november 20th, 2005


today my dad retired from the lutheran ministry.
it was the last time i got to see him in the pulpit and give a sermon.
i didn't realize how much of my identity was wrapped up in being a minister's daughter until today.
also, it was the last thing in my life that had any continuity to my childhood. i am 4 months older than his career in ministry.
i also realized more things about me that are very much like my dad.

there was a dinner afterwards and then a ceremony of sorts and after that more cake and coffee.
there was so much cake i got to take one home with me and it has one of those photos of dad on it, now that they can print photos into icing. i won't be able to eat that part because it's seems too creepy to eat a photo of my dad. so i will scrape it off and maybe it will "fossilize" so i can save it :)

there was much swedish meatballs and hotdish type of items. there were bowls with every single kind of jello with stuff in it than you can shake a stick at and there was TWENTY NINE huge bowls of rice pudding (because my dad asked for rice pudding, it's his favourite, evidentally :)

i was like a mini celebrity and got hugged by just about everyone on earth it seemed. even tho it was about my dad and his history, it was also my history as people showed up from every single church he was ever the minister at (5) and 3 of those churches i had been a part of in a big way. there were people there who had seen me as a baby when my dad was ordained, there were people from every town i had ever lived in and had seen me at all ages. people i had not seen in over 20 or 30 years! it was amazing!
there was more people in that church than i had ever seen. they had to get out folding chairs because there was not enough room in the pews. it took 1 1/2 hours just for everyone to get food who was in line. people were crying and hugging. it was intense the amount of adoration my dad had today!
a really cool part was after my dad made a little speech, people clapped but then i stood up to give him a standing ovation and then the entire congregation followed suit and stood up and gave him a standing ovation, too :)

i'm still trying to take it all in.

i have to try and figure out how to get this cake in my fridge. it must weigh about 12 pounds.

i tried to document the lutheran culture as best as i could, but i didn't really do a good job because i was too busy. i'm really sad i didn't get a photo of all the JELLO! i really have a soft spot for quirky lutheran culture because it's my roots and i was in the thick of it today. more norwegians and swedes in one place than i have ever experienced. i met relatives i didn't even know existed!

anyway, that is all i can say for now because the rest needs to perculate in me for awhile.

i curled my hair (slept in rollers) and looked smashing in my vintage dress and vintage shoes.
these photos don't really do my outfit any justice because they are from my cam and you can't see the entire ensemble and i'm just too tired to make more of an effort to capture it.
it's cool that my hair is getting so long now that i can curl it and it still goes past my chin :)


i like showing you pictures because they are a diary in and of themselves as to what i am thinking about.

for those of you who missed the days
of me being a curator in the museum of odd life...
i present to you the days you missed...

click on the 1st pic to start it slideshow style.

david lynch's twin peaks japanese coffee commercials: (1677KB) (1639KB)

more intriguing images:

some beautiful and dark joel peter witkin photos and more...
if dead bodies used for the sake of surrealist art bothers you, don't click this link.
(it isn't all dead bodies but there are a few...they aren't bloody or anything)
for the daring click it:

a juxaposition of images.
"cake secrets (balance and your eye)"
(warning: some graphic violent imagery)
(warning: a few images are from the civil war and the holocaust)

an amazing video of a japanese sand performance artist (for lack of a better term for what this is). is very beautiful!
big file. it's over 10MB


Horoscope for Aries (November 20 2005)

Avoid any squabbles with friends or family. Take care of your responsibilities without being asked. Money will come your way if your intentions and motives are good.


Take the time
Weak, transient effect: Tonight you will meet some sort of challenge to the structure of your daily life, that is, your home life, intimate relations, routine daily contacts and so forth. All of us have hidden tensions that cause us to operate in ways that we do not understand. The effect of this influence is to bring these tensions to the surface. Thus you may feel ill at ease within yourself and have a bit more difficulty in getting along with others, particularly with men. Now several small areas of your life may simultaneously reach a crisis that forces you to pay more attention to what is happening. This is especially likely to happen with situations or persons that you have been taking for granted. You should take the time to correct little problems as they arise and give them the attention that they require.


Conflicts between your head and your heart just don't seem to go away as you move closer to the emotional cliff in front of you. The Moon in cautious Cancer, however, reminds you to take it slowly. There is no need to put yourself or others in physical or emotional danger by jumping into the abyss just to demonstrate your self-confidence. You will be more authentic by showing your fear and respecting the unknown.


Sunday the moon trines the sun, giving a lift to the waning energies and the emotional heaviness that the early weekend brought up. Late in the evening the moon moves into Leo and we get a burst of fortitude and energy that can help us put all of it to bed in anticipation of a new week. Might even make a great night to mix up your own personal version of the Venus/Mars combo with a person that feels the same. In the middle of a kiss we're all from the same planet.