23rd, 2005 |
other places i've been today:
ok, how weird is it that my friend, kiitos just wrote this in her lj:
"I found three pennies today. They were in a triangle. Two were tails and one was heads. One was 1981, one is 1991, the heads up was 2001. I think that's kinda freaky. Thingie?"
i commented:
"wow, that is freaky!
because i was JUST making triangles from pennies just now! (look at my cam
each triangle composed of 10 pennies!
10 being symbolic to me right now for a bunch of reasons i wrote in my journal.
and your pennies are all 10 years apart!
how bizarre!"
i also realized last
night that i was born at 11:56am (i think)
so another 11:11 :)
as i lay in bed today i was coming
up with patterns i could make with 40 and 44 buffalo nickels.
so just now i tried out different ways with some pennies i had.
it's cool how 10 coins make a triangle.
then out the 4 triangles together and it makes 40.
then at the end, to make it 44 (for the sequel, ha :)
i came up with different positions the 4 more could be in to make it 44.
with the cremaster films each movie had a symbol and i want to do that, too,
especially since i am into sacred geometry.
so i was really happy to find that 40 and 44 coins can make a very cool pattern
that is meaningful to the movie :)
also, when i add one more coin to
each set of 10 to make each 11.
it becomes a double 11:11 portal :)
6 of cups:
made a small goose soup. got most
of that cake from my dad's retirement in my freezer.
making a bath now.
going to do some laundry.
then after my bath i think i will just read until ANTM is on at 7, and then
lost at 8, and then csi at 9.
yes, a lazy day for me, physically.
i can't believe tomorrow is thanksgiving.
i wonder what my dad is going to do for xmas this year.
it certainly will be strange for him.
he can't even attend church services at the church where he used to preach
at because when a pastor leaves they are nto supposwd to come back at all,
at least until the new congregation bonds with their new pastor.
so strange. "bonds". it's like puppy training or something.
argh. i fell asleep for awhile. so
much for my day. but at least i have my night.
maybe my body is so tired because i am processing so much information?
i better get to the little store pronto because it won't be open tomorrow
because of thanksgiving.
i need some cokes and some laundry detergent.
(ANA: collection of information on a subject)
i'm multitasking.
the numerology book was just perfect. many insights into the number 10, 40
and 44 (and all the other numbers)
then i looked up what one can do
with goose fat (since i have a bunch of it now) and found out it is used in
french cooking and even to make potato pancakes for chanukah.
then i looked into chaos magick and what it is, and it sounds cool, but i
don't even have time to read about that today. it's just so much.
now i am looking at my tree of life taror book, and every page i turn to just happens to be the exact one i need to read about!
all of a sudden i am overcome with
sleepiness and this aggravates me.
i just want to go back to sleep soooo much!
so i am trying to decide if more sleep would be benificial or if i will counteract
it with going to the little store and buying some red bulls. because i reallt
do not feel like sleeping my afternoon away when there is so much to do...
but my body is saying..sleeeeeeeeeeep.
ok, how fucking COOL is it that the
6 of cups happens to be corresponding to tiphereth???
what are the chances that "40 in portal" woudl numerologically add
up to 46/10 and and the corresponding tarot card is 6 of cups, which means
so much of what i have been thinking about lately and going through..and now
i find it ALSO corresponds to tiphereth?
and 10 is the number of "conversion"
things to go back to examine further:
ana beko'ach
Ana becoach prayer was written on the first century by Rabi Nehonia, a great kabalistic. The prayer was written according to the seventy names of god – a term related to Abraham. The Ana becoach is composed of seven lines and six names at every line. The combination of Ana becoach is hidden in the first 42 letters of genesis book, from the word Bereshit to Vavoho. The letters are translated using a secret kabalistic calculation.
The Ana becoach is a part of the Shaharit, Minha, and in the Shabat prayer before Lecha dodi. Today, Ana becoach is somewhat ignored and in many prayers it is not used any more. The Ana becoach is greatly evaluated by spiritual and kabalistic that know the great influence of this 42 letters combination, there for you can find the Ana becoach at many talismans, signs and religious art.
The Ana becoach helps us to realize that the material does not limit us and that our consciousness has the ability to rise high above.
TITLE: Tiphareth, Beauty. (Hebrew spelling: Tau, Pe, Aleph, Resh, Tau.)
MAGICAL IMAGE: A majestic king. A child. A sacrificed god.
SITUATION ON THE TREE: In the centre of the Pillar of Equilibrium.
YETZIRATIC TEXT: The Sixth Path is called the Mediating Intelligence, because in it are multiplied the influxes of the Emanations; for it causes that influence to flow into all the reservoirs of the blessings with which they themselves are united.
TITLES GIVEN TO TIPHARETH: Zoar Anpin, the Lesser Countenance. Melekh, the King. Adam. The Son. The Man.
GOD-NAME: Tetragrammaton Aloah Va Daath.
ORDER OF ANGELS: Malachim, Kings.
MUNDANE CHAKRA: Shemesh, the Sun.
SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE: Vision of the harmony of things. Mysteries of Crucifixion.
VIRTUE: Devotion to the Great Work.
VICE: Pride.
SYMBOLS: The Lamen. The Rosy Cross. The Calvary Cross.The truncated pyramid. The cube.
TAROT CARDS: The four Sixes.
SIX OF WANDS: Victory.
SIX OF CUPS: Pleasure.
ATZILUTH: Clear rose-pink.
BRIAH: Yellow.
YETZIRAH: Rich salmon-pink.
ASSIAH: Golden amber.
i'm psyched! my antena cd came today and my 2 books i ordered, one on master numbers and one about the tarot and the tree of life and how they are connected.
i want to delve into everything today.
but i need to focus, at some point.
i need to get those photos done for 12 babes of xmas.
i need to get back to so many emails.
thinga are up in the air. i have many irons in the fire.
but i still must stay focused on the 3 goals i set out to do before this year
is up, too, and i have been slacking on that and now i only have 1 more month
and a week left.
then i still have to tell you the gruesome tale of "deconstructing goose"
more buffalo nickels are being sent to me.
it's grey out and 40 degrees.
i need to get to the p.o. and send things off.
i just need to get my act in gear in a big way and work like a work horse.
but i want to read my books. i will peruse them now as quickly as i can.
ARIES (March 21-April 19):
The English word "silly" comes from the
German "selig," meaning holy, blissful. In accordance with your
current astrological omens, I invite you to seek out experiences that blend
the ancient and modern senses of the word. For example, explore the possibility
that goofy joy is not at all incompatible with a yearning for the sacred.
Treat yourself to fun that fills you with both giddiness and reverence.
Don't just sit there -- make a decision and go after your dreams. Your ideas are right on target and your work is commendable. Don't neglect your personal responsibilities because you are too busy making money.
Eager for input
Valid during several weeks: Today, you are more in touch with your feelings
than usual, and you show greater emotional sensitivity in your interactions
with others. It may be good to talk about your feelings with someone today.
This feeling quality makes you a good listener. You are eager for input, and
you would much rather listen to others than have to take the initiative yourself
to start a conversation or make the connection that brings you together. When
others talk to you, they will perceive your interest, sympathy and concern.
They will realize that you aren't playing ego games with them.
You need to keep busy today, so find yourself a project that you can sink you teeth into now. The reason is that your energy must have somewhere to go or something will catch you off guard. You may have very little patience and can be easily irritated by minor interruptions. Focus your intensity and you might just be able to do a couple of days work in one day.
Wednesday the Sun freshly in Sagittarius squares the Moon. We begin the last quarter of the lunar cycle. The big uglies and scary aspects of others and ourselves are more apparent and less shocking. While we have this clear vision of the dark side feel free to tweak with it at will. The Virgo Moon lends a mental hand, would be a good time to break the demon up into a series of lists, a step-by-step format for slaying or converting those dragons.