december 24th , 2005


making oblique strategies cards cut out about 150 so far.
i'm cutting them out from pictures of arial landscape photos.
then i'll get the strategies on the other side and have them all laminated.
i think there will be about 300 cards or so.
and then make a box for them.

set my alarm for 10:30am so i can get to my dad's by 1pm.
jason and i watched 2 episodes of the new battlestar galactica. it's so intense and psychological.
it's not at all like the cheesy ones from the past.
for one, starbuck is a woman and the new cylons look like humans.
and well, i won't spoil the rest for you in case you want to see it, but it's VERY well done.

now i'm either going to watch aeon flux or listen to music and cut out more cards.
or just lay in bed and stare. still not feeling too hot.
but feeling better so i'm happy for that.


i'm starting to feel better now. my temperature is only 99, so it went down.
i guess i will go to my dad's afterall. thank goodness because i was feeling awfully guilty about not being able to go!
jason just got back from his parent's and he gave me my xmas presents which is a big tin of 49 flavours of jelly beans and dvds of the entire eon flux series. yay!
for him, i am still working on it, but i am making him "oblique strategies cards"
cutting little squares out of coffee table books that are the size of the cards in the "candyland" game.

i also got a HUGE bouquet of flowers because i think they had extra over there at jason's house. and it smells wonderful in here from them.
they are lavendar and white.

jason's dad's cancer is stage 4.
so, according to jason's mom his dad is little in denial or something by thinking everything is just fine.
but then again, it's a positive attitude that will win over cancer more than anything.
miracles can happen and so..who knows.
still...i can't help but feel very emotional, confused and a bit overwhelmed by it.
i'm at a loss for words.
what can you say?
and seeing my dad tomorrow it all kind of soills over into that and i don't want it to.
but how can i help it?
i know my dad worries about prostate cancer all the time because that is what his dad died of.'s a melancholy xmas of sorts.

but i need to concentrate on getting better and not stressing too much because i want to be well tomorrow for my dad and xmas day.

i hope my appetite comes back soon.

i'm starting to think i didn't have food poisoning but just had the flu. since if i just had food poisoning i'd be better by now.
anyway, least i am starting to feel well again.

jason is coming over here very soon and we are going to watch battlestar galactica (the new series) and just lay low.

we wanted to go to "jew-bilee" tonight over at the kit kat club (i think that is where it is at?)
comedy and a bit of djing and catered in chinese food.
(for those of you who are not jewish, that is what the jews do on xmas...they all go eat chinese food i am not kidding! for real!:) that is the jewish xmas tradition :) haha :)

but both jason and i feel like staying in.

what i am going to give my dad for xmas is ye olde amazon giftcard.
and this deluxe "miracle" jesus action figure.
i hope my dad is not offended and thinks it's funny, because i think it's hilarious :)
he comes with 5 loves of bread and 2 fishes to feed 5,000
and a jug that turns water into wine.
and also his hands glow in the dark :)

anyway, if i were jesus, i would think it was funny :)


still not feeling so great.
i think the bout with food poisoning was exactly the one last straw for my immune system to falter and give me a cold or some sort of flu-like thing that has been hovering in the background for some time now, that i had been fighting off but now it seems to have gotten me.

so i did not go with jason to his dad's today and i think i will cancel going to my dad's for xmas, too.
i'm sure he will ok with that. i hope so at least. he has a million families to spend xmas with.

i just feel completely drained and not in the mood to eat or talk.
i'm just going to stay in bed and work on jason's present today.

i did make a new community for crochet, tho (while i was still feeling well). the crochet community was deleted because the monitor had just had enough of it all.

so i made crochetcrochet

thingie pointed out to me that i am now listed in imdb:

and i was featured on blog yesterday:



intriguing images:

11.20.2005 anagram

12.22.2005 anagram


Horoscope for Aries (December 24 2005)

This can turn into a very special night if you spend it with the people you love the most. A gathering at your place will make everyone aware of how much you care. Your kindness will bring you lots of good wishes and positive thoughts.


Taking notes
Your mind will be very stimulated today. You are fascinated by every new phenomenon that you encounter and eager for more. If you are relatively flexible, this need for excitement means that you may get bored more easily than usual. If you are not flexible, this could be a very nerve- wrecking day, full of little surprises and upsets that overtax your nerves. The plans you have made for the day may not work out at all, and the more you are counting on precisely one set of conditions to be fulfilled, the more upsetting this influence will be. Either way, the day's tempo will be brisk. Thoughts will flash through your head at such an amazing speed that it will be difficult to keep track of them. Perhaps you should keep a tape recorder handy in order to record your ideas before they disappear.


With Venus in your 11th House, you are apt to receive more support from your friends than you ever thought possible. In fact, it might even seem like too much, making you uncomfortable about not being able to repay the debt. This is about learning how to let others love you and accepting this love at face value. Set your fears aside so your friendships can deepen and bring joy into your life.


Saturday Venus moves retrograde. Like with Mercury it provides a review. It won't turn direct until February 3rd. Individually and collectively we have a over a month to review how we create our morals, what we think is right and beautiful. Venus will slip back in to Capricorn with this transit so the collective, business and finance arenas are high lighted. There is presently a backlash to the Walmartization of our economy. Now we clearly will see some info on the health, mental and physical, of the conditions made by poor ethical decisions in the corporate arena.