13th, 2006 |
well, i managed to get to sleep before
midnight and get up in the MORNING.
so that is progress in that department :)
today i must crochet like the wind to get that hat done for lionbrand.
they wanted it in a week and it's been a week.
but i still have a lot of chores to do , as well. like dumb cleaning the kitchen
stuff that cannot wait.
and i really wish i could vacuum.
there is so much that needs my attention right now.
i think deiter is constipated. he
is making that squeaking noise for 2 days but not very often.
i don't want to pay $300 at the vet just to find out he is constipated like
last time
so i looked up on the net what to do about dogs getting constipated and it
said you can feed them cannned pumpkin i remembered i had some squash in the
fridge so i just gave deiter a ton of squash
i hope that works. at least he is hungry and drinking water and seemingly
i have some spinach too i could give him later.
i'll just keep giving him vegetables until he's better.
and i hope that will do the trick.
he's such a piglet and he'll just eat anything all the time, like lint off
the floor and he loves to lick everything so i'm not surprised he gets these
digestive problems every once in awhile. glarb.
so everyone pray to the god of healthy digestive systems for dogs for me so
i don't have to take him to the vet.
in other news, i have been researching heraldry and it sure is a very bizarre
and serious business!
the rules and etiquette of heraldry are very very complex. and you have to
get a certified heraldry artist just to make a coat of arms, etc, it reminds
me a lot of how you must have a certified scribe to make the teflin for orthodox
jews to wear.
they take it all extremely seriously and it has to be done with utter perfection
and you cannot just throw symbols or colours into your coat of arms just because
you think it would be pretty that way.
it is very much done as a ritualistic magickal ritual to make a seal or sigil.
even look at the army and how serious they take making signs and medals and
symbols and how they must be worn on the correct arm at the correct angle
on the correct person on the correct day even.
so i have been looking at all the seals and everything for each state in america
and each division of government in each state. and it's all VERY weird and
very fascinating.
like the above "fish" thing with a key is for the national guard
of hawaii.
and even the position of the key has a name. i can't remember it now, but
it's all very specific.
notice what kind of "fish" that is. it's not really any kind of
known "fish".
and why a key and why a key on that position pointing that way?
believe me, these things are taken VERY seriously by these people.
i don't think the majority of the public is very aware of this.
i don't think the people in the army are even very aware of why they do things
certain ways.
"yours is not to question why, yours is but to do or die"
and then there are some pictures which make it easier to understand how the great pyramids are lined up with the belt of orion. it's so much easier for me to understand when i can see it in pictures.
og and that patch at the upper left,
what in the heck is that for?
the site i found that picture wouldn't even say. it said "email for description".
it looks like a flying yod with 2 dreamcatchers.
the army, navy, etc etc etc is all very very verrrrrrrrrry much steeped in
as much as they would deny it.
just like the catholic church and all it's rituals which are beyond strange.
i think it's hilarious how people get all freaked out about witchcraft rituals
and think they are bizarre and scary when the catholic church and the army
do very much exactly the same thing.
it's just that each has their own agenda for doing the rituals.
the army very well knows about how to put people in trance like states and
hypnosis and ritual and signs, seals, symbols, colours, sound, light, formations,
times of the day.
i would say that they have perfected the art of black witchcraft amazingly
i don't see why people can't see this. it's just so perfectly obvious if anyone
would just care to look at all their symbols and what they do with them and
what is achieved at the end because of the rituals they do.
anyway, enough of this for today.
i've got to get on with it.
clean the kitchen a bit, take out the trash, maybe i will vacuum a tiny bit
just for the sake of my sanity and then i must crochet like the wind.
oh one last thought i must write
the idea of "courtly love".
i just started reading about that last night and how that played into just
about everything in the past.
"courtly love"
what a huge thing to miss all this time!
to understand why certain things were done a certain way many hundreds of
years ago, you have to understand the concept and i did not know that.
i forget so often that people back in time had completely different ways of
viewing things, on a mass consciousness level, and so i cannot apply "my"
logic to what they did or why.
but it's really hard to get myself in the "mindset" of certain times
so that i can really understand why certain things were done in certain ways.
it's really hard for me to get into the "mindset" of TODAY, as well!
but there definitely seems to be general vibrations/frequencies/mass consciousness
ways of thought, that "swept" over certain periods of time and certain
areas of earth , exactly like weather, which "made" people think
a certain way.
like an atmosphere of this kind might be more conducive to growing mold or
moss whereas another atmosphere is more conducive to growing cacti or crystals.
so there is just "mass weather" taht happens. and "invisible"
weather. that makes for certain "soups" to be made.
but most people do not see this or question it.
it's like a fish that lives in water thinks that water is all there is and
isn't even aware of the water because it's just "everywhere" and
like ask most people why they think a certain way or do the things they do
and a LOT of people (i have found) will say "because the bible says!"
or "well, that's the law!' or "that's just the way things are done!"
or "because that is right and that is wrong!" or "god wanted
it that way".
not very many people question WHY
is that the law, and WHY does the bible say that and WHY would "god"
say that or think that way or want that.
like homosexuality, for example. ask someone why it's not ok and they will
say "because the bible says it's wrong" or "it's not natural"
(which is a silly thing to say because if it's not natural then why does it
exist in the 1st place?).
i had that discussion with my mother.
i think even i asked her why did she think it was not ok for women to show
their breasts in public and all she could think of is "well, because
that's the law!"
and that is as far as she ever contemplated that.
it seems most people do not contemplate the most basic of things and i don't
understand why not.
the only explanation i can come up with is that they just don't have time
to or it's not fun for them to do.
well anyway, if no one is even going to contemplate WHY at the most basic
level of things, people certainly are not going to contemplate WHY the symbol
for the national guard of hawaii has a bizarre "fish" in the shape
of an S holding a golden key horizontally and the key pointed to the right.
they will just think it's because "well, hawaii has dolphins".
but it's obvious that it's NOT a dolphin or ANY kind of known fish.
and why is it in the shape of an S and why is it holding a golden key? why
not a silver key or a white key or a red key.
why is the "fish" not in a "natural" shape?
no one will question this because it's pretty and "that's just the way
it is".
but most importantly, people will mostly think "what has it got to do
with me?"
and that is the key question, isn't it?
what DOES it have to do with you?
why is the district of columbia NOT considered an actual state?
why can't the people in that district VOTE for their own political leaders?
why, is the part where our highest government located in a place that is not
legally part of "the united states"?
i mean, isn't that in the least bit ODD to people?
why is the statue of liberty on an island all it's own?
because the people of america had such a fit about it, at the time, they didn't
want it on "amercian soil"
why do you think THAT was?
why do you think there is a poem under her caled "the new colossus?"
why does she look EXACTLY like the "christian" angel Lucy? or go
back to hecate or athena. or anyone who holds a torch.
why is she on an 11 pointed star? how ODD is that?
(odd being the perfect word for it).
Washington, D.C. has three sister cities[3]: Bangkok (Thailand), Beijing (China), and Dakar (Senegal).
what do you think that is about?
but what does it have to do with YOU, right?
as long as we are sitting in our comfortable places with food on our tables,
no one is going to question it.
WHY did we invade IRAQ? why did we pillage their library?
why did saddam hussein thinkn he was the reincarnated nimrod and he was in
the middle is rebuilding Babylon?
why did WE aid him and put him in power?
why did WE aid and give money to osama bin laden and his family?
why is america such good "friends" with the saudi royalty and we
will do just about ANYTHING for israel?
why don't we care much that north
korea has atomic bombs?
why are WE still creating atomic bombs?
why does no one question the HUGE undergroud "city" that was recently
put up for sale in england?
why does no one seem to care that
there are bizarre words constructed into the floor of the denver airport that
seem to say either "white mountain" or "black sun"?
not to mention the frickin murals.
why did we even BUILD the denver airport at such a completely "illogical"
place to build on so called "cursed" land?
why does no one seem to care that these things are always built by institutions
that proclaim the "new world order".
doesn't anyone care to want to know what "new world order" might
maybe it's NOTHING. maybe it's no
big deal.
maybe it will never "effect" you as the government so conveniently
takes away 1/2 your money, every single day, and then uses it to destroy the
earth and the people they don't like.
i don't think this cycle of destruction will ever end on this earth until
we pay attention to "the details".
as the old saying goes "god is in the details"
and i don't think a more fitting saying could be said of this.
but i don't think most people will care until their quality of life goes down.
and even when their quality of life DOES go down, they still can't see the
details of this. they can only point and go "republicans", "democrats",
"government", "some other country".
but indeed, who DOES have time to figure out the details when you are working
a 40 plus hour a day week and are trying to just keep food on the table and
pay your taxes so you don't go to jail and keep a roof over your head. and
even the LAND you buy that shoudl be yours the government still taxes you
on THAT and if you don't pay it they can take YOUR land away from you!
so who has time to see these details and learn about heraldry and so learn
the "alphabet" of all of this because that IS what it is.
these symbols are their alphabet and most people are illiterate to the meaning
of the symbols. and if you can't READ then you are missng out on HUGE chunks
of information. you know?
and they don't teach heraldry in schools.
and there is a good reason for that.
it's a political power move to keep most people illiterate and unable to read
this alphabet that is in plain view of everyone.
most people, we are illiterate being walking through a rich, detailed, and
heavily stocked library of information (and disinformation). we are so used
to seeing symbols and not questioning their meaning...we are like fish that
takes the water for granted. symbols are just "pretty" and "that's
just the way things are".
we think it's just arbitrary.
someone just happened to really dig orange that day and so orange became the
symbol for that.
no one even questions why gold is worth so much.
is it just because gold is "pretty"?
we, as people, DIE over a pretty metal or a pretty jewel?
do you really think it's because it's just pretty?
there are plenty of pretty things in this world.
and there are plenty of RARE things in this world.
so if you are just going to say that the entire world's global currency is
based on gold because it's "pretty and rare", i think that would
be a really illogical thing to say.
sure gold lasts long and doesn't tarnish.
so what?
entire nations will be born and die because we like a metal that is not particularily
useful for anything at all in our everyday lives?
does that make ANY amount of sense AT all?
but i know most will say "well, that's just the way it is!"
we settled on gold and so now that is just the way it is.
no one really cares WHY all the gold that we know of on the planet is all
pretty much under lock and key at certain parts of this earth heavily guarded
more than anything on earth just sitting there, in bars, not doing anything
why DO we have such a seemingly irrational lust for gold?
we can't EAT it. we can't DRINK it.
we can't make houses out of it, we can't hunt with it, cook with it, sleep
on it. it doesn't keep us warm, we can't use it for fuel.
gold is completely and utterly useless to us except for #1 it's pretty and
#2 it doesn't tarnish..which isn't a SUPER useful trait but hey...ok..whatever.
yet we just take for granted that GOLD is what we will live and die for and
horde in our caves like DRAGONS.
if all we can do with gold is make jewelry out of it...WHY is it such a big
deal? while will the government do ANYTHING in it's power to make sure it
has every single speck of gold (except a few trifle bits here and there as
jewelry for the rich) on this planet under lock and key and heavily guarded?
why is the alchemist's ULTIMATE goal to make gold?
what conclusions can be made from this?
1. humans are insane as they will kill and die for a metal that is basically
useless for everyday life. and i don't think we can say we will kill and die
for anything that is a. pretty b. shiny c. rare. or d. will not tarnish
because there are plenty of other things now for those uses which we need
not kill or die over. like tinfoil.
2. there is a very important use for gold that most people are not aware of.
for example, time travel. or it serves a great purpose on some other planet
and the "elite" or "slaves" are "programmed"
to find this gold and hand it over to these other beings for use on their
plnet..whatever they use it for (i didn't come up with that theory! it's truly
a theory many people have pondered!)
3. gold used to have a very important purpose, whatever it was we do not know,
but we are stuck outdated system that does not serve our purpose anymore and
we are on automatic pilot to preserve it at all costs because we are a. insane
b. lazy or c. not very observant
4. the entire universe is senseless and arbittary and we just do not care because we are also senseless and arbitrary because we are part of the senseless and arbitary universe and so just cannot help it.
5. ????
ok, it's 2:22pm
i will take that as my cue to stop talking about this like i said i would
HOURS ago!
i need to clean, eat and crochet!
p.s. or as btripp pointed out the
other day, why is our government still using the "fasces" on everything?
(where we got the word fascist)
just go research it and it's meaning.
why is it a pile is "sticks" tied together, and with an AX?
if it's not a "big deal" then why does our government display it
EVERYWHERE, most notably on the dollar bill?
yes yes, it's an ancient roman symbol of power and authority, but WHY?
and why are we constantly referring back to rome in america?
is it just because rome is "cool"?
and look how it is tied. knots have a GREAT meaning as to how they are tied.
in fact, knots are an "alphabet" all their own.
you could even go further and say why an AX (yes, yes, it chops wood, i get
that. but DEEPER still)?
why an ax and sticks? what do you use a bundle of sticks for? to EAT? no.
for firewood maybe? (where we got the word faggot)
and why did we use the word AX for AX?
what do the letters A and X represent? a head and a cross? why is that?
why not a call it a BV or a TY or a LO? things to think about.
it's a secret alphabet hidden in plain view.
*I* think it's because it's a symbol of binding "common" people
together and ruling over then with an "iron fist" (ax).
what do YOU think?
Horoscope for Aries (January 13 2006)
You will have trouble getting down to business -- too many things on the go and difficulty deciding where to start. Tackle one thing at a time. A good attitude and less frantic behavior will help considerably.
Untried and True
This is a very stimulating influence that will make you feel more alive and
awake mentally than at any other time. Although your thinking may be somewhat
lacking in care and discipline, you will make up for this in the scope of
your intuition. This is an excellent day to tackle some problem that you have
been unable to solve with tried and true solutions. New ideas will come more
rapidly than usual. Solutions that have eluded you will be obvious, and your
vision will have considerable breadth and scope. Any new phenomenon will interest
you, and the idea of traveling to foreign places will be especially appealing.
If at all possible, break with your usual routine and go off somewhere, at
least for the day. If you do, you will be glad for the freshness that such
a break introduces into your life.
Rewards from all your hard work may be finally coming your way. This isn't about a get-rich-quick scheme. It's about being appreciated by your boss and perhaps even getting a bonus or raise. But don't go out looking for money now; instead, think about how you can increase the quality of life for those around you.
Mercury trine Mars CAPRICORN-TAURUS
Mercury sextile Jupiter CAPRICORN-SCORPIO
Sun conjunct Venus CAPRICORN
There's that point at the begining of a rollar coaster where you feel your
organs move. That's today. This week has some momentum. You can see the stats
above. Big name astral favorites today: Mercury, Mars Jupiter, Venus and the
Sun. That's a sky full. With Mercury in the mix we're sure to get the message,
at least it's not a wish washy thing. When confronted with the insurmountable
flash back to the last time you faced, 'the insurmountable'. It can go all
the way back to learning to tie shoes or to read. We will always survive,
until we don't. We can learn until our last breath, zoologist say that's our
big trick as a species. The Sun and Venus conjunction brings to light how
close to what we consider moral and true we're actually living.