april 13th , 2006


i need release forms for people to sign who may end up in my movie.
is there a standard release form i can just download off the net and print out?
how does that work? anyone know?


wow, it got late so quickly.
i'm not used to it being light outside at this time.
it's throwing me off but i love the longer days.
i am in pretty bad pain, but i am just going through my house and picking up and searching through everything i want to take with me to portal.
fuck the pain, i need to get shit done.
i just breathe through it.

survivor is on in 3 minutes.
i should probably settle down and watch it and put some ice on my neck.
i don't really want to, tho.
i just want to find everything i want for this trip so that is not on my mind anymore.
and then..it is what it is.

i can't decide if i want to take my 4 track with me to record any sound.


just got back from the chiropractor. they were super busy in there today.
so he didn't really take as much time with me as he did yesterday and when it was all done i still was hurting.
so i asked if there was anyone there who could fit me in to a massage and there was this nice woman who could.
so she worked on my neck and shoulders and it was so nice.
when i closed my eyes i could almost "see" inside my body like an x ray.
it was a cool thing but i could only hold the image fleetingly as it's so hard for me to get my brain to just shut up and just "be" in my body.
so then that , of course, gave me more to THINK about...thinking about how i think too much and how i could maybe think less.
which was completely absurd because there i was analyzing again.

it's a beautiful day outside. as i left the chiropractor's office i was disapointed that i was still in pain.
but i wanted to walk to the p.o. to see if i had any mail, so i just took deep breaths and tried to be aware of my body and hold it in a relaxed position as i walked, and then that seemed to work a little bit.

now that i am home, i am in pain again.i'm trying to RELAX and just "mind of matter" this thing now.
ibuprofen does not workk. nothing works.
nothing works except some freaking PERCOCET would be FABULOUS.
and i wish to god i had some.

i'm not really sure what to do now.
i have so much that needs to be done, my house is getting dirty again.
i need to PACK and even think about what to pack for portal.
i have to get a bigger compact flash card. and batteries. find all the things i need.
i hope i will be able to buy a birthday cake in jamestown.

i'm trying to RELAX and THINK all at the same time.
i don't know if it can be done but i have to try.
i feel somehow cursed lately with that flu thing i had and now this neck thing.
it's just ridiculous. i don't think i have ever had this much continuous PHYSICAL pain in my life before.
i don't know how people who have constant physical pain deal with it.
i have dealt with constant emotional pain, but not physical.
sure, i guess i have nervousness, and that is physical (as well as mental) but it's not the same as this.
this is just a whole new realm of pain i feel ill equipped to deal with, understand, and repair.

tomorrow i have one more appointment with them.
at 12:15 to 12:30 or maybe 12:45 i am getting the massage and then 12:45 i will get another adjustment.
today he did crack my back.
i can't really say if it helped or aligned anything or did anything good for me in the long run since i am still in pain.
but it was an interesting experience again.

it's just like some sort of cosmic joke that i sold this box for $444 with all my musical career stuff in it.
and because i was caring (interesting typo) the box, i whacked out my neck which now is costing me that money to repair myself from sending the box.

i have to kind of laugh at the weirdness of it.
and i'm trying to see the good side of this as in , i sold the box to "let go" of things.
i picked 444 because that is the number of "resurrection" (i can't remember why now).
and now, because of my physical therapy i am having i feel like i am maybe having a little mini "resuurection" of the body , in a way.
in that i am re-remembering how much i stay in my head and how i need to come into my body again.
i need to revive it.

all the more funny because the day i am leaving for portal is EASTER, the day of resurrection. and i didn't do that on purpose.

tonight is the full moon.

tomorrow is good friday, the day christ was supposedly crucified.
and not to turn this into a messianic complex like bono, i find it all just...funny.
maybe i'll be getting stigmata soon. :) i sure feel like it :)
ha :)

anyway, there has to be a reason for all of this...
..why i cannot prepare for my movie how i wanted.
why i can do nothing whatsoever.
i am about as powerful as someone nailed to a cross.
all i can do is just bear it and wait until "it is finished"

maybe on easter i will miraculously be fine.
or maybe i will just eat some chocolate easter bunnies.

i am going to try and bleach my hair out more white tonight, pain or no pain.
there just cannot be any more waiting.
and i also need to start at least putting things in a pile that i am going to take with me.
i'm going to try to remain as minimal as possible.

i'm sorry my cam is so boring.
and i am sorry my journal entries are so tortured.
what can i do?
it is what it is.

i hope you all stick around and see what surprises i bring back from portal.
all my photos and mini movies i will make.
i think i will keep a paper journal of the trip and also take polaroids.
so there will be lots for you to see when i get back, so hopefully this "dry spell" would have been worth the wait for you.




Big plans
Valid during several weeks: You are inclined to make big plans and set long-range goals under this influence as well as to examine the goals you already have. The advantage you have now is your ability to see the whole picture and to think in terms of large structures. You are more inclined to think in ideal, abstract terms. But also your foresight and planning ability make this a favorable time for most commercial transactions and business deals. However, there is a negative side to this influence that can be destructive if you are not aware of it. You are sloppy about details and inclined to overlook any elements that don't fit neatly into your grand vision. Also there is a danger that in communicating with others you may adopt an arrogant or self- righteous tone that will alienate them and set them working against you.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury Square Jupiter exact at 21:44
activity period from end of February 2006 until 14 April 2006.


Moon opposition Sun ARIES-LIBRA 9:40am PDT
Mercury square Pluto PISCES-SAGITTARIUS
Moon Void of Course 3:41pm PDT
Mars into Cancer 5:59pm PDT
Moon into Scorpio 10:08pm PDT
The Full moon Cometh and it tolls for all. I really love full moons and I think the sense of foreboding and dread is a bit over played. Of course I don't book air travel or surgery during them. It's a better plan to be able to move with the synchronicity of the transit and apply the wild energies.

This mixes the Fire and Air of Aries and Libra. The self and other. So it's like an emotional and mental mirror festival. Everything is out on the table. Take what you felt and thought about the body since the new moon and sink into it. Look for the small maybe but real examples of how you are taking care of yourself. Focus on them, "cling to your virtues let the vices hold on for themselves".

Mercury is square Pluto and Mars moves into Cancer. There is bound to be some deep emotional communication going on. When faced with outbursts try and listen, if having one of your own take a breath. At any point the force that seemed to be shredding you apart can be like turning the kite into the wind and now you can ride higher. It's also Passover and Good Friday so large energy in the group mind on the issues of great fullness and sacrifice. The best sacrifice or seva, true spiritual giving of the self is one you don't tell a hundred people about, we just do it, making no notice. Cause of course the divine notices everything so why point it out


Today's Full Moon stretches you out of your comfort zone as you attempt to keep peace with your partner. Your normally impulsive response will be even more reactive than usual. Although this is easier to say than to do, "think before you act."


It's a big day in the cosmos with a lovely Libra Full Moon opposite the Sun in Aries at 12:39 pm EDT, reflecting our desire to balance independence with intimacy. The Libra Moon is usually peaceful, but today Mercury the Communicator squares intense Pluto and, early next week, inches close to defensive Mars. We are too quick to express negative emotions without thinking about the results of our disclosure. Impetuous actions can arouse troublesome power struggles. Be kind; create harmony rather than conflict.