feb 6th, 2006

sushi candle



you have to see these :)



look what someone picked up at sundance!
i need to get a copy of this!




last night i amde TWO soundpieces.
i may combine them together.
so, i think it all worked out :)
now i need to hook my 4 track up to my computer and get it on there and then edit them together.
jason has some software to do that.
so *whew* getting there...down to the wire.
jason gave my soundpieces his seal approval and that means a lot to me!

i received 2 books from prudence mapstone today.
one i had already bought from her so now i have an extra copy.
and the new one she just made about freeform handbags.
it makes me so happy that she likes me :)

in our relationship, jason and i made a very giant leap today.
it was touch and go there for awhile and i thought we were going to breakup and then we made a HUGE breakthrough, finally, and so now we are both feeling positive about the direction our relationship is taking. so we decided not to go to a counselor now.
we both are already aware of what problems what we had.
and we are actually very good at rationally talking things out and moving forward. so it wasn't that we needed any help in our communication with each other.
and we're already fixing it ourselves. so that is good :)
i feel extremely relieved but we are still both scared, and that is normal. but we are going to make that leap of faith regardless.

today could have been the saddest day of my life.
but instead it is one of the happiest :)

i'll get some pictures up here in a sec.


Horoscope for Aries (February 6 2006)

You will experience a rather impulsive streak today and you could end up saying something tactless if you don't think before speaking. This tendency towards clumsiness is thanks to the influences affecting your ruling planet. Just keep your head down, count to ten before speaking, and wait for it to pass.


Deferred results
This is an excellent time for carefully planning and executing projects that require great diligence and patience. You will not feel like going out and moving mountains, but you will be capable of sustained effort. You can work patiently now toward goals that will be fulfilled in the future, for this influence often means deferred results. You are working more for tomorrow than today. But your concerns are very practical, and if you know that your present activities will be of benefit in the future, you will be content with modest results now. This influence can be very useful in times of scarcity or need, because you are willing to get along with considerably less. Even in times of plenty you will have a sense of discipline and will avoid valuable resources that may be only temporarily abundant.


You may have difficulty defining the edges of reality now, for almost everything you encounter has a slippery slope. Don't waste your energy trying to turn your world into high definition TV; reality will remain fuzzy no matter what you do. Enjoy the fantasies as you let your mind wander. You can refocus more easily tomorrow.