3rd , 2006 |
On this coming Wednesday,
at two minutes and three seconds after 1am,
the numerical time and date will be:
01:02:03 04/05/06
This will never happen
again until 3006.
18.54 MB
i tried to convert it to flash, but it turned out terribly pixelated.
but you can check it out here:
i will make more of these.
i tried to sabe this HOUR long "movie" i made last night and it
was so long it just would freeze up everything and when i woke up my computer
had shut off.
so i guess i better make them shorter.
i didn't even have musiq with that one so i thought it would be easier to
save. not so.
also, i am not satisfied with the 1st "movie" i made that is 46
minutes long.
so i am going to have to make both of these over.
and both of the in shorter segments.
then i have 5 .ra files to convert that are video with sound but cannot find
anything to convert them.
i go to download.com to find software but everything either puts watermark
on the image, will only work for 30 seconds for free,
or does a really shitty job.
one i downloaded even put a "PUP" (spyware) on my computer. rrrgh.
and then i have about 10 to 15 more .mov files to convert to avi.
but my converter i was using has stopped working. probably because i need
to buy it or something.
but i just don't know if it is worth 22.50.
so i am going to try uninstalling it and reinstalling it and see if i can
just get it to do these last bits of files.
so with all that, that should be 45 more minutes of video.
and that si not counting all the actual video i have on VHS cassettes that
i someday want to splice together and cell on dvd.
all my tv interviews and live shows and b roll film from columbia and silly
videos we tried to make as a band and stuff.
but for now i will just work on getting everything i have on my computer into
one big 'thing" and then , i guess, sell it in a cd, since it will be
too big to uplaod to the computer.
it's actually not raining to day, which is a shocker, and it's 48 degrees,
so i am going to try to get to the bank with the cheque from swas.
i had dreams i was eating very exotic fish with oprah and this huge table
and all her friends.
then i told her about the coral reef and how she should do a show on how it
is all dying and all these fish will disappear soon.
then it was the end of the "oprah show tour" i was on.
and we all cleaned and cleaned and got rid of stuff and organized all our
it felt good to get everything organized.
then i was trying to get back to my apartment and i lived in some building
which was also a mall/school. and all the elevators were broken and i just
could not get to the right floor no matter how much i tried.
so i started walking the stairs and the stairs were full of tennage girls
blocking the way who were making fun of my 'show girl outfit".
but i just plowed through them, because i could give a shit what they thought
and i wanted to get home.
and i thought to myself how stupid they were making fun of my outfit because
it looked showgirl, when i WAS a showgirl and just ahd come from rehearsals.
they thought i was wearing it just to try to be a showgirl, not knowing i
actually was one, with a real job.
anyway, enough typing, i have to get outside and do errands.
i'll make more "short" videos like the "war is porn" for
you later.
i'm having fun making them even tho i run into frustrations.
i was up until past 5am trying to
make them.
Horoscope for Aries (April 3 2006)
A conjunction with the moon, which is still in Gemini, means that while you'll be in a dynamic and go-getting mood (great for work or school) you are more than likely to put your foot well and truly in it! Tone down your humor for the more sensitive souls around you!
During this time you should be careful and keep a tight rein on yourself - especially if you are anyway of a spirited disposition. If you are after some kind of "conquest", it is quite possible that under this influence you ignore warning signs and advance too directly and abruptly. There is also the danger, at the moment, that you scent competition or opposition where there is none. If you are too sensitive and quick- tempered, take every criticism personally and react in an offended manner, then around every corner is an enemy, every conversation can turn into an argument in which you finally, without reason, and probably without conscious intent, hurt others and are presumably yourself hurt to the same extent.
You may be quite critical today and it can cause a problem for someone close to you. Perhaps they see your criticism as sticking your head into their business. Maybe they feel you are trying to control them, whether or not that is your real motive. Nonetheless, it's important for you to let others make their own mistakes. Be there as a friend without having to fix everything.
It may be a real challenge to concentrate today, as the versatile Gemini Moon is still quite disruptive, especially as it conjuncts action planet Mars. We are motivated to interact with anyone who shows up in our life now, for we may believe that additional experiences are advantageous, no matter what the energetic cost. The problem is that the Moon also tensely opposes Pluto, setting up a potential struggle for power that foreshadows an even more intense Mars-Pluto opposition that's looming near.
Moon in Gemini
Moon Void of Course 7:42pm
Moon into Cancer 11:15pm
Cancer Moon is like the epitome of the Moon's cycle. Especially when she is
waxing. So the feelings are going to be deep and fluid. All of the babble
and free talking of the weekend is going to have to find a place. Usually
we realize that it was easier for us and others to make commitments then it
is to actually show up for that event or meeting. So flake gracefully and
be flaked on gracefully and don't take it personally. The emotions and physical
pains that come up during the few days the moon transits Cancer every month
are a reminder of areas that need attention. Like the flashing light on the
dashboard. Most will get that vehicle right to the shop to be fixed, but if
the light is about the heart or body we will string it along for months. This
week take yourself as seriously as you take your vehicle.