december 8th , 2005


didn't make it to the p.o. but did get to the drugstore for my meds and hair conditioner and some 7 day candles.
i'm going to take the rings off keys while i watch survivor. these keys a person gave me so many have little keyrings on them. it's not hard to get them off but it's time consuming.

i was thinking more about the guy that busted in my house and tried to rape me many years ago.
it pops in my head every now and then, it just does. it probably always will.
but thinking upon in in a new way. how the telephone saved me. and how the telephone is an important symbol and plays into my movie. and now i have a new level for this telephone. so thinking about that.
and thinking about the words the rapist whispered evilly and laviciously into my ear as he had the knife to my throat and the phone was ringing...
"all i want is you little girl...."
and that played over and over in my mind until i went to an anagram generator to see if i could decipher anything more from it that way.

i can't find a really good anagram generator that will make a sentence that makes sense from it.

so far all i have is:

a age i nitwit till lull rosy
a age i ill rilly untwist lot
a age i trinity til lull owls

a age i trinity til lull slow
a age i trinity til lulls low
a age i trinity til lulls owl
a age i trinity till lull sow

a age i trinity will lulls to
a age i trinity wills tull lo
a age i trinity wilt lull sol
a age i wittily slit loll urn
a illegality i ill now trust
a illegality i ill turns two
a illegality i ill won trust

Illusionary Title Twig All

Illusionary Twill Gate Lit

i age a trinity til lulls owl

a trinity, til lulls owl. i age.

and also the word strangulate can be made from it.
i want to use an anagram of "all i want is you little girl" in my movie.
so if anyone can come up with a good one, let me know.


interesting to note i used to collect rabbits.
i had a nice collection in apt #1.
i wrote an entire album based upon a rabbit, called "introducting sorrow"
the rabbit's name in the album is "day"
i actually did sew myself a rabbit and named him "pie"
"day" was pie's 1st "acting job.

lyrics from through the sun in introducing sorrow:

"through the sun through the sun through the crack in the sun
that's where i'll find day...
through the sun throug the sun through the crack in the sun
i'll be on my way...."


i have always wondered if colour can affect blind people.

Blind woman recognises colour by touch

A blind woman has baffled scientists after proving on TV that she can distinguish between colours by touch.

Gabriele Simon, 48, from Wallenhorst in Germany, revealed her ability in her country's most popular TV show Wetten dass.

She used her fingertips to recognise the different colours of various t-shirts and blouses while blindfolded.

She said: "I took me 20 years to master this skill. It is a combination of pure learning and concentration."

Ms Simon added: "This ability really gives me more independence, as I don't need to ask my mother about what to wear anymore." -

if anyone can find anymore information on this,
please let me know :)



it's becoming curiouser and curiouser :)


i've put all the links and notes i've made about things i've been researching and thinking about at the very bottom of this page.

the sun is shining through my windows :)

i have some more $ in the bank (i just checked) so i can go to the p.o. box again and send another package.
yesterday i only had $24 in there so i didn't go to the p.o. yesterday as i was afriad something might bounce. but now i have $300 in there so it's all good. *whew*

so as soon as i get some more pix up for you to look at, then i am going to work on taping up another box and lugging it off to the p.o. box to send.
and then, god, i really should work on my taxes. if i am to finish them by the end of this year, which i PROMISED myself i would do, i have to suck it up and DO IT.
i know it sucks and it's boring as hell and is the last thing on earth i wish to do. but it HAS to be done.
i have to do it. i just have to make myself.

i dreamt i called the edge from U2 on the phone to talk about the mythology of his guitar :)

Horoscope for Aries (December 8 2005)

Take care of pending problems. You are in the driver's seat today and can make gains that were impossible in the past. Money should be your focus and terminating any legal problems your goal.


At this time you may feel a strong urge to get away from the daily routine and go off somewhere, and you may not be entirely conscious of the reasons behind this drive. It is a mood, a restlessness that is hard to pin down. But there is more than one way to get away; for example it can be done in the mind as well as in the physical world. Travel may be beneficial as long as the break from your routine isn't too radical. You are not really interested in getting totally away from it all, you are just bored with your everyday life. Study or mental journeys may be more useful, because you can remain in familiar surroundings supported by the comforts of your normal world. Yet at the same time you can expose yourself to ideas and concepts that are both revolutionary and liberating. Thus you can have some of the excitement that you crave.


It might be a day of heroic gestures and grandiose actions, but you may be too quick to help those unable to help themselves. Your energy is aroused and you are ready to fight for the underdog. Be careful; these efforts can be physically demanding. Remember, this is a healing time, so take a moment to nurture yourself while assisting others.


Thursday is the quarter moon, a week until she's full. Take a minute and look for things you've initiated in the last week, it's a clear moment to just survey and not judge. You can see the 'need to do' clearly on projects, also identifying seeds that are not going to sprout or 'you can't paint everything on one canvas'. The day ends with the moon void of course in Pisces, no decisions, downplay worries, try out the new bath salts.


here are all the notes i took and links i went to in the past few days.
not in any particular order.
i have no idea if anyone id interested in i put it at the bottom of this page.
this is more for my reference so that i can go back to some of these links and thoughts someday and research more when i am in the mood:

Hibiscus syriacus

You may be thinking that the Mandelbrot Set does not contain the uppermost "Keter" part of the Tree - surely this is an important part of the cipher? Could not the reason for this be, as Kabbalistic teaching tells us, that "Daat" (Knowledge), the non-sephira, is the point where Keter (the divine will of God) can enter when the time is chosen to interfere with existence? It is quite possible that discovery of the Mandelbrot Set, in an attempt to recreate the order observed within the apparent chaos of nature's systems, has actually caused Keter to enter Daat and communication of the angelic kind to begin.

As we can see, once the Tree is in this interference mode, it resembles the Mandelbrot Set precisely (figs 4a, b, & c). The Mandelbrot Set could be described as demonstrating the order behind the apparent chaos of nature. The same is true of the Tree of Life, and that order is "God". Kabbalism tells us that we are all part of that supreme order and collectively are "God".

magic square of 5
11 24 7 20 3
4 12 25 8 16
17 5 13 21 9
10 18 1 14 22
23 6 19 2 15
mercury dime (10)

10= X

The lamen is a cross with each arm representing one of the four elements: Fire - red, Water - blue, Air - yellow, and Earth - citrine, olive, black and russet. Each arm is depicted with an upright pentagram crowned with Spirit representing that he who wears this is Master of the Four Worlds. This is confirmed by the glyph of the hexagram surrounded by the planetary symbols with the sign of the sun at the center.

The ending of each arm of the cross is triple with each segment assigned to one of the three alchemical principles: sulphur, salt, and mercury. The three segments upon the four arms allude also to the 12 signs of the zodiac. At the center of the cross is the rose of 22 petals. The rose is divided into 3 petals at the center, 7 petals in the second circle, and 12 in the outer circle. They are depicted in the appropriate Hebrew letters and colors as such: the three so-called Mother Letters in the primary colors (yellow, blue, and red), the 7 double letters in the secondary colors, and the 12 single letters in the chromatic color scale. Of course they also represent the 3 elements (the fourth being an admixture), the 7 planets of the ancients, and the 12 zodiac signs. In the midst of this rose is another rose-cross. Behind this Rose-Cross lamen are rays of white light with the signs of L.V.X. and I.N.R.I. written thereon.

the trident

Poseidon (Greek) One of the twelve great Olympian deities, a son of Ouranos and Gaia, brother of Zeus and Hades; represented by the Latins as Neptunus. The brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are respectively the gods of heaven, the intermediate world or water, and of the underworld; and these represent the three great generalized powers or forces, each one ruling or vitalizing his respective third of the seven manifest cosmic planes. Poseidon presides over water, especially the ocean, and over horses, which he brought forth by a stroke of his trident on the earth. His symbols are the dolphin, one of his executive ministers; the trident; and the horse. It is Poseidon who shakes the earth and raises and quells storms at sea. He had numerous offspring by many wives, both mortal and immortal; mostly of a violent unruly character like himself -- titans and giants. He stands as a personation of the spirit and race of Atlantis; for he is lusty, sensual, and at war with heaven. To consummate his intrigues, he assumes the forms of various animals -- a way of alluding to bestial Atlantean black magic. The symbol is complex, for he is also a dragon. He is related to the northern constellations of Draco, Delphinus, and Pegasus (or Equus, the horse). Equivalent to Chozzar of the Peratae Gnostics and the good serpent of the Nazarenes (cf SD 2:578). As god of the waters he parallels Idaspati, Narayana, Vishnu, and Varuna.

jupiter's staff

(house of god)



anchor cross egyptian in origin

the cross of triumph

The Chi Rho
a monogram of the first two letters, Chi (X) and Rho (P), of the Greek word for Christ.

The Chi Rho with the Alpha and Omega in a Circle
Symbol for Christ is within symbol for eternity (circle), and so signifies the eternal existence of our Lord.


St. Agatha
Born in a noble Sicilian family, Agatha was famous for her beauty and gentleness. She refused to give up her Christian faith at the command of the governor, and was unspeakably tortured. She is the patroness of bell-founders. Died 251 A.D.

symbol of scissors?



Targs or Nagas or Dracos

DAAL Universe = Origin of Dolphins (Daal-fins)

The secret to Enki and this story, is how he learned from his mother, how to tie this slip knot. Because, it is in this symmetry secret that he (under the later guise of Tutankhamon and the resultant Jesus myth) learned how to ensoul DNA and bring people back from the dead ("LazeRus Effect"). The angles of this slip knot are more than alphabet, they are the cookbook for starting the phire (fire) of life.

Compare the geometry of the perfect Gordion "Slip Knot" turning inside out-ness.. to the known plots of the geometry of the Heart of the Sun (seen clairvoyantly - top left in the below image). ... to the Geometry of the Anu (Occult Chemistry map of hydrogen - see new physics:Psi Perception of Quarks), and the the geometry of the HUMAN HEART where the knowledge to tie this slip knot appears to radiate.
Z as Thoth holding - XX Chromosomes - Full Circle - Return to the Feminine





The word chelate derives from the Greek word “chel”, meaning a crab’s claw

IN GIRUM IMUS NOCTE ET CONSUMIMUR IGNI (translates into: "We go into the circle by night and we are consumed by fire" latin pays off here...) Hmmm later did a Google on it it is a palindrome (didn't notice), this means you can read it backwards as well :-) it also seems to be a riddle: "the devil's verse" see for more info.

Jungian Alchemy "the light at the core of darkness" from Jung's "Red Book" "C.G. Jung and the Alchemical Renewal" by Stephan Hoeller

secret of the golden flower

Jung[ian thought] and Kabbalah

Jung and the Tarot

an occult critique of Jung's collective unconscious



cool esoteric linksites

favorite/recommended esoteric/religious studies reads:
Kabbalah Scholars: Moshe Idel, Gershom Scholem, Joseph Dan, Daniel Matt, Aryeh Kaplan
Esoteric Scholars: Antoine Faivre, Josclyn Godwin, Christopher McIntosh, Stephan Hoeller
Ioan Couliano: Eros and Magic In the Renaissance
Frances Yates: Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition
Terence Mckenna: Lectures on Alchemy
Jung's writings on Alchemy
Henry Corbin, Mircea Eliade, Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell, Huston Smith
Annemarie Schimmel: Mystical Dimensions of Islam
John Lilly: Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer
Church of the Subgenius
Temple ov Psychick Youth
Philip K. Dick: Exegesis, Selected Letters, The Shifting Realities of PKD, VALIS, Ubik, short stories
Robert Anton Wilson
Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash, Quicksilver
Hakim Bey, Paul Laffoley, Erik Davis

SS Anasazi
Call is a high pitched 'dzit-dzit'; hissing whistle

DZIT DIT GAII meaning the "Master of Death" a slogan that the U.S. German secret societies such as the Skull and Bones have used for many years.


The LUFTWAFFE has long had an EXTENSIVE base in New Mexico complete with towns where all signs are in GERMAN

luftwaffe new mexico


The name "Quetzalcoatl" literally means quetzal-bird snake or serpent with feathers of the Quetzal (which implies something divine or precious) in the Nahuatl language. The meaning of his local name in other Mesoamerican languages is similar. The Maya knew him as Kukulkan; the Quich? as Gukumatz.

"A rabbit with a bunny hat on. A bunny with a rabbit hat on. They keep changing clothes."

Who the hell are Gog & Magog

If there is some meaning to the symbolism of the floors of the Denver Airport, I think it lies in the Navaho accounts of the Anasazi. I wonder what is significant about "white mountain"?

You know, there is mention of White Mountain in connection with Phoenix, and some sort of emergency evacuation... um... white mountain, anasazi, emergency evacuation

See how easy it is to get carried away? Did I mention that an Anasazi petrograph records a supernova [now the crab nebula] , and a scary comet?

The actual Hebrew word hay-lale does not mean "star" but "bright or clear sounding" [as in singing Hallelujah] although it also denotes "brightly colored or shining",
5 golden rings?


D# = 152.89924 cycles per second, the augmented 4th from its root "A." This interval was outlawed a few hundred years ago. Divide by pi = the radius of the inner circle of Stonehenge. Multiplied by pi = height of the Great Pyramid.


Precession of the Equinoxes
Principles of Evacuation
(Figure 2 removed for updating)
Evacuation models implemented for severe accidents generally use the following principles:

All people within a specified radius of the incident (usually 2 miles) are evacuated, and;

People living downwind from the projected path of plume travel and bordering sectors are also evacuated. This area, the downwind sector and two adjacent sectors, affords protection from potential wind shifts and plume meander. This is known as a “keyhole” because of its appearance. Figure 2 illustrates a keyhole.

ZZ Ceti is the generic name for pulsating WHITE DWARFS of type DA, which have a pure hydrogen outer layer composition. This name is equivalent to DAV (for variable DA white dwarfs) frequently used in the literature....

fleur-de-lis or fleur-de-lys (flûr'd?-le', fl?r'-)
n., pl. fleurs-de-lis or fleurs-de-lys (flûr'd?-lez', fl?r'-).
An iris, especially a white-flowered form of Iris germanica.
Heraldry. A device consisting of a stylized three-petaled iris flower, used as the armorial emblem of the kings of France.
[Middle English flour de lice, from Old French flor de lis : flor, flower + de, of + lis, lily.]

Merovingian King Clovis, who reportedly wore an Iris flower in his helmet as he rode to victory in battle.

extraction of the spirit of mercurius


This 245, for me, has always represented the two tritone positions either side of the mirror. This position is a 4.5 within the major scale. It also replicated itself along the 45 degree angle. The 245 also breaks down to an 11, and it is the 11th overtone either side of the mirror that contains the same invisible like axis at a tritone interval away from the fundamental tone.

Your Integrated Circuit is spot on!! That is how we should learn to build any machines in the future. A machine must contain a tonal fountain, have components at 45 degree angles, that are tuned to the star of David symbol that mirroring throws up.

Once it is clearly seen that there is only one mirror structure possible, and it comes to resemble a Star of David, it is amazing how many other ways there are of finding it. Numbers point to this same structure. Yet they must be numbers as reflected within an overall symmetrical picture. Here is an example of what will throw up the organic structure within nature:

5 = E
55 = A
555 = C#
5555 = F
55555 = A
555555 = C#
5555555 = F

The F A C# is one of the triangles that combines to make a star of David symbol.

55555555 = Ab
555555555 = C
5555555555 = E

Ab C E is another of the triangles. In all there are four triangles, and two Star of Davids. What has been unearthed so far is one triangle from
each of the two stars.

55555555555 = Ab
555555555555 = C
5555555555555 = E
55555555555555 = Ab
555555555555555 = B
5555555555555555 = Eb
55555555555555555 = G

B Eb G, is the third of the four triangles. Only the D F# Bb to go:

555555555555555555 = B
5555555555555555555 = Eb
55555555555555555555 = G
555555555555555555555 = B
5555555555555555555555 =- D
55555555555555555555555 = F#
555555555555555555555555 = Bb

And there it is.

Every number treated this way will produce the triangle frequencies in the same was as is produced when the major scale is mirrored. But that
is not the same as putting music to a real physical mirror. One mirrors the formulas that build the scales. In fact all that is happening within
these numbers are that the Phi portion equates to slightly less than a minor 6th. Using symmetrical number arrays gives access to the creative
principle within Phi. That implies that the same process is evident on the mirror side of music scales and numbers.

This same Star of David structure appears within the zodiac chart, and can also be run in tandem with the Tzolkin grid. I have come to know it
as the consciousness aspect within the Form.

Thanks for the coincidence anyway!

