love you give to and receive from others. If there are tensions in any of your relationships, this is a good time to work at smoothing them over. Probably you will be quite popular today, and you should use the positive energies you are putting out to make a good impression on the people you want to impress. However, don't be phony about it, because you will not be very effective in the long run. The point is that the good impression you make will be because of the person you actually are, not the person you think others want you to be.


With the Moon moving through your 4th House, your moods may shift several times throughout the day. You could be uncertain about how you should respond to a situation that's unfolding in your life. Your head tells you one thing, but your heart has a different agenda. As much as you want to be understood, be careful not to overwhelm others as you seek emotional support.


Moon in Cancer

Cancer always seems like the longest transit of the Moonth. It is the sign that is associated with the moon. The Cancer Moon transit and when the Moon passes over where your Natal Saturn is are times every 29 days that you get a gut check of sorts. The most sensitive parts of you, from that tooth that comes and goes with pain to that recurring knotted relationship in your life. It bleeds into the background chatter in our head that we listen to now and then. What are the recurring irritants, like emotional allergies we can see patterns and look at the diet of the heart and see what emotions we may need to cut out to cure them. A lot of the mental critic and over sensitivity to others input is just our posture. So mentally and emotionally keep the shoulders back and the chin up. Use what you can and endure the rest. Leo is coming.