jan 17th, 2006


"Who cares if soap marketers have a fine understanding of the sexual and mythical underpinnings of cleaning - that washing with soap is a way of removing sin or controlling sexual desire. It only soap. But with cigarettes that is different because of the disturbing thought that not only is tobacco dangerous but what if the cigarettes meant something? "



thinking about wikipedia and why it is called that.
reminds me of wicca.

so i wikipediaed "wiki" and got:

The WikiWikiWeb is named after the "Wiki Wiki" line of Chance RT-52 buses in Honolulu International Airport. The name is based on the Hawaiian term wiki, meaning "quick", "fast", or "to hasten" (Hawaiian dictionary). Sometimes wikiwiki (or Wikiwiki) is used instead of wiki (Hawaiian dictionary).

Wiki is sometimes interpreted as the backronym for "What I know is", which describes the knowledge contribution, storage and exchange function.

which brings me back to that damn hawaiian national guard insignia with the WeirdWeird "fish" holding that Key.
and why is hawaii "owned" by the usa anyway? could it hold a key?
well it does as hawaii is a very important energy point on the earth.

why would we choose a "hawaiian" word to name the entire "world wide web" after?
(or the inter-net)
or if you prefer the more masculine term "information superhighway"

why hawaii of all things?
why wiki?

and why wikiwikiwiki?

*click your heels together 3 times fast* to get back to you "homepage"


today i revisited thoughts i was having yesterday about colorado's symbols and why almost everything they chose was blue. learning about denver's history and surprised to learn that there really is no logical reason for denver to even flourish there, as there is pretty much nothing there, that the eye can see anyway.
but despite that, it filled with wealthy germans who built greek temples and all sorts of bizarre things.
now it is has the "hub" of airports, a place where money is made, and also, the infamous NORAD, and us air force and tons of another aeronautical things and technologies.
the colorado state song pretty much boasts about killing off all the indians (no lie) and so i decided to go and check in on that.
the indians are called UTE. and no one would no better the lay of the land and why things are a certain way with that land then the peolpe who lived there for the longest amount of time, the UTE indians.
also called "the blue sky people"
again with the blue. hopi have legends about "blue sky people" , as well.
the ute indians you can trace back to the aztecs as their language is almost identical.
again, we have the symbol of the bear , also, playing great importance.
the bear somehow fits in the orion and sirius constellations.
i found it almost next to impossible to find out any information on these ute indians besides these really vague things. it was seem that the indian , as the colorado song boasts, is merely a name , an echo.
even hopi prophecy smells to me like completely propogandazied as some dying hopi elder allegedly gave his stories to a methodist minister, who is also now dead.
and so now the hopi prophecies talk about the great white man and his 2 super important and wise symbols, the swastika and the circle with the cross in it.
and how this "true white man" will come again to save the day.
still, there was little specks of truth still floating in there and i take it in and figure the puzzle out.

the 2 things that were most interesting to me today was learning about aliens as metaphors and what "blue" means and why blue keep popping up now more than ever. i mean heck, i even named my band "the blue up"!
so it seems that at an unconscious level i am always plugged in to this "game" and it's symbols.
and my favourite colour as a child was "sky blue".
i would never say just "blue" i would say "sky blue".
and as a child my complete obession with american indians and their stories and symbols now coming back to me...and even as a child i would try to make dirt hills into pyramids and align sticks on the top to go with certain stars.
as if i was trying to rememeber some old ancient knowledge.
i knew i was supposed to align things with stars but i didn't know which stars or why or why i even felt the need to do it.

even now as i am drawn to go on a "quest" to portal north dakota, i feel like i am re-enacting the story of the white calf buffalo woman or something at some weird level.
the more i read up on it, the more it resonates with me.

certain scenes in my movie that play over and over in my mind, i read later on today how these are indian stories.
about how the buffalo woman falls to the earth and rises in new colors and shapes.

and just weird that the outfit i wanted to wear on the way there is white.
i am just re-enacting old stories.
and by me re-enacting them i learn things.

just as women who go through the process of weaving old patterns learn from that process.
there is knowledge in the PROCESS.
you can't just look at the symbols to get their entire meaning at all levels,
they are also meant to be re-drawn or re-woven and re-enacted.
and through this process, THAT is where the real core knowledge is.
that is the gnosis.

just like that twisted rabbi said on his cd (which i got rid of now) but it said on the back of his cd, these songs are not meant to be just listened to , they are meant to be sung.

or as prince said "there is joy in repitition" :)

but it seems that whatever it is i try and figure out it always brings me back to this Zoraster guy from persia or somewhere, and then this eventually leads to the davidic line and then we get jesus and so on and so forth.

and now i see where the american indians fit into the grand scheme of this "game" and that is truly interesting.
and this "four corners" place in the usa. verrrrrry interesting!

and that makes a giant swastika, too!

also, other things to research the "twin peaks" of mount mashu.

and i finally "got" shakespeare's "to be or not to be" line at a totally new level today.

but all of this is just metaphors and it is a giant multidimensional "game".

it feels like i am in the matrix and i am just about to see everything in it's "pure form"
like in the movie when Neo can see everything as those flowing digits/symbols.

it's even gotten so ridiculous that i can go to the litttle store to buy some cokes and see cigarette ads as if they are part of this entire game, too.

every single last little thing on this earthly plane can be interpreted into something to do with this game.

an ad for pall mall cigarettes on top.
complete with some sort of heraldry. (in hoc signo vinces: In this sign thou shalt conquer)
the middle ad for Kool cigarettes, complete with visces pisces symbol in the middle
and on the bottom "misty" cigarettes telling me to go "find my own rainbow".

all made by:

who also makes "lucky strike" and "camels"

weird that zoraster's name means "old camels" or something.
i love camels creept motto:
"it's a pleasure to burn"

numerologically "lucky number seven"= 66

you can travel route 66 right into the district of columbia.

the psycology behind cigarettes and their names and such:



i know i am jumping around wildly from subject to subject (it would seem), it's impossible for me to summarize 7 hours worth of reading and researching. plus all the other months worth of researching i've done, years really.
but it's fascinating how everything is connected and how certain themes keep popping up in everything right down to cigarettes and candy (and cars....man, i have not even gone there yet but CARS are a biggy).

excerpt from above links:

"The Marlboro story tells it all--they spent $200,000 in 1950's money researching it and they used psychologists to determine the right packaging and to determine the right message to smokers. It was clear that they intended the product to have a military or martial look and feel--even the name--which they resurrected from a defunct woman's brand suggests British military (Winston Churchill was a descendant of the 2nd Duke of Marlborough) and they found an iconic visualization of manhood--complete with tattoo and they made the package look like a medal. It took time, but eventually it all kicked in and today--as it was 20 years ago--Marlboro is the initiation brand of choice among white teens. "

now i don't know how much money 200,000 was in the 50's but i know it is a LOT.
and this is just for one brand of cigarettes.

don't you think the same research and thought (and money) goes into the symbols of other money making adventures such as the WAR market, etc?

but most people think "well, the average person doesn't know ANYTHING about symbols, so why should symbols have any effect or be important?"

that is PRECISELY what they are BANKING on. that YOU have no knowledge of these symbols and the effects they have on you so that THEY can use this "secret alphabet hidden in plain site" to THEIR advantage over you!

if we were all aware of these symbols and colours and shapes and stuff and the effect they have on us...then we would SEE agendas more clearly and understand why certain things have certain effects and this would probably alter our choices we make in our lives.

we are ALL subconsciously, "wired" to these symbols whether or not we know it or not.
carl jung goes into this.

so...all of these things do effect you whether or not you want to admit it or not or whether or not you are aware of it.
because these are the rules o this "game" we are in called "living on earth in a 3d environment"

or so it would seem....

i think it was thingie who brought to my attention the other day that when we see things we consider "cute" the same chemical is released in our brain that is released when we are on "drugs"
(although that is rather vague because diffeent drugs have different effects)

i don't know what is released. i haven't researched it yet but it is probably endorphins, i am guessing.

chemicals, shapes, tones, colours, smells, and it's corresponding symbol, "number", "frequency", "emotion"...
all of these things make up this so called holographic game.
they are all buttons and triggers and navigational tools.

like brian and williamson say with each brand of their cigarette...
"find my own rainbow"
do i want to "leave the bull behind"? " be "kool"?
do i want to go to insidewinston.com or would salemaccess.com be more my style?
or would i rather go to camelsmokes where it is a "pleasure to burn"?

and this is only cigarettes!

now that i think of candy or "kid's cereal" it's totally nuts.

lucky charms, come to the "honeycomb hideout", count chocula, booberry, frankenberry,
tony the tiger "they're grrrrrreat!", alphabits, "trix are for kids!"
sugar smacks with the frog , coco puffs, apple jacks :)

it's a weird weird whacky world.

another excerpt:

"What makes Gen X unique as a new smoking generation. To some extent this is what answers your very first question: why is this study worthwhile. We are not only learning about ourselves but also to anticipate changes in ourselves. Gen X is strange amalgam (unlike the 60's set) they are not creating their own milieu they are putting one together that looks like back to the future combined with a world wide sense of self, weariness and despair. They are no longer guaranteed the future of their parents, and they have been exposed to worldwide culture and they are eclectic about borrowing from it. They understand the principles of deconstruction--i.e. truth and received knowledge particularly of institutions is really a construct, not absolute truth. But they are too young and powerless to deal with most of this so they adopt it (tattoos, piercing and other world wide influences that would have been impossible before) without real commitment to the ideas behind it. As a result tobacco companies can bring in post-Disney archetypes to win over the trust and identification of the youth. "


i mean hello?
you think the people making the bucks are not paying attention to symbols and archetypes and your psychological make up?

this is just CIGARETTES.

take that in.

another excerpt:
"I think we're going to be forced to put ourselves in the mindset of the youth at a much more sophisticated and realistic level. We are going to have to develop new channels to induct teens into adulthood. And we may have to make deals, essentially settlements with phenomena that we cannot overcome. You may see kids using patches and some smoking as a way of having it both ways. You may see a new generation of smokeless cigarettes that teens will try. If we have a sophisticated framework we may be able to deal with all of these realistically and constructively."


more on pall mall (or pell mell)

The famous Pall Mall logo has large art nouveau lettering spelling out "Pall Mall" on the top front of the pack. On the face is a white coat of arms on the front and back of the pack. Showing two regal lions pawing the sides and a knight's helmet on top, the inside of the shield reads "Per Aspera Ad Astra" or "Through Difficulty to the Stars". There is a banner underneath the shield that holds a much more famous latin phrase, "In Hoc Signo Vinces" or "In this sign, you will conquer". The phrase was the one that appeared in a vision to St. Constantine before the Battle of Milvian Bridge where he was greatly outnumbered. God instructed St. Constantine to put the cross on all the shields of his men. The next day, St. Constantine was in Rome, victorious, paving the way for the Edict of Milan. The famous Pall Mall slogan, "Wherever Particular People Congregate", appears beneath the coat of arms.

Cultural References
Kurt Vonnegut, a Pall Mall smoker himself, uses the brand in several of his novels. He has been quoted as saying that they are "a classy way to commit suicide."

In television advertising in the mid fifties, live announcers pronounced the brand's name as "Pell Mell", while the package clearly says "Pall Mall". With the dissipation of cigarette advertising, first with bans on radio, then television, the pronunciation has found a decidedly generational tone. Those who lived in the era of the audible advertisements pronouce the "Pell Mell" while those who have only the visual title to refer to often use the increasingly more common phonetic "Pall Mall".

This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer)


VARIANT FORMS: also pell·mell
ADVERB: 1. In a jumbled, confused manner; helter-skelter. 2. In frantic disorderly haste; headlong: “I went to work pell-mell, blotted several sheets of paper with choice floating thoughts” (Washington Irving).
ETYMOLOGY: French pêle-mêle, from Old French pesle mesle, probably reduplication of mesle, imperative of mesler, to mix. See meddle.




Horoscope for Aries (January 17 2006)

You may have to prove yourself today. Don't take chances or assume anyone knows who you are or what you can do. Money can be made and a good position obtained but not without your undivided attention.


Considerable credit **
Valid during several months: You should formulate objectives for long-range efforts at this time. Find out what you want to change about yourself and your world and get to work on those changes. The energy you have now will allow you to keep up a sustained effort for a long time. At work you may be given an opportunity to wield more power and thereby be more effective personally. But if you work solely for your own benefit now, you will sow the seeds of your own undoing later on. You should work for your own good and for the social good by identifying your own needs with those of society. If you do this, you will be given considerable credit for what you do. Sometimes this influence brings an opportunity to understand your motivations and to operate from this new understanding.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Trine Pluto exact at 05:20
activity period from end of August 2005 until 20 January 2006.


Your ambitions are integrally entwined now with your role in the community. This may involve long-term planning on the job or volunteer work in a more social setting. Either way you stand to benefit from what you do, but you must be clear about your goals. If you can eliminate unnecessary activities and focus on your destination, you have a good chance of getting what you want.


notes and links:

Where art thou, Mother Christmas?

This is especially for all the hard working ladies that support us and our Lodges behind the scenes and do so much without recognition:-

Where art thou, Mother Christmas?
I only wish I knew
Why Father should get all the praise
And no-one mentions you.

I’ll bet you buy the presents
And wrap them large and small
While all the time that rotten swine
Pretends he’s done it all.

So Hail To Mother Christmas
Who shoulders all the work
And down with Father Christmas,
That unmitigated jerk.

(Roald Dahl)


posted December 24, 2001 17:47
Mr. Wonka,do you feel that president Bush is doing a good job?
WONKA-"I really can't judge his performance. After all,I run a chocolate factory with elves beneath me that do my bidding,and...well maybe we do have something in common."

What do you think of plans to expand the "war on terrorism" to Iran,Iraq,North Korea and other countries chosen at random?

WONKA-"There's no Earthly way of knowing
which direction we are going
and the fires of hell are glowing
yet the rowers keep on rowing
and they surely are not showing
any signs that they are slowing..."



the universal code of Nature (1.618 PHI.)

"Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple." - Willy Wonka

Head of the Masonic Illuminati order of the orangeman division of Skull & Bones, kidney theft division 13 agent



Incompetent Fools
T-Bone Steak Jell-O
Secretarial Poodles
Cocoa Cats
Mechanical Clouds
Stars in their Pies
Nice Plums
Up And Out
Fragile Egos
Black Box of Frogs
Weird Lollipops
Mighty Jam Monitor
Creative Dog Flip
Elastic Forest
Leaky Canes
Dessert Island
People Poo
Pie Cream
Spewed Vegetables
Naffy Taffy
Lickety Split Peas
Honeycombs and Brushes
Old Sneezes and Smells Dept.

Crusty Cream Puff, Television Room, Brain Aches, Clotted Cream Room, Fizzy Lifting Drinks, Fudge Fallout Shower, Incompetent Fools, Mechanical Clouds, Orange Egg Flip, Root Beer Goggles, Scratch and Sniff Room, Cocoa Cats, Black Box of Frogs, Brussel Sprout Ice Cream, Cheese and Anchovies, Dodgy Accents, Eight Till Latte Room, Rubber Forest, Large Cavity, Nice Plums, Pastry Room, Heart Shaped Lungs, Projection Room, Secretarial Poodles, T-Bone Steak Jell-O, Stars in their Pies, Up And Out, and Fragile Egos.


"The cornerstones of all these buildings have been laid in Masonic ritual, dedicated to the demonic god of Masonry, JaoBulOn. That is the secret name of the Masonic god, the "Lost Word" learned in the ritual of the Royal Arch degree. "JAO" is the Greek for Jehovah, "BUL" is a rendering of the name, BAAL, and "ON" is the Babylonian name of OSIRIS.

"Occultists the world over believe that, once a symbol is created, it acquires power of its own, and more power is generated when such symbol(s) are created without the profane [uninitiated] knowing about it. And, the greatest power of all is created in the symbol(s) if the uninitiated NEVER discover that the symbol exists. In this article, we shall demonstrate positive proofs of conspiracy to achieve the ends of Freemasonry, i.e., achieving the New World Order. And, these proofs exist right under your eyes, in Washington, D.C., the Capital district...


The Star of David is not a Jewish symbol, but an Egyptian symbol which Israel adopted in the wilderness during the first apostasy. (Acts 7:37-43; Amos 5:26) O.J. Graham wrote in The Six Pointed Star: "The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia declares that the six-pointed star...according to the Rosicrucians...was known to the ancient Egyptians." Dr. Albert Churchward identified the six-pointed star as the symbol of Horus in Signs & Symbols of Primordial Man:
"In the Astro-Mythology of the Egyptians, we find belief in the first man-god (Horus I)...and his death and resurrection as Amsu...This was the first sign or hieroglyphic of Amsu...Amsu - the risen Horus - the first man-god risen in spiritual form." 87.

It becomes apparent that, like the Lubavitch Movement, Rick Levine has derived his theology from the Kabalah, the primary source book of Jewish mysticism which is an extension of the Babylonian mysteries. Nowhere is the Star of David found in the orthodox Hebrew Scriptures, except as a pagan symbol, nor do the prophets foretell its appearance at the birth of the Messiah. Mr. Levine acknowledges that the Messiah must be born of the lineage of David, however he chooses to ignore the vast number of other Messianic prophecies which were fulfilled at the birth of Jesus Christ. Rather he claims that an occult symbol and an astrological sign were used to validate the credentials of "the Christ" in the "age of Pisces."
"Christ is a Greek word for king. A king was one who was literally born under the cosmic signature of the King’s Star. Jesus, as we know, was born in the lineage of the House of David. But to be born in the lineage of David didn’t only mean that you had parents in that lineage. It also meant that you were born under the Star of David, which occurred when Jupiter, the King ’s Star, aligned with Saturn...there was, in fact, a triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, in the sign of Pisces, in the years 7-6 BC." 88.

key fesswise


The state military crest, which is the crest used in the coats of arms of units of the National Guard, as granted by the precursor organizations of what is now the Army Institute of Heraldry. The official Institute of Heraldry blazon is "A dolphin embowed hauriant argent, in his mouth a key fesswise or."
Joe McMillan, 21 April 2000

Anyone familiar with the traditional heraldic depiction of a dolphin--as on the arms of the French Dauphins or the famous colophon of the Venetian printer Aldus Manutius--will be able to see at a glance that this is not an anatomically correct dolphin, but it's a dolphin (the mammal), not a mahi-mahi (dolphinfish), the seafood delicacy. Neither dos the creature on the crest and the US Navy submariner's badge remotely resemble a mahi-mahi/dolphin-fish, which lacks the snout of the heraldic (and natural) dolphin and has a single long dorsal fin extending the length of its back.

Joe McMillan, 8 April 2004
The Crest for the Hawaii National Guard
On a wreath of gold and red a dolphin is poised holding a key in his mouth. The dolphin is the heraldic king of fishes for the Hawaiian Islands; the key is for the Pacific. The twisted wreath of gold and red are colors of the old Royal Hawaiian Monarch. The dolphin is silver or white and the key is gold. The crest for the Hawaii National Guard was established and approved by the War Department in 1925.

The Great Seal of the State of Minnesota is the insignia that the secretary of state affixes to government papers and documents to make them official. A seal for the territory of Minnesota was adopted in 1849 and approved by Governor Ramsey and the territorial legislature. When Minnesota became a state on May 11, 1858, there was no official state seal and, according to law, no official act could be undertaken without it. The territorial seal was used as a state seal until Governor Sibley started using a new design. When the legislature did not approve Governor Sibley?s design, he made some changes, including changing the original Latin motto to French, ?toile du Nord, thereby making Minnesota the North Star State. In 1861 the legislature adopted the new design, making it the official state seal. In 1983, the legislature altered the seal further. The design of the seal is as described in this subdivision. (a) The seal is composed of two concentric borders. The outside forms the border of the seal and the inside forms the border for the illustrations within the seal. The area between the two borders contains lettering. (b) The seal is two inches in diameter. The outside border has a radius of one inch and resembles the serrated edge of a coin. The width of the border is 1/16 of an inch. (c) The inside border has a radius of three-fourths of an inch and is composed of a series of closely spaced dots measuring 1/32 of an inch in diameter. (d) Within the area between the borders "The Great Seal of the State of Minnesota" is printed in capital letters. Under that is the date "1858" with two dagger symbols separating the date and the letters. The lettering is 14-point century bold. (e) In the area within the inside border is the portrayal of an 1858 Minnesota scene made up of various illustrations that serve to depict a settler plowing the ground near the Falls of St. Anthony while he watches an Indian on horseback riding in the distance. (f) For the purposes of description, when the area within the inside border is divided into quadrants, the following illustrations should be clearly visible in the area described. (1) In the upper parts of quadrants one and two, the inscription "L'Etoile du Nord" is found on the likeness of a scroll whose length is equal to twice the length of the inscription, but whose ends are twice folded underneath and serve to enhance the inscription. The lettering is 7-point century bold. (2) In quadrant two is found a likeness of a sun whose ambient rays form a background for a male Indian in loincloth and plume riding on horseback at a gallop. The Indian is sitting erect and is holding a spear in his left hand at an upward 60-degree angle to himself and is looking toward the settler in quadrant four. (3) In quadrant one, three pine trees form a background for a picturesque resemblance of St. Anthony Falls in 1858. (4) In quadrants three and four, cultivated ground is found across the lower half of the seal, which provides a background for the scenes in quadrants three and four. (5) In quadrant three, a tree stump is found with an ax embedded in the stump and a period muzzle loader resting on it. A powder flask is hanging towards the end of the barrel. (6) In quadrant four, a white barefoot male pioneer wearing clothing and a hat of that period is plowing the earth, using an animal-drawn implement from that period. The animal is not visible. The torso of the man continues into quadrant two, and he has his legs spread apart to simulate movement. He is looking at the Indian. adopted (dd.mm.yyyy): 1849



north carolina
To Be Rather Than To Seem

no rising setting sun in seal

lone star state
also has monarch butterfly as state insect

Virginia State Motto: Sic Semper Tyrannis = Thus Always to Tyrants

Washington State Motto: Alki = By and By

Minnesota State Motto: L'Etoile du Nord = The star of the north
Minnesota State Bird: Common Loon

Minnesota State Flower: Pink and white lady's-slipper

Minnesota State Insect: Monarch butterfly

Minnesota State Tree: Red Pine

where the columbines grow
State Motto Nil Sine Numine - Nothing Without the Deity

Columbine: Desertion; Folly

Columbine: Desertion; Folly

Columbine, Purple: Resolved to win

Columbine, Red: Anxious and trembling; Great anxiety


Columbine (Aquilegia Vulgaris, also known as Granny's Bonnet and Culverwort) got its Latin name Aquila (meaning "eagle") because of its flower spurs resembling eagle claws. The common name, Columbine, is Latin "Columba" meaning Dove or Pidgeon, from the idea that the flowers resemble a flight of these birds. The first western written account of Columbine dates back to the 1500s. Columbine is even mentioned in Shakespeare's "Hamlet" (Act 5, Scene 2 and Act 4, Scene 5 for my fellow Shakespeare lovers). Depending on the variety, this flower comes in many colors including red, blue, and white. Columbine is Colorado's state flower.

Magickal Uses:

Columbine is the perfect plant to attract the Fae to your garden as it welcomes the Devas and brings joy with its beauty. It is an herb of courage for those needing that extra little boost in stressful situations. Some use Columbine in Love spells and charms. Practitioners of animal Magick, those working with the Eagle as a totem animal, and those wishing to invoke the protective spirit or divinity associated with the rhelm of birds may work with Columbine.

Medicinal and Other Uses:

In days of old Columbine was used as an astringent, cyanogenetic, diuretic, and narcotic. Today we know it is Poisonous. **GT** Columbine is great for attracting Hummingbirds to your garden. Columbines do best in partial sun or light shade, and they prefer a soil that stays somewhat moist, but drains well. Removing flowers as they fade helps prolong the bloom time, this is known as "dead-heading".


State Motto
Nil Sine Numine

The Latin phrase "Nil Sine Numine", was adopted as part of the Territorial Seal. At recurring intervals, discussion has ensued concerning interpretation of this Latin phrase which commonly translated is "Nothing without Providence". Others say it is "Nothing without God". In the early mining days of the State, the unregenerate said it meant "nothing without a new mine". In a strict sense, one cannot possibly get "God" from "numine", God being a purely Anglo-Saxon word. The word "numine" means any divinity, god or goddess. The best evidence of intent of Colorado's official designers and framers of the resolution for adoption of the seal is contained in the committee report wherein clear distinction was made between "numine" and "Deo" and it is specifically states that the committee's interpretative translation was "Nothing without the Deity".



State Flag
State Seal
State Motto Nil Sine Numine - Nothing Without the Deity
State Name and Nickname Colorado / Centennial State
State Animal Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
State Bird Lark Bunting
State Fish Greenback Cutthroat Trout
State Flower White and Lavender Columbine
State Folk Dance Square Dance
State Fossil Stegosaurus
State Gemstone Aquamarine
State Grass Blue Grama Grass
State Insect Colorado Hairstreak Butterfly
State Song "Where the Columbines Grow"
State Tartan State Tartan
State Tree Colorado Blue Spruce
State Mineral Rhodochrosite
State Rock Yule Marble

Aquamarine This lovely gem evokes the sea in both its name and its color. The ancients saw this as a stone of courage and felt that carrying it would help them return safe and prosperous from sea voyages. It aids in compassion, and tolerance, and facilitates communication both with others and with the deeper self.





The language of the Utes is Shoshonean, a branch or a dialect of the Uto-Aztecan language, further evidence of the tribe’s far-reaching roots in the region.




Hundreds of years ago, long after the ancient cliff dwellers left their canyon top and cliff dwellings, Native People came from both the north and the southwest into the vast area we call Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico. These people, known as Utes, lived long before the first Spanish explorers arrived with their large expeditions and herds of horses. The Ute families, bands, and encampments were spread out across this large area.

The People called themselves "Nuche," which means "the People." The Weeeminuche band (Weeminuche meaning "the true People") would later be known as the Ute Mountain Ute, after the mountain that rises to the west of their present-day headquarters in Towaoc, Colorado. This is their story.

the blue sky people

The Ute Word for bear is kwiyágat.



The Prophesy of uniting the People of the Eagle and the Condor - North and South America - starting coming together in the summer of 2000. Aspen eco pioneers Michael and Christine Morehart, who have a ranch on the Argentine Pampas, had given Chaffee a Condor feather, which she pulled out just as an eagle flew over their Navajo ceremony. The Moreharts wanted to thank the nature spirits along the Roaring Fork river, as they were leaving, for 10 blissful years on the land. See “Bridges to Argentina” for more details to follow.)











This ethical dualism is rooted in the Zoroastrian cosmology. He taught that in the beginning there was a meeting of the two spirits, who were free to choose--in the words of the Gathas--"life or not life." This original choice gave birth to a good and an evil principle.

(to be or not to be, that is the question)



The sun god Shamash rising between Mashu's Twin Peaks.

To the Sumerians, Mashu was a sacred mountain. Its name means "twin" in Akkadian, and thus was it portrayed on Babylonian cylinder seals - a twin-peaked mountain, described by poets as both the seat of the gods, and the underworld .

Mount Mashu



An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask.

[Note: Reality is a metaphor in which we quest to find answers to the greater truth of who we are and why we are here. Soemthing in our souls tells us that change is happening on a global consciousness level. The blue frequency is part of that. Sirius is Isis - Return to the feminine of higher frequency energies - Rebirth of Consciousness. Blue links to higher/future frequencies of consciousness as we spiral up through the patterns of Sacred Geometry. Blue - electricity - our reality as an electromagnetic energy grid program. Blue: Indigo children, the blue alien lady, Isis, the Pleiades, Sirius, blue galaxies, blue chakra, blue ray and ascended master, and much more that will come 'out of the blue'. Use search engine to discover more about 'blue'.]

(my band "the blue up?")


The Hopi settled in the area now known as Four Corners, where the state lines of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado meet.

They lived in humble simplicity and the land produced abundant crops. This area is the "heart" of Turtle Island [the U.S.] and of Mother Earth, and it is the microcosmic image of the macrocosm of the entire planet. Each Hopi clan perpetuates a unique ceremony, and the ceremonies together maintain the balance of natural forces of sunlight, rain and winds, and reaffirm the Hopi respect for all life and trust in the Great Spirit



The stone tablets of the yellow race of people are kept by the Tibetans, in Tibet. If you went straight through the Hopi Reservation to the other side of the world, you would come out in Tibet. The Tibetan word for "sun" is the Hopi word for "moon" and the Hopi word for "sun" is the Tibetan word for "moon".

The guardians of the traditions of the people of Europe are the Swiss. In Switzerland, they still have a day when each family brings out its mask. They still know the colors of the families, they still know theymbols, some of them. I went to school with some people from Switzerland at the University of Washington and they shared this with me.

Kevin Locke,



Ahura Mazda

The famous Pall Mall logo has large art nouveau lettering spelling out "Pall Mall" on the top front of the pack. On the face is a white coat of arms on the front and back of the pack. Showing two regal lions pawing the sides and a knight's helmet on top, the inside of the shield reads "Per Aspera Ad Astra" or "Through Difficulty to the Stars". There is a banner underneath the shield that holds a much more famous latin phrase, "In Hoc Signo Vinces" or "In this sign, you will conquer". The phrase was the one that appeared in a vision to St. Constantine before the Battle of Milvian Bridge where he was greatly outnumbered. God instructed St. Constantine to put the cross on all the shields of his men. The next day, St. Constantine was in Rome, victorious, paving the way for the Edict of Milan. The famous Pall Mall slogan, "Wherever Particular People Congregate", appears beneath the coat of arms.

Cultural References
Kurt Vonnegut, a Pall Mall smoker himself, uses the brand in several of his novels. He has been quoted as saying that they are "a classy way to commit suicide."

In television advertising in the mid fifties, live announcers pronounced the brand's name as "Pell Mell", while the package clearly says "Pall Mall". With the dissipation of cigarette advertising, first with bans on radio, then television, the pronunciation has found a decidedly generational tone. Those who lived in the era of the audible advertisements pronouce the "Pell Mell" while those who have only the visual title to refer to often use the increasingly more common phonetic "Pall Mall".

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VARIANT FORMS: also pell·mell
ADVERB: 1. In a jumbled, confused manner; helter-skelter. 2. In frantic disorderly haste; headlong: “I went to work pell-mell, blotted several sheets of paper with choice floating thoughts” (Washington Irving).
ETYMOLOGY: French pêle-mêle, from Old French pesle mesle, probably reduplication of mesle, imperative of mesler, to mix. See meddle.


in hoc signo vinces




MONARCH BUTTERFLY - denotes perseverance, a transformation in spirituality,

viceroy, is poisonous to its predators.


Where are you going?" asked Moki.

"We're going to the Land of Delight," said Momi.

"May I come with you?" asked Moki.

"Of course," said Momi.

And off they swam. Elsie the Eel, and Momi the Mermaid, Cheeky the Turtle, and Wiki the Whale, Dandi the Dolphin, and Moki the Monk Seal, and way at the end, Momi's very best friend, Manny the Mahimahi.

"Are we there yet?" asked Momi.

"Almost," said gruff old Elsie the Eel.