november 28th, 2005

i didn't stay off the computer today...
i still read and read and read and read!
i'm too tired now to type about it all.
i am on an obsessive quest for knowledge it seems!
but i know that reading about life and doing life and BEING life are 3 different things and i need to strike a balance.
but i'm having so much fun putting the puzzles together.
but the more pieces to puzzles i find, the more puzzles i find!


mundus, terra, telli

i was wondering why the french word for world was "monde" which lead me to it's root word in latin "mundus"

but i cannot find out WHY the latin word/mankind/universe for world is mundus.

what is the etymology of mundus?

i have googled and googled and can find nothing.
if you can find anything, please let me know :)

Words for Earth
"Mundus" is Latin for "world" or "mankind" or even "universe", and gives the prefix "mundi-".
"Cosmos" is the Greek equivalent of "mundus" and gives the prefix "cosmo-".
"Terra" is Latin for "Earth", and gives the prefix "terra-".
"Tellus" is also Latin for "Earth", and gives the prefix "telli-". Some Latin dictionaries imply that "Tellus" refers more to the Earth as a planet, and "Terra" refers more to the Earth as land, but the impression is that the words are pretty much interchangeable. In modern English, the "terra" prefix seems to have predominated.
"Ga?a" (transliterated "Gaia" and pronounced like "yeah") is ancient Greek for "Earth". That gives us the prefix "gaeo-". But in modern Greek the spelling has simplified to "geo-", and "gaeo-" now means "land" exclusively.

i'd also like to know more about terra and tellus and telli

and how this relates to television and telephone.

i always thought tele was a prefix which means "far"


i guess it's not a good day for a walk. it's getting darker and rainier and as i have the television on right now i can see that everything is closing early and things are being cancelled.


ok, sorry i had to look up the history of zoro.

ok , i swear i am getting off this computer now!


all the sun went away and now it's as grey as can be.

mercury is in retrograde right now which makes everything that has to do with communication and travel go awry.
computers break, planes are late, things get lost in the mail, it's hard to get your point across, all that...

you should check out the lj community just for bitching about mercury in retrograde:

it's hilarious :)

1:06pm to 2:15pm

here are a ton more (over 200!) images for you
(there are a lot of really good ones!):

i'm going to try REALLY hard today to stay away from my computer sucking in information to a ridiculous degree.
and get my mundane earthly household things done today.

it's really nice out and 53 degrees. i think i will go for a walk.
all the snow has melted. tonight there might be thunderstorms.
i ate the last piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast and made myself sme coffee which i am waiting to cool down to i can drink it and go outside then.
the dog's had goose liver for breakfast because i can't bring myself to eat it, but it's good for them to get some real protein in their diets besides just that dry dog food so i try and give them good other things, too. like the other day they had squash. they will eat almost anything. yesterday they even each had a tiny slice of orange and pumpkin pie crust.

i'm having a heck of a time getting these photo to you uploaded. i'm just writing this in notepad for the last hour as i keep getting connected and disconnected from the net.
very frustrating. bt i hope i will slowly but surely get this all uploaded to you soon so i can go for a walk before it's dark. i need to walk off all that pumpkin pie i just ate.
i think i have gained weight over the holiday. that's the way it goes.

but i will say one last thing about this page:
if you can read french or translate it with the altavista babelfish translator, it's a fascinating page which really explains so much. especially why some people refer to god as G-D
and why there is a G in so much masonic symbolism.
(this is translated from french...)

"The letters Guimel G, Dalet D

" the letter Dalet D, accompanied by the letter Guimel G were presented and proposed to the blessed Saint is it that it creates the world by them, it answered : " That there are enough for you to remain associated, because like the poor (Dalim) £yld will never disappear from the world, he should be provided (gamol) lwmg in kindness. Dalet it is poverty (dalout) twld, and Guimel it is the compensation (Guemilout) twlmg which relieves. You will not separate one from the other that it is enough for you to sustain yourselves mutually. "Zohar

This Dalet D of value 4 is represented by the triangle D which will hardly evolve/move to the Greek Delta D.

4 and 3 indeed inseparable and yet the so contradictory ones !

The base of the isosceles triangle having a point angle of 144° is equal to the circumference of the circle having like ray the height of this triangle.

This triangle is with the pediment of the temple. It expresses the unfolding of the celestial circle as unit of the Earth represented by the square which is the door of the temple.

The Romance Christian temple answers this same symbolism, the circle marries the cube, it is the marriage of the sky and the ground "

and then it goes on to say a whole bunch more fantastic things...



Horoscope for Aries (November 28 2005)

Don't take advantage of your expense account. You won't impress your clients by being generous, but you'll get their business if you are direct and accommodating. Hard work will pay off.


A stormy period **
Valid during several months: This influence is likely to coincide with a stormy period in your personal relationships. There will probably be a difference between you and your partner about some personal objective that you both are very closely involved in. Or a difference in your background and conditioning will cause you and your partner to see a situation very differently. Associated with these problems is the problem of identifying so closely with your own point of view that you feel your personal honor depends on having your views triumph. Under this influence any kind of team effort that you become involved in is not likely to work. If you can possibly arrange it, try to work by yourself on a project in which you have the total initiative.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Square Ascendant
activity period from middle of August 2005 until end of December 2005.


A person close to you may be wielding power in ways that make you uncomfortable, but it could be difficult for you to confront the situation without paying too severe a price. It's not that things are better left unsaid. Rather, it's time to pull a rabbit out of a hat. Be courageous and don't let the conventional rules limit the possibilities. You can bend the rules today if you are careful.