march 23rd , 2006


i've been looking at masks online forever.
came to this place:

a giant jesus mascot outfit! ahhhh! so tacky! i want it!
they have mascots of anything you can think of.
i want them all!

ah! look at the "benevolant elk"

ohmigod , the caterpillars with extra arms :)

woa, they even have The Residents outfit:


made it to the bank and back.
it doesn't even feel like i went, i was just in a blank haze the entire time...zoning out to bill nelson in my walkman.
watching little tiny pellets of snow bounce and blow around on the sidewalk.

it seemed like a dream.
seeing my doctor this morning seems like yesterday already.
it's weird how long the day is when you get up at 8am.
i am not used to it.
i just want to go to bed now.
i wish i was in the mood to crochet.
i am too tired to even do that.

thinking about the soundtrack to my movie, which is weird to think about since it's not even made.
but i have ideas already.
and i'm trying to figure out ways to merge songs that had nothing to do with the movie into the movie.
songs that have been rolling around in my head the last several years.
but so far i don't see any merge point.
the movie is in little pieces in my head like a jigsaw, and i have assembled a few of them together now.
i have little corners of the jigsaw made and i can see the picture of the entire puzzle starting to show up.
but not enough yet to really know how big of a puzzle this is.
i move pieces around to see what fits with what.
and when i find 2 pieces that fit together, a third thing is born.
like the raining miniature zebras scene.

oo, buffalo masks

looking for full over the head zebra masks. but i can only find horse ones.

i can get those and then paint them zebra myself.
i need 4.


yay, heard back from annie, yay!
she is going to send me my stuff tomorrow.

i am so tired i could fall over.

i am considering sucking down one last red bull and focrcing myself to go to the bank so i do not have that hanging over my head any longer.
i could listen to my bill nelson cd on my walkman since i have not yet heard it on that.

i'm pissed that tonight's tv sucks. it's all college basketball.

and last night's lost was just a filler episode.

yes, my life is reduced to tv even more when i am sick and it is grey outside and snowing.

but good things, got the dr's appointment over with, got to see fuzzy, chuck said yes he will meet me, and heard back from annie, so yay!
yippee yippee!


glad i'm done with the doctor's appointment.
it's always impossible to tell him how i have been in the last 3 months all within 20 minutes.
it's just futile.
but at least i have my prescriptions.

chuck statler wrote back and said yes he is up for getting togetehr and hearing about my movie and giving me advice so YAY for that!

it was snowing outside today.
it doesn't look or feel like spring at all here.
it's just slate grey.

i made some soup. although i am not hungry i should eat something.

i really want to go to the bank today to get that over with.
but i feel no motivation to do so.
but i just have to get there.
i have like 1.66 cents in there right now.

i am going to email and call the swas woman again today.
i guess i will just call and email once every day until she gets back to me.
i'm starting to feel a little freaked out now that she has not contacted me at all since the end of the tour.


getting ready to go to the dr.
my appointment is at 9:30am



Horoscope for Aries (March 23 2006)

It is likely that you will tend towards nervous tension today, especially towards the afternoon, which will last well into the evening. It may be that work or school is demanding too much at the moment, so make sure you book a therapeutic pampering session to ease those knotted muscles.


New horizons
Valid during several weeks: During this time you should attempt to broaden your horizons in every way possible ­ through study, new and unfamiliar experiences, travel or by meeting people from totally different backgrounds. Strive to make even the most trivial encounter a positive learning experience. The same function can be served by doing things that are different from your normal routine. This is not the time to retreat to your home, except for reading or study, as mentioned. If you cannot get interested in a new mental activity, recognize that you are still eager for new understanding and satisfy this need by breaking out of your everyday mold and getting out into the broader world. Travel would be a good way to do this, if you can arrange for it at this time of year. But you should go somewhere where you can also learn something.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Sun in the 9th House 9
activity period from 13 March 2006 until middle of April 2006.


Responsibilities at work aren't enough to take your mind off a new subject of interest. Whether it's a conspiracy theory, an unusual spiritual practice or a recent infatuation, it has you hooked and you could spend all your extra time pursuing this fresh diversion. Be careful not to let your obligations slide too far or you'll be making up for lost time tomorrow.


The steady Capricorn Moon isn't enough to stabilize the energy today as a complex mixture of aspects tug at us from several directions. The Sun and Jupiter power the day as they meet in dynamic tension, promising more than can be delivered. Meanwhile, jumpy Mars in Gemini forms an annoying quincunx with Jupiter, distorting our judgment of relative size, distance or importance. Our intentions are honorable and we try to do what's best, but we just might need to restart a few times to get it right.

important long term influences:

How it ought to be ***
Valid during many months: This influence will make you drive yourself and others around you to attain success, excellence or preeminence in some way. It represents the drive to actualize an ideal you hold about how the world ought to be. The danger of this influence is that you may become arrogant and domineering toward those around you, as if you were a kind of superman, above all morality and law except your own.
Before you try to improve everyone around you, strive to improve yourself, which you can do under this influence. Gain a greater understanding of truth in your world, but do not try to force your views on others. And in pursuing your own conception of excellence, don't try to prevent others from attaining theirs.

In particular, avoid any behavior that could get you into trouble with the law. If you decide to become a law unto yourself, the law of society may have to stop you. Even civil suits should be avoided, if possible, because it will be difficult for you to present a winning case at this time.

You may have a strong desire to manipulate others, not because you want to convince them of your belief in an ideal state of being, but simply because you don't have enough respect for their rights as individuals. Don't proceed as if you had a superiority complex, for that will only cause others to gang up on you and try to destroy you.

It would be a pity to waste this influence on any of its negative manifestations, because it really does give you an opportunity to make yourself over according to your ideals. You can undergo a total spiritual regeneration and achieve a greater understanding of yourself and your place in the universe. And your relations with others will be an integral part of the process. Each new meeting and even encounters with old friends and loved ones will show you more about the path of development that you should take.

Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto Opposition Jupiter
activity period from beginning of February 2006 until end of November 2007.

Less routine ***
Valid during many months: The effects of this influence are often quite spectacular. You are likely to seek new freedom and excitement through your relationships. You may even decide to break away from an old, steady marriage or other relationship and seek a second youth through a new affair. But this is an extreme response which is by no means inevitable, especially if your current relationship is basically sound. It is more likely that you will change your existing relationships, sexual and otherwise, so that they are more interesting and less routine. Every relationship, no matter how good, settles into behavior patterns that kill spontaneity and make you both feel that you have little to offer each other. In other words, you get bored. You can count on this influence to change the situation. The means by which you revive and renew a relationship will vary according to your temperament. If a relationship is quite unsatisfactory and you are naturally impulsive, you may respond in the "classic" manner by seeking a new love affair. If you are more conservative and also happier in an existing relationship, you will go through a period of tension that will lead you to reexamine the relationship and make necessary changes. If you are living with your partner and having problems now, a relationship counselor might be helpful. You need new ideas to enliven your relationship, which an outsider might be able to provide. Some couples create new arrangements under this influence, such as an open relationship, in which they allow relationships outside of their own. In this regard you must do what is appropriate for the two of you. If you are not in a permanent relationship, you may become involved in a relationship that is completely different from anything you have experienced before. However, in this case, you should be aware that the excitement and newness of such a relationship may be a large factor in making it work, and when it becomes older and more routine it might not last. If you are involved in an artistic activity, you will brim over with new ideas. This can be a very creative influence, although you may have to wait until it is over to integrate what you have learned into your regular techniques.

Transit selected for today (by user):
Uranus Conjunction Venus
activity period from middle of March 2006 until beginning of February 2007.

Gifts ***
Valid during many months: Personal relationships will take on particular significance under this influence. People you haven't seen for some time may, directly or indirectly, remind you of shared experiences. Although these memories might be painful, they give you the opportunity to realize that any deep or emotional relationship was in fact a gift. We often only come to this realization many years later, because our most healing experiences often occur within relationships to people we might wish we had never met.
You may feel that the time is now ripe to end some of your long- standing partnerships and friendships. By keeping relationships alive which only continue to survive in your imagination you could prevent yourself from having new relationships and experiences which more accurately reflect your present state of inner maturity. How we relate to others can teach us a great deal about how we relate to ourselves. Entering into private or professional partnerships which end up hurting you is an unmistakable sign that you do not really value yourself, and probably believe that you don't deserve any better. You should now try to uncover the deeper lying causes behind such self-denial. Experiences in childhood or early adolescence probably left you feeling ashamed and inferior, and such feelings continue to affect the pattern of your present relationships. Only when you can love and value the person you are today will you attract people who can truly help you with your future development.

Transit selected for today (by user):
Chiron Opposition Ascendant
activity period from 20 March 2006 until end of January 2007.