feb 1st, 2006








i guess what i am doing right now is solidifying what it is i do and where i want to go
so what i am writing down here, in part, will be part of my soundpiece.

so in trying to come up with a definition for my "psychological weather system" which is beyond weather which i am trying to now come up with the words for, this is helping me figure out what to say in my soundpiece....

so here is my definition so far, that has been changing every 5 minutes. (and i have more to say asbout how to map this later):

"creative holistic meaningful interpretations of information gathered through the anaverse and mirrored back to you for acknowledgement and awareness."

"bringing you epihanies since 1997"

so i want to make a "weather" mapping system using psychoanalysis, anthropology, geology, weather, astrology, biorhythyms, feng shui...i am trying to think of more.
but basically using every tool their is to map out the weather of "core beliefs, trends, emotions, ideas"
categorized into science, religion, ideals, mythology, superstition, folklore, political, philosophical, spiritual etc"
truth , beauty, value, ethics, morals, diet

and you can click for different kinds of maps to see what is happening globally with all of these things.

and how it is moving and analyzing how it may move and variate or dissipate or evolve.

you can see that one tuesday people in southern iowa were mostly angry that day because of this this and that and that "energy" may be moving in such and such way...

more later



really hard to narrow down what i want my new "enterprise" to be called.
hard to describe it at all.

so far i have gotten it down to the rather not-flowing-from-the-tongue acronym of

the Multiverse Information Gathering, Evaluating, Reflecting and Acknowledging Grid System.


(ya...i should go clean my tub.
i'm off here in space making my own planet when i should be cleaning my house.)

so we would be gathering information as multidimensional as possible, evaluate it, reflect it back to the people, who can then choose to acknowledge it or not.

good grief. i know i know. but SOMEONE has to start SOMEWHERE, you know?

if nothing else we will all get really nifty special decoder rings.


ever since i was a child i have always loved making my own worlds.
i was the only sole member of them, tho. because i would actually make entire new alphabets that we should use (and no one wanted to go that far). i would make the alphabet, the flag, the logo, the motto.
maybe i should turn anacam into it's own country.
i already started calling it "the anaverse" but never do that much anymore because it makes some people so pissed off they can hardly breathe.

it was funny because EVERYONE has their own "universe" around them.
like the 6 degrees of separation game.

all the anaverse is is anyone who has ever come in contact with my cam or me in any form at all.
like if you are walking down the street and you overhear someone say "anacam", bingo, you are part of the anaverse by default.
you could even be part of the anaverse and not even know it.
if you've ever even clicked onto my page by accident , BOOM, you are part of the anaverse.

this would irritate my haters very much, because just by the fact that they hated me, that made them automatically part of the anaverse and nothing could possibly bug the shit out of them more.

but they never got savvy to the fact that i am just as much a part of their "verse" because i know they hate me as they are part of mine because they hate me.
no one EVER brought that very obvious point up ONCE.

everyone was just like, she is so narcissistic she thinks the entire world revolves around her!
which was TOTALLY not the point of the anaverse.
nothing was revolving around anything. and at any time they could have just retorted well YOU are part of the johnverse! or the davidverse or the maryverse! and i would have said EXACTLY!

so...i keep realizing that this urge to unify in some sort of "branding" way has been with me since as far back as i can remember.

maybe it stems from never really feeling that i am part of a "group" i just keep coming up with my own.
and as much as that rules (pun cheekily intended) it's like if you are in a band, you can never see YOURSELF live. you can never hear your music LIVE from the perspective of the audience.
just in the way that it is super frustrating to me that i can never see my own face as it really is.
i will only see it in a mirror, unless i learn to astral project.

back to my "new enterprise" i want to make, tho.
i wonder if it should have a new name.
this is the part that is so fun for me.
coming up with the name, the acronym, the logo, the flag, the motto, the alphabet, the language, the customs, the secret handshake, the special decoder ring.

i've never really "grown out of that".
and a lot of other people haven't either, which is why masonry is so popular, in big part.

but i'm not much of a joiner of clubs. i am more always the maker of clubs, even if the only member of that club is me.

but i think with ana2 here, there is a bit of that.
even tho people come and go like the wind.
there are a few core people who stick around.
and that is comforting to me :)

i was thinking that anacam doesn't have a logo, when in fact it does, i just remembered.
when you click on the flash intro to the page there is a mysterious looking logo in the middle of the cartoon me.

i totally forgot about that because i never click on my flash intro page.
i should make a new logo maybe and put it everywhere.

why am i always doing everything else besides what i should be doing?

i need to work on this soundpiece.
i need to go into that thing room and clean it and make space to record and plug in all my machines and make sure everything is working.


it's a good thing then that Lost is a repeat tonight so i have that extra time.
i need to get going pronto.



the other day a guy commented on my hair saying "i used to have hair that colour". and i said "oh?" and he said, "ya i used to be in a band." so i asked him which one, which i should have never asked to further the conversation but i was trying to be polite. and so he told me and i said, ya i've heard of that. (they are not around anymore), i got my mannequin "alice" from the basement where you used to rehearse. and then he asked me if i would like to have a drink with him sometime, which i am just not sure how to get out of when seemingly nice people ask me that because i don't know if he means a DATE or he means as friends, but either way i didn't want to. and he tried to get out of me what apartment # i live in which i adamanatly refused, and so in desperation i gave him my hotmail email because i never really use that email.
horrifically, he actually emails me ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
which can only mean 2 things.
1. you are from BRAZIL
or 2. you are completely psycho

(no offense, brazil (I LUV U BRAZIL!!!!111), but if anyone here remembers my chatroom, which i am sure btripp does, 99% of everyone who came into our chatroom and said "HELLO11111!!!!!" were from brazil (or spain).
i don't know WHY. but that is a fact. it's just what happened.
i'm not saying that is good nor bad , it's just the way it was.
i'm not saying people from brazil are psycho, although some of them definitely are. i am saying if you are not from brazil and are using all capital letters, 99% chance you are , in some way, psycho :) (i feel a mass exodus from ana2 coming on)

i have noticed, through all of the thousands of emails i have recieved over the decade that "psycho" people like to type in all capital letters. by psycho i mean obnoxious pushy people who have low self esteem and so they type in all capitals as if that will somehow give them the extra attention they so much crave.
like an animal puffing itself up to look larger than it actually is.
this is not ALWAYS the case. but 99% of the time, in my experience, this has been the case.
(and then there is the opposite phenomenon which is people who use such super small fonts you can barely read what they are writing.
i am still building up the psychological profile of those people..which makes sense that it takes longer to gain insight into them because they don't give much information out, usually. where as all capital letter people are pretty in your face.)

i type in all lowercase, and the reason behind that is not such a big psychological issue, it's just that i am too lazy to hit the caps button, because i am a terrible typer. i guess i don't see a huge reason for capital letters, either.
i only use them when i want to EMPHASIZE certain words.
and in under the bed i type my name ANA because it it looks nice and semi-symmetrical that way.

anyway, now i am bummed that i gave this guy my email and i have to worry now if ever i will run into him again, which i probably most surely will. i also did not think at all about the possibility of him googling that email which brings up my site and everything i do and am. and that rrreeeaallly sucks.
so today, i am going to make an email that is only to give people i never want to talk to. one that will never come up in google.

i hope he doesn't join ana2 and read this. if he does, HELLO ALL CAPITAL LETTERS GUY.

here is a sentence from his email and a sentence that NO ONE should EVER use for any reason whatsoever, unless you are a writer for southpark.


if typing in all capitals did not clue me in to the psycho nature of this guy, that sentence sure did.
let me tell you, playing your music loud, in your own apartment, or really anywhere unless you are using it as a device for torture at an enemy, is NOT going to "get back at the machine".
"the machine" does not give a crap what volumne you play your music at.
that has to be the lamest way to "get back at the machine" i have ever heard.
especially uttered by a 40 something once "punk" now yuppie.
if your way of sticking it to THE MAN is playing your music loud, you are ignorant. sorry for my judgementalness.
i love to play my music loud, too, but i don't delude myself into thinking that "the machine" is somehow effected by this and going "oh no please stop! your warrior music is melting my cogs!"

i'm just certain that this guy is going to google my email and find me.
this really sucks.
i have to learn to be more assertive in situations like that.
but how do you get out of that without really hurting their feelings?
do i just say "no" and give no reason?
if i say "i have a boyfriend" then what if he says "well coffee as friends then!"
how do you get out of that without offending them in some way?
it really sucks.
and i hate giving out the "i have a boyfriend" excuse, even tho it works, because, to me, it's not about whether or not i am "taken", it's about *I* don't want to have a drink with this person.
and i should just be able to assert myself and say what i mean.
it's good he had the guts to put himself out there like that, but if you do, you have to be prepared for the answer to be no.
gah. i am totally being that "woman who wants to please" thing.
that lutheran minnesota nice don't hurt their feelings woman and it's grossing me out! i swear to the gods that next time this happens to me i am just going to say "no".
and if that makes me appear to be a total bitch, then so be it.
and i should not have to give a reason. i only talked to this stranger for 3 minutes. i do not OWE him a reason as to why.

i like to meet new people, don't get me wrong.
but you know when you just DON'T want to meet that stranger.
you can't put your finger on WHY, you just don't.

well now i know why, because he is ALL CAPITAL LETTERS MAN who PLAYS IT LOUD TO GET BACK AT THE MACHINE.

how could i have known that from a brief 3 minute conversation in an elevator?

total suckfest.
i wonder if there is some "warding off" spell i could do to make sure i never run into this guy again.

wow, it's pretty creepy what you can find out about a person by googling them.
just by googling his name i found out he was married, when he got divorced, that he has a child, how old the child is, what his income was in 1996 and what he has to pay in child support and that his wife was garnishing his wages for back child support.
holy crap. that is intense.

should it even be legal for me to find out this information on this guy?

he's probably googling me right now and saying the same thing about me.

i'm never giving out my real email address ever again!

and i swear not to ever give out my real email address or else say NO. no would be better. do you want to have a drink with me?
no, thank you :)
that should be enough, right?
no, thank you. and that is it.

argh. why does life have to be so complicated?

i wonder what people say about me in this building.
i am sure i am known as "weird girl with weird hair"
or "drunk girl with many mannequins"

on my floor there is "shorts in winter man"
who wears shorts ALWAYS. khaki, with white socks.
with a winter jacket.
i'm quite sure he is a pedophile or some sort of serial killer.

then there is "indian guy who gives me dirty looks"
"smelly old woman" which is actually quite sad.
but you cannot ride the elevator with her without gagging.
then there is "man who is always smoking outside"

i have still yet to figure out who is the person who throws their trash out one piece of trash at a time.
and they don't send it down the chute!
everyday it will be like 3 empty milk cartons and 2 bottles of beer.
not even in a bag. just sitting there by the trash chute as if they have some sort of paranoia of touching the trash chute door. i don't get it.

i think i would be a really good profiler.
it's too bad that the jobs for that are mostly bad.
like advertising or using it as a weapon.
i wish i could have a job where i studied sections of the population like the cigarette companies do.
i would LOVE to come up with surveys and gather information and then evaluate and discern what that information means.
and then i would like to be able to do something GOOD with that information.
like get people to understand themselves better. see their patterns.
so they can see themselves better and their choices can be based on more self knowledge and knowledge of others.

i don't really know what kind of job that would be.
and i don't knw who would give me that job based on no college degree.

but just from my over 8 years of being on cam and studying the internet and people and their symbols, cultures, beliefs, and why it is that way...i know i would really excell and love whatever job that is.

i wish i was just a multimillionaire so i could turn this into my own business. kind of a "self help" place for people to gather information about themselves through my surveys and evaluations.
and get other people who also think in this way. and can see growing trends in beliefs and such and be able to make this information available to all for the good of all.
not to use it to get inside anyone's head just to mess with it or control it or sell it something.

i would like to travel the world and do documentaries on all little towns and places. walk the earth and feel the energies of each unique place and it's people.
gather information.
i guess i would be like a "weatherman" for emotion!
but also adding in there energies of the land and surroundings and also how this effects people's emotions and beliefs.
so taking EVERYTHING into account. a complete multidimensional holistic approach to "psychological weather"

i would have a "sensitive" person who is trained in acknowledging "weather" patterns in their area and report back to the central hub each day.
this way we could map the psychological weather of the world.

we could go "this idea is just being brought forth over here in southern iran" based on the geology of that region and how strong the need for this new idea is, we feel this idea could spread to this place or that place by such and such a date and this is how such and such people might react to that.

people are already doing this really. but it's all military.

i really want this to NOT be about military or advertising but just information that people can acknowledge or not and then make choices based on more knowledge.

and we would need "psychic" people and people who are just very observant to gather this information because not many peolpe are really going to tell you the truth of the matter because most people are not very informed about themselves to even be able to relay this information to you.

so you would need people right there, on the spot. to "feel" it out.

i think this could be a great new enterprise.
i wish i knew how to start something like that.

i suppose i would have to start by getting a lot of maps of the world first.
and then get the word out to people who would like to volunteer their services.
i would have to come up with a system to gather the information and then a way to analyze the data.
and then a way to present it publically in a way that can be easily understood.

i could already gather quite a bit of information just from the studies in advertising which have been made public.
and that is a small start.

google must be having a field day analyzing all data they get from us. and if you think they are not gathering information on every web search and gmail is already monitoring your email and now they are also monitoring all the phone calls...wake up and smell the coffee!


a flock
of starlings!

i want to find out more information on this town called Eight Eight in Kentucky.
all i can find about it is this:


what is the history of this place?


Fun facts:

On August 8, 1988, six thousand visitors descended on the town (population 300). The tourists wanted to buy postcards to be franked at 8.08 am with an 88 postmark. One couple drove there to be married at 8.08 on the church's eighth step.

(what is this about 6,000 tourists flocking there in 1988 to do this weird postcard thing?)

Name Origin:

Reportedly, the town got its name because it is 8.8 mile from Glasgow, and back toward Glasgow is 44 which is 4.4 mile from Glasgow. The natives can confirm this.



so now it's february.
western union has officially stopped sending telegrams forever.
r.i.p. the telegram.

a 10th planet has been discovered, which is called UB313.
i wish i knew the protocol for naming planets.
like why that number, etc?
they are unofficially calling it "xena"
which is funny not just because of the warrior princess but because of all the planet x conspiracies.


what is this?

ties are
a powerful


roft rum?

here bush said
"america rejects"
but the subtitles said
"mercury jekts"

i'm not the only one who is "nuts" enough to pay attention to symbols.
on obs news jim lehrer remarked that the president's tie was a very bright shade of blue, more than usual, and he said "i wonder what that symbolizes?"
so no , i am NOT crazy to even pay attention to the details.

on the flag, the stars are to the left. i don't know why the left.
but that is the protocol.
which brought me to learn that there is "a scholary study of flags" and you call that

don't let them take YOUR symbols away from you.



a town named eighty eight:




Horoscope for Aries (February 1 2006)

Very little will be out in the open. Keep your wits about you and focus more on what you are doing for others. Keep your reputation as stellar as possible so that no one can put you down or complain.


Learning from relating
Valid during several weeks: At this time you should learn more about yourself through intimate one-to-one encounters with others. If you are married or in a close relationship, use this time to examine your relationship with your partner and to discover what needs this relationship does and does not fill in your life. Try to discover how well you fill your partner's needs as well. In any seventh-house relationship, whether it is a marriage, business partnership or other kind of partnership, you and your partner function as a unit, either in a specific area, as with a business partner, or in all areas, as with a spouse. For your own benefit, you must be as good for your partner as he is for you. This is not a time when you should try to go it alone in any type of activity. You should try to work with someone else, or at least seek out the opinion of another person in an advisory capacity.


The energy picks up today as the Moon enters feisty Aries at 5:45 pm EST. This marks the beginning of the zodiac cycle and is a great time to initiate action, especially as we are picking up on the intensity of a waxing Moon. But we can misjudge the importance of a situation now, so we shouldn't move too fast. There is fuzziness in our logic with mental Mercury conjoining with diffusive Neptune. Together, they tensely square expansive Jupiter, encouraging us to focus on the bigger picture while ignoring the critical details.


Here the week shifts drastically. Now those lofty thoughts seek some action. The Aries moon is a bit impetuous, exponentially fired up with the aspects of Mercury to Neptune and Jupiter. The Mercury conjunct Neptune in Aquarius energy brings the potential to try anything 'cause it hasn't been done. There are times when there is a very good reason. So filter the barrage of seemingly new takes for the one that is truly fresh. A best case scenario meter would be good to carry around if you have one.

The mercurial energy of quickness brings ease to putting out the different, unusual and revolutionary. Receive and give these ideas in a sense of non attachment. Often it's just a way to get fresh dialogue on an old stagnant issue. So if the idea of rearranging the house leads to actually knocking out walls and making space you can see how getting into an argument over where the couch goes is counter productive. Truly even our lives aren't permanent so getting tethered by rules and agendas without reviewing them is playing both roles of dictator and oppressed at the same time. Leave room for the trickster and poet in yourself. If you stay lighthearted even the most stodgy of people will listen to reformation plans.