29th, 2005 |
just checking light, playing around...
insight of the day (for me)
mary = maryam = miriam
the hand of miriam
mirror am
mer i am
light i am
i am light
reflection of light (mirror, false
i AM light (the source, true self)
also (thanks to ladder7)
(why i didn't i "see" that
"look! said the king"
mirror = 46/10/1
the exact same thing as "40 in portal" which is ALSO 46/10/1)
jason found my manual for my camera
online so now i need to peruse it to find out how to get my camera out of
this weird setting it is in.
but i have kind of run out of steam for today, i think.
tomorrow i will just have to put in a huge day of work to get this done.
but at least i have made a huge head start now so it's not like i didn't get
anything accomplished today.
i did take some test shots (that look nothing like what i am going to do),
but i am going to fiddle around with them and turn them into something for
you and hopefuly get those up tonight.
after fiddling around with my aloecam
because of a suggestion emmett made, now my aloecam is working again.
so i cross my fingers that this is not temporary and it will continue to keep
got another power strip from jason so i could plug in my iron and borrowed
his ironing board.
so now i am going to iron.
hopefully, my manual for my camera will appear before me now.
this is a weird ass mystery as to
where i put the manula to my camera.
and i cannot take the photo if i cannot find the manual.
and it's weird i cannot find it because i ALWAYS knwo where it is. in fact,
it's usually right to the side of my bed, that is how close it is to my all
the time.
and here i get rid of 1/2 my things and organize and now i cannot find the
manual to my camera?
what kind of sense is that?
it makes NO sense.
i will jst go iron some stuff and i have to go draw a bunch of things and
cut them out, too.
so there is still a lot i can do to prepare that i can get done now.
but i can't take the PHOTO until i find the manual!
i am just going to to try and calm down and take this one step at a time.
maybe if i iron it will dawn on me where i have put the manual.
these photos are going to be a lot
harder thna i thought. what was i thinking?
i may just have to do all the preparation for them tonight and then actually
do them tomorrow.
tonight is just getting every ready and practicing and finding the right lighting
and pose.
and my camera has gone off into some weird function that i don;t understand
how to get out of and so i have to go find the manual for it and fgure it
out again.
and i need to iron out my entire outfit which i did not foresee. so time to
get the iron out, whereever i out that.
i don't even have an ironing board. so i may have to go to jason to iron.
i hate you mercury in retrograde!
well, i am fuckin' irritated.
i reinstalled my aloecam which is the software i use to save my cam photos
because it stopped working for me.
it kept saying "image old" even tho i knew there was a new image
every 30 seconds. i thought reinstalling it would fix it. but it's still doing
the same thing! saying "image old" or "same image".
arrrrrrgh! why???
lately i ahve just been saving a few cam pix by hand if i just happen to see
one i like and i'm near my computer so i can save it.
but now i want to go in the thing room and save my cam pix from in there.
and i can't because my image grabbing software is completely broken for some
reason beyond my comprehension!
does anyone know of any software
that grabs cam images that is good?
i ahd to pay for aloecam. i don't want to pay for it again if it's not going
to work again.
and they don't make livegrab anymore.
are there any others i can go download so i can save my campix?
made it to the little store. sucked
down a red bull.
gonna light come "ancient times #6 incense".
making a bath.
thinking about my photos and thinking of variations i could do.
thinking why did i leave this to the last minute?
thinking 'cause i always do.
icon nabbed from ladder7 photos:
finished some mundane household tasks.
now i am trying to motivate to get dressed and get to the store for cokes,
cheap incence, tp, and maybe some eggs.
then i must must must must must work on the photos for the 12 babes of xmas.
they are due tomorrow night. and i must must must motivate myself to get them
and it's such an elaborate production, i'm trying to think of how i might
simplify it.
but heck ya, i need some red bull.
i think i have pms. i'm starting to
bloat, my face is breaking out like there is no tomorrow, and i am so hungry.
this really helps to put me in the MOOD for taking these photos. ha :)
rather than explain to you all i
researched yesterday and all i thought about i will just show you the photos
that i saved and the notes i wrote to myself in notepad, which i will not
try to decipher for you, because it's just too much work.
before i show you the notes i will say it's 23 degrees and snowing.
i had a very short amazing good dream
right before i woke up.
i don't remember the rest of my dreams except that it had a lot to do with
what i was researching.
but the good part of my dream was, after everyone had gone to bed (in my dream)
, it was dusk and i was alone in a small valley. i think maybe there were
4 round hills around me. and i remember a well and what are those round screened
in porch type things people have in their yards? i want to say gondulet but
google does even recognize that word.
anyway, it was dusk, and the sun
would be setting soon. and i looked up from my studies and i realized i was
alone and that the colours of everything were amazingly beautiful. it was
all rich fall colours and there were huge cacti that were multicoloured and
the dusk sun was shining on them , everything was glowing with vibrant colours
of dusk and sunset. i wanted my camera to take photos. i twirled in the cool
dusk breeze and took in the moment. and then i heard the sound of the valley
humming like a low multitoned tibetan chant. these very low notes that all
were in harmony and resonsated in me and in everything. these were the notes
of this land, these hills, the configuration of them, the valley, the rocks,
the cacti. it was amazing. i can still feel the low notes in me vibrating
in my center. so soothing, calm and grounding.
i thought, i wonder what this is like to be dead that life could be like this
after death.
and it made me not as afraid to die.
so here are pictures i saved, not all are remarkable, but it's what i was thinking about yesterday and a picture is worth 1,000 words :)
i will say more that the tattoo i got on my wrist of the spirally S in memory of sonia is taking on more meaning for me in so many ways. about yin and yang and opposittes and connection and harmony and magnetics and polarities and sacred geomety.
and i see how why the symbol for the heart is the way that it is, even tho the symbol looks NOTHING like a human heart yet it is found in all cultures! and it has to do with magnetics coming together.
(oh and i HAVE to work on those photos for 12 babes of xmas today because they are due tomorrow!)
i will also say it's VERY interesting what sattellite imagery will let you se and what they will NOT let you see by ways of blurring and pixelating and sometimes just blocking out huge sections obviously. last night i was looking at washington dc, cairo egypt, nashville and memphis tennessee, and st louis missouri.
and here are my erratic notes:
Q. When you entered [the middle chamber] what did you see?
A. A great Light in which I perceived the Letter G.
Q. What does the Letter G signify?
A. God, that is to say DIEU, or one who is greater than you.
french deius
latin deus
indo -european dyeu
From medieval times, Jove has been used in English as a poetical way of referring
to Jupiter. It has also been linked to Jehovah, a form of the Hebrew name
of God used in some translations of the Bible. By Jove was a mild oath, an
exclamation that indicated surprise or gave emphasis to some comment, which
dates from the sixteenth century. It was originally a neat way of calling
on a higher power without using the blasphemous by God. Shakespeare used it
in Love’s Labours Lost in 1588: “By Jove, I always took three
threes for nine”.\
Ogden Nash said, anyone can make a mistake:
Even Jupiter, ruler of gods and men;
All the time he was going around with Io,
he pronounced it Ten.
greek- dias
dyau means "sky
5 5 5 5 -4 4 5 -4 4 5 -4
Pic-ture your-self in a boat on a riv-er
4 5 -4 4 5 5 6 -5 5 4
With tan-ger-ine trees and mar-ma-lade skies.
5 -5 6 5 -4 4 5 -4 4 5 4
Some-bo-dy calls you, you an-swer quite slow-ly,
4 5 -4 4 6 -5 5 4
A girl with ca-leid-o-scope eyes.
-5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 5 -5 -5 -5
Cel-lo-phane flow-ers of yel-low and green
-5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -4
Tow-er-ing ov-er your head-.
-5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
5 -4 4
And she's gone.
7 7 7 7 7 -7 -6 6 -5 5 -4
Lu-cy in the sky- with d-i-a-monds
7 7 7 7 7 -7 -6 6 -5 5 -4
Lu-cy in the sky- with d-i-a-monds
7 8 8 8 8 -8 7 -7 -6 6 6
Lu-cy in the sky- with d-i-a-monds,
-8 -8
ah, ah
lucy means light in latin
Lucretia female Latin riches Lucrezia, Lucrece, Lucy
Lucy female Latin light Lucie, Lucia, Luce, Lou, Lu, Luza, Luz, Luciana, Lucianna, Lucianne, Lucienne, Lucida, Lucile, Lucille, Lucette
monde from latin mundus
"Mundus" is Latin for "world" or "mankind"
or even "universe", and gives the prefix "mundi-".
"Cosmos" is the Greek equivalent of "mundus" and gives
the prefix "cosmo-".
"Terra" is Latin for "Earth", and gives the prefix "terra-".
"Tellus" is also Latin for "Earth", and gives the prefix
"telli-". Some Latin dictionaries imply that "Tellus"
refers more to the Earth as a planet, and "Terra" refers more to
the Earth as land, but the impression is that the words are pretty much interchangeable.
In modern English, the "terra" prefix seems to have predominated.
"Ga?a" (transliterated "Gaia" and pronounced like "yeah")
is ancient Greek for "Earth". That gives us the prefix "gaeo-".
But in modern Greek the spelling has simplified to "geo-", and "gaeo-"
now means "land" exclusively.
queen nutt
Queen Nutt, Mother of the Universe and the Leviathan
Rx symbol
The Eye of Horus is commonly used in modern times. One example is the Rx symbol
used in medicine and pharmaceuticals. Though, the Rx really is an abbreviation
of the latin word for "recipe" however other texts conclude that
it is an invocation to the God Jupiter and that the symbol is a corruption
of the symbol for Jupiter. In its original use, the Rx was drawn as an eye
with a leg, or the Eye of Horus.
The shattering of Horus' eye into six pieces lead the Egyptians to use the Eye of Horus to calculate fractions. The ancient Egyptians used these six pieces to represent the six senses and each piece had a fractional value. The parts of the eye were divided as follows:
The right side of the eye = 1/2 = smell
The pupil = 1/4 = sight
The eyebrow = 1/8 = thought
The left side of the eye = 1/16 = hearing
The curved tail = 1/32 = taste
The leg = 1/64 = touch
The Egyptians could do fractions by quantitatively adding up parts. Apparently
the assignment of senses to values was directly proportional, meaning that
each sense had a value that determined how much energy needed to be “eaten”
by the Eye to receive a particular sensation. If one were to do the math they
would discover that the fractions, when added together, only equal 63/64,
and thus, not one as would be expected. This has been attributed to the ancient
Egyptians belief in not being able to attain perfection but also the idea
that the 1/64 that remains could be a form of magic that one would require
to complete themselves.
Horus became thought of as Ra, or rather Ra-Herakhty ("Ra, who is Horus of the two horizons").
The winged sun disk is a very ancient symbol. Long before Egyptian civilization
flourished, the sun disk appeared in the literature of ancient Sumer, which
was the first known civilization.
In ancient Egyptian religion, the sun disk became a primary symbol of Ra, the sun god. He was called the Sun Of Righteousness with healing in his wings," a title which Christians later adopted for their own god.
The sun disk was carved over the doorways of many Egyptian tombs and temples,
and it appears on many papyri. In the illustration above, the sun disk is
carried on the wings of Horus, and flanked by two uraeus
Eye of Horus Udjat The Eye of Horus The eye of Horus or the "Utchat" or "Udjat" (sound ... "Rx," is derived from this design.
x marks the spot!
Navajo Code Talkers Exhibit?
The Navajo's unwritten language was understood by fewer than 30 non-Navajo's
at the time of WWII. The size and complexity of the language made the code
extremely difficult to comprehend, much less decipher. It was not until 1968
that the code became declassified by the US Government.
When a Navajo code talker received a message, what he heard was a string of seemingly unrelated Navajo words. The code talker first had to translate each Navajo word into its English equivalent. Then he used only the first letter of the English equivalent in spelling. Thus, the Navajo words "wol-la-chee" (ant), "be-la-sana" (apple) and "tse-nill" (axe) all stood for the letter "a." One way to say the word "Navy" in Navajo code would be "tsah (needle) wol-la-chee (ant) ah-keh-di-glini (victor) tsah-ah-dzoh (yucca)."
Not all words had to be spelled out letter by letter. The developers of the original code assigned Navajo words to represent about 450 frequently used military terms that did not exist in the Navajo language. Several examples: "besh-lo" (iron fish) meant "submarine," "dah-he-tih-hi" (hummingbird) meant "fighter plane" and "debeh-li-zine" (black street) meant "squad."
duat (the underworld in eqyptian)
The Jewish scribes say that an extra Yod is inserted in the word ana (meaning humble or meek) to emphasize the humility of Moses.
Ana (AHN-ah) (Hebrew) "Favored grace."
The word divination literally means to get in touch with the divine. It is derived from the Latin "divinus," which meant soothsayer, which, in turn, was derived from "deus," meaning God
Aramaic 'ana,
ana is arabic for i
The first letter in the Hebrew aleph bet is aleph. Aleph is silent. It has a numeric value of one. It alludes to the deepest mysteries, the ones that are ineffable. It is formed by two yuds, (the yud is the tenth letter of the aleph bet and the first letter in the tetragramaton, YHWH), divided by a diagonal vav. The "upper" yud represents the hidden aspect of YHWH, what the mystics call Ain Sof, The Unknowable, The Infinite, The Ineffable. The "lower" yud represents the revealed aspects of YHWV, such as compassion, mercy, and love. It also includes the wonders of the natural world.
The two yuds are divided and also linked by a diagonal vav. Vav, the sixth letter represents both humanity and connection. Humanity because Adam was created on the sixth day of creation. Connection because the vav is the connecting word "and" in Hebrew. It also means "hook."
The silent letter aleph teaches us that the hidden and revealed aspects (upper and lowers yuds) of YHWH are linked through humanity. The upright vav represents a person standing tall and proud. While the diagonal vav symbolizes a person bowed with humility in the light of the sacred role of linking these two aspects of the Divine.
The two yuds of the aleph represent the paradoxical quality of our relationship with God. God is near and yet far, hidden and though also revealed. The aleph also evokes the ultimate mystery: Oneness or unity. Alternatively, it is often asked with regard to the popular cosmological Big Bang theory of creation, "what was there before the Big Bang?" The Jewish answer: The silent mystery of the aleph.
Why isn't aleph the first letter of the Torah? Because it is silent and the Torah begins with penetration of the primordial silence of before time. The aleph, however, is honored elsewhere. It is the first letter of the the first word of the Ten Commandments: "Ahnochi" - "I am."
In germatia numerology this number 888 represents Christ ... a Trinity of Infinity.
a picture's worth 1,000 words
Terra or Tellus was a primeval Roman Roman mythology can be considered as
two parts. One part, largely later and literary, consists of whole-cloth borrowings
from Greek mythology. The other, largely early and cultic, functioned in very
different ways from its Greek counterpart. Nature of early Roman mythOne might
almost say that the archaic Romans did not have myths. That is to say: until
their poets began to borrow from Greek models in the later part of the Republic,
the Romans had no sequential narratives about their gods comparable to the
Titanomachy or the seduction of Zeus by Hera.
goddess A goddess is a female deity, in contrast with a male deity known as
a "god". A great many cultures have goddesses, sometimes alone,
but more often as part of a larger that includes both of the conventional
genders and in some cases even hermaphroditic (or gender neutral) deities.
As the concept of monotheism and polytheism can be relativistic, so too can
related concepts be culturally misunderstood.
mother of Fama Fama may refer to:
Fama Fraternitatis, the manifesto of the Rosicrucians.
The Roman equivalent of Pheme, the Greek personification of fame.
Fama (Portuguese for fame) is the Brazilian version of Operación Triunfo
a musical television contest similar to Pop Idol.
"Josephus, the historian of the Jews in the first century, observed that the Essenes believed that good souls have their inhabitation beyond the ocean, in a region that is neither oppressed with storms of rain or snow nor with intense heat, but refreshed by the gentle breathing of the west wind which perpetually blows from the ocean. This idyllic land across the sea to the west (or sometimes the north), is a belief common to many cultures, from the Jews to the Greeks to the Celts. The Mandeans, however, believe that the inhabitants of this far land are so pure that mortal eyes will not see them and that this place is marked by a star, the name of which is 'Merica'."
the law of one
the la (sound) of 1
2 be 1 ask 1 (a masonic saying)
If you just read our opening page you were informed that a new planet has
been found. First discovered in 2003, this planet is called 'Andromeda', Marduk
or Nibiru as it was known in very ancient times. It is the legendary '10th'
planet prophesied to signal the begining of the end for us.
Zecharia Sitchen explains how our earth was formed in a collison with a satallite
from this planet in his book Genesis Revisited, first printed in 1990. However
when he wrote The 12th planet in 1976, he predicted that Andromeda would be
found because of his extensive studies of ancient Sumerian texts. These texts
are written on stone cylinders and stone tablets and are over 5000 years old.
We use them over and over here to prove a point... Man had knowledge before
any bible was written...Extensive scientific knowledge!
We cover these texts exclusively in our "Enuma Elish" tablets series.
Links to the texts are provided.
nudimmud meaning image fashioner
Our other planets orbit counterclockwise...except for Pluto. Its path is ellipical and retrograde like Halley's comet.
kabbalah (that which was recieved)
The Persian religion, known as Zoroasterianism, was founded C. 600 BC by prophet Zoroaster. Zoroaster wrote down his beliefs in a sacred book known as the "Zend Avesta."
nu means now in swedish
UN--the opposite of now. undo un-der-ground
nu is the 13rh greek letter
N or v
latin ten is X
The "Morning Star" is representative of the 8 and 40 year cycles of the rising of the planet Venus that are mentioned no less than 100 times in the bible. The 40 year cycle is then multiplied by numbers that equal; The exodus - 1547 BC, Moses birth - 1590 BC, the building of Solomon's Temple in 967 BC, which is 10,367 years after the flood, (The Book of Hiram)The flood was - we think in apmx 11,400 BC. There are three sources for this date each independently arrived at. The distruction of the second Temple - 70 AD. Jesus birth - 1440 years after Moses leads the people through the desert, ect., which was actually in 7 BC. And recall the 40 years in the desert which may not be actual fact. Fourty years after Jesus birth in 33 AD., He was cruisified. 1000 years after the birth, the Templars made plans to come back to the destroyed Temple. They did in 1099. In 1140 AD the scrolls were brought to St Clair lands in Scotland. Rosslyn was built exactly 1440 years after the birth of Jesus. Building began in 1441 AD., completed 40 years later in 1486 AD.
Astrology and the planet Venus played a very important role in ancient Egypt
and Jerusalem for thousands of years. Venus was called "The Bright Morning
Star". The planet has a fourty year cycle that seems to coinside with
major events in the Hebrew history. There are no less than 100 examples of
the 40 year cycle used throughout the bible.
In the early Qabalah the planet is called the 'Divine Shekinah'.
The "New Testament" allusions to the Shekinah include Luke 2:9; John 1:14; and Romans 9:4, where it is referred to as God's "glory," and is connected to the Messiah and the Millennium. The Zohar has hundreds of references to the Shekinah. The Shekinah originally rested on the Tabernacle and Temple, but even now it accompanies the wise, especially when three study together. Allegorical writings refer to the 'Divine Shekinah' as the "bed of Solomon".
We can now begin to understand the mystical significance of the Menorah as it relates to the Shekinah. The Menorah is a seven-branched candlestick, having three candles to each side of the main one in the center. Each Menorah has six candles surrounding one in the center, representing the angelic guardians of the Shekinah.
She is found in many forms within Esoteric Christianity. We see her as Asherah, the great Canaanite Goddess worshiped early on in the Hebrew tribe. We see her as Shekinah, the Feminine Presence of Godhead and Great Mother. We see her as Mary, the incarnation of Shekinah and Mother of Yeshua, the Queen of Heaven and Earth and our Mediatrix. Sometimes we see Her in the images of Sophia and Mary Magdalene, though They are most often associated with the Daughter Goddess. We see Her in Eloah, feminine counterpart of El, present and active at creation. We see Her throughout all time in many forms, but through past, present, and future She will always be simply, Our Mother.
The Shekinah was created-or should we rather say discovered-by rabbinic scholars
in a society of rigid gender roles. But we must also recognize that the rabbis
accorded her the highest honors of their culture. She was adorned, she was
beautiful, and she was sought-after. Moreover, the Shekinah was not forced
into virginity. Later Qabalistic tradition has the Shekinah and the Holy One
united in sexual fulfillment at midnight on the Sabbath. The healthy persona
of the Shekinah reflects the principle- stressed in esoteric Judaism-that
men and women are incomplete without the other and that both can joyfully
and spiritually come together in marital union. from.. The Divine Shekinah
491 46545
14 24
1+4+2+4= 11
nut the mother of osiris
532= 10=1
book of pylons was later called book of the dead
ursa major
the acupuncture point on the backbone at the height of the naval is called
"the door of life"
(that is where the silver cord is) and fred astaire danced from there...ida
ka ba
ka ba la
mer ka ba
mer means light
a la
do re mi fa so la te
kaaba, ka'ba means cube
(hail dubyus)
dropa stones
torr is a version of tur meaning round tower in the form of a monutain
The Letter G
By Bro. John A. Cockburn, Adelaide.
By letters four and science five
This G aright doth stand.
The more closely we adhere to the ancient landmarks in Masonry the clearer
will be our comprehension of its teaching. Owing to a departure from tradition
the letter G has become a puzzle both as to its shape and meaning. Though
supposed to represent Geometry and occupying the place of honour in the Lodge,
the outline of this letter stands pronounced as the most ungeometrical and
therefore the most unmasonic of our emblems. The reason of this discrepancy
is not far to seek when we call to mind the fact that the present form of
the letter dates no further back than the middle of the third century B.C.,
and its intrusion among Masonic emblems can be regarded in no other light
than as a comparatively modern innovation. In its original form the letter
G was held to be sacred by the Pythagoreans; it was the initial letter of
the Earth Goddess Ge or Gaia in whose honour the Eleusiniau mysteries were
celebrated; it also stood for geometry, a word derived from Ge and used by
Pythagoras as synonymous with Tetractys or the Divinity. When however our
ancient brethren turned their eyes towards the sacred symbol they beheld,
not the unmeaning form of the letter G, but the gimel or gamma , the emblem
in all ages the most revered by our Craft, the true Masonic square.
The second tracing board tells us that the letter G denotes God and depicts
certain Hebrew characters, these characters are the four letters which spell
the holy name Jehovah, the awful Tetragrammaton. In the opinion of the ancients
the most fitting geometrical representation of the number four was by means
of the square; Plutarch says that "The number four is a square"
and according to Philo Judaeus "Four is the most ancient of all square
numbers, it is found to exist in right angles as the figure of a square in
geometry shows," and "Four is the first number which is a square
being equal on all sides, the measure of justice and equality." What
then could be more appropriate than the representation of the Tetractys or
the Tetragrammaton by the square letter gamma? And to what letter other than
that bearing the form of the square could the attention of the Craftsman about
to receive his wages be with equal propriety directed? The square is one of
the working tools of a fellow-craft and is the emblem of that just relation
between man and man which entitled the workman relying on the honesty of his
work and on the integrity of his employer, to claim without scruple and without
diffidence the due reward of his labour.
In short, the gamma or the square falls into its place in the mosaic of masonry
as readily as the modern G refuses to be assimilated, and this harmony goes
far to establish the antiquity of our ritual; for, if the text is obscure
with the letter G but becomes luminous with the gamma, there is proof that
the ritual must have been settled before the disappearance of the ancient
and the introduction of the modern letter.
The fifth science was geometry which explains the G or in its operative aspect,
and the letters four, or tetragrammaton, would elucidate its other, or symbolic,
Is it not just possible that the form in which the letter G formerly appeared
in the Lodge may have been that of the Swastica, , one of the most frequent
and sacred of figures in both Eastern and Western Symbolism, whose absence
from modern Craft Masonry is a matter of surprise? The Swastica is composed
of four gammas combined and was known among old time craftsmen as the tetragammaton.
It is impossible to avoid a feeling of regret that the beautiful symbolism
of the square has been marred by the usurpation of the letter G in the place
of the gamma, and it appears to be a question worthy of consideration whether
it would not be well to show our respect for the ancient landmarks by restoring
to the sacred symbol its original form.
ahura mazda
Horoscope for Aries (November 29 2005)
Whatever isn't paying you back or working for you must be stopped. You've been working too long and too hard. Your generosity has become a hindrance, so get back to doing what counts.
Exciting company
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day this influence gives you a pleasant
feeling of restlessness, a desire for excitement but not to the point of disruption.
You may feel like shaking up the people around you and jolting them out of
their seeming lethargy. Or if you are not conscious of this desire in yourself,
you may attract someone who shakes you up. Under any circumstances you want
to be with exciting and stimulating companions. In your home and other close
surroundings you are not willing to accept the same old situation. You may
try to find ways to change your circumstances or at least provide some temporary
excitement. It is possible that you will meet a new and exciting friend today,
or an old friend will come back into your life unexpectedly. Friends may provide
opportunities for advancement or for getting away from your usual scene for
You may be looking for more meaning in relationships now. Either you're pushing to take things to the next level or need to clear the air about an existing problem. No matter which direction you take, change is likely. Facing someone else's disapproval isn't easy, but can force you to reevaluate what it is that you need from others.
On Tuesday the Scorpio Moon stands opposite Mars then quickly squares Saturn. This makes for a day with a lot of energy stored that is going to be released. So even if you have a permit leave the guns at home. Today you get a survey of the resistance in your world to looking at those old patterns of mind/body/heart much less implementing the fresh ideas you may be coddling. Don't hold back but be precise and grounded when you offer up or unveil the 'current plan'. Initial resistance internally or externally is often just an indicator that you really need to push through. It usually takes more energy NOT to do a task then to just quite mulling it over and do it! Mars and Saturn can be grumpy brothers at worst but working in harmony with then can get lasting results. Choose words carefully, a clumsy blurted out phrase can echo for weeks.