november 11th, 2005


i've been trying to download banned disney cartoons all day.
it takes forever.
all some really weird david lynch short films and this bizarre commercial he did for "georgie coffee" for japan with everyone from twin peaks in the commercial...even the log lady!
i will upload them for you because you have to see them!


i should really get out for a walk today.
really really really.


2 things you might consider being:

1. an archaeocryptographer
2. a Coredemptrix

thought of the day:

In Hebrew, there are no vowels, so many words that seem quite different are numerically the same. For example, the word for king is the Hebrew MLCh, and the word for clown is ChML. So from the standpoint of Gemetria, a clown is the mirror-image of a king , and numerically, they are the same (570). (Shakespeare took this clown-king idea very seriously. In his plays, the fool and the king are often in many ways two facets of a single character. The fool stands for everything that the king knows "subconsciously" and does not want to admit or dare to speak.)

fact of the day:

The legend of the Third Degree, involving the building of King Solomon's Temple, is an integral part of Craft Masonry

creative task for the day:

doodle an "egg/snake teapot"

quote of the day:

"The Opposite of Conspiracy Theory is Coincidence Theory"
---Genie Brittingham Erstad

shape of the day:


word of the day:

is German for "own", "peculiar", or "individual"

number to put into google image search:



anacam in hieroglyphics:

O rbiting W ide-angle L ight-collectors


Horoscope for Aries (November 11 2005)

Look for ways to take better care of yourself. Proper diet, better lifestyle and sufficient exercise will pay off. Be smart and you will be a lot more efficient in the long run.


Your negative side
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you are inclined to keep your feelings and innermost thoughts to yourself. A sense of loneliness or isolation frequently accompanies this period of time, or depression and a general sense of pessimism. Domestic problems may also accompany this influence, usually because you feel that in some way your domestic life is not giving you what it should. This is part of a larger feeling that you are not getting support or assistance from anyone or anything, which may or may not be true. Your real problem is either that you are cut off from your emotions or that your emotions are too unpleasant to deal with. This influence may force you to briefly experience what you consider to be your negative side. Thus there is a strong conflict between what you think of yourself and what you think you should be.


It's best to just walk away from any negative situation, for your execution will not be as effective as necessary. You could waste precious energy by instigating verbal attacks that aren't quite on the mark. But if it feels like you cannot make progress, remember to be patient. You will easily get yourself back on track tomorrow.